349463 tn?1333571576

I know it's early, but are you going natural or with an epi?

It's been an ongoing debate in our house even before we got pregnant. Should I go natural or just get the epidural? With my first pregnancy I worried about the pain of delivery every day from the moment I took the test. This time I know what to expect and so I don't worry about it, but I'm mulling over my options.

In this day and age why not get the epi? I know there are risks with the procedure, slowing labor, more likley to tear, etc. Or should one try and go natural? I went from 0cm to 10 all natural and they gave me the epi because they thought I was at 3. Pushing was hard because I had too much of the meds on board. In an ideal world it should have been the other way around. Pain relief for 3-10 and then wearing off in time to push. If I already know what it's like to go from 0-10 then maybe I can do it again and go natural then I don't have any risks to deal with. I also remember how much it hurt and when I think of that I want to get an epi around the 8th month before I ever risk feeling an single contraction.

Decisions decisions... what are you guys planning on doing??
31 Responses
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349463 tn?1333571576
You know I meant to give another option...

The wait and see... could go natural could go with drugs just going to wait and see how it goes.
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473246 tn?1293833673
I am planning on getting the epidural because I am afraid of the pain.  I also saw my sister go through labor with an epidural and the experience was very calm and stress free.  I heard other ladies with no meds screaming down the hall!  

Maybe I will feel differently when the contractions hit, but I will have no reservations about requesting that epidural!
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287246 tn?1318570063
I plan on the epi.  I have had it for 3 out of 5 births.  I def prefer it.  If you go from 0 to 10 pretty quickly, then going natural may be okay for you.  But it is never quick for me no matter what.  Some think that labor gets faster with each birth, but that has not been my experience.  I mean for some it may be true, but it hasn't been for me.  Now, the pushing part has been much easier from baby #2 on.  With #1, it took 2 hours of pushing to get him out, but with all the babies since then, it only takes a few pushes to get the baby out now, so that part has gotten easier/faster, but not he actual labor itself.
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210400 tn?1325380570
I'm not too sure. 3/4 of mine were natural with my 4th being an epi and my longest labor ever...too bad I opted for the epi and had to push 15min later (I was a 4 when they put it in).
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439903 tn?1380137882
i want to try for au natural, im hoping it goes that way but like NicMom said, ill just wait and see. If it is too much, ill just op for the meds...but i wanna be tough, at least once =)
it is interesting though seeing everyones views on what and why...
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439903 tn?1380137882
oh, i had a question, ill ask my peri but maybe you guys have heard before....i have cervical incompetence, with that is there a possibility that my cervix will be soft after they take out the cerclage and i could go 0 to 10 quick too? that would be nice!!
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349463 tn?1333571576
I didn't have the cerclage. They found out I was dialated at 19 weeks and I spent the rest of the pregnancy on bed rest. It took 4 days of 7 minute contractions at home to make it from 1 to 3. I was 3cm at 36 weeks 6 days when my water broke and I went from 3 to 10 in about an hour.

I hope it goes quick for you! I hope it goes quick for all of us!
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644974 tn?1312758070
my first son was 36 hrs and after 20hrs i had to have an epi it was horrid tho alothough it took all my pain away the after effects lasted along time, for instance you will have a catheter yuk! for 24hrs after birth well i did and i tore badly he was 8.3lb. the next day when the catheter was taken out i ha dlost alot of bladder control and wet myself a few time till i got the feeling back i wasnt aloud up that day and that made it really hard, the following day i had a horrid headache that the epi causes and im telling you its horrid!!!! i felt faint and my back hasnt been the same since! Next son was 9.5lb and was all natural was very hard but was so much easier to recover from no stitches no tears or anything!! all that said im not sure this time just go with the flow if i simply cant do it any longer i will try pethadine first then epi last,
hope all goes well for each of us cant wait to hear all our birth stories!
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I was 19 when i had my son, its when we had a heat wave of 107 in wisconsin and i stayed in a small apartment with no air condition, and i kept having braxton hicks, i went to hospital twice and they sent me home lol. Then the next night i go back bcuz the contractions were not going away. I was in labor for 28 hours. They induced my labor and broke the water bag. I was at 5cm for a long time, when they induced me, those contractions hurted like hell coming back to back to close. 12 midnight i taped out, i could not take the pain of the contractions anymore, i got the epi and the baby came at 2am.

Im going to try and go natural, but if the pain is unbareable i will get the epi:)

I seen part of the video tape of my cousin when she was in labor and she was cursing up a storm and screaming, she was laying sideways on the bed with her head hanging off the bed, she was like i need the epi, they said its to late she was like no, i need it now, they were like your 10cm and you need to start pushing, her mom and husband had to hold her legs bcuz she wouldnt be still and kept tryn to go every which other way except the right way. that was her first child, but i think that video wouldve scared a lot of teens who are having sex lol.
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349463 tn?1333571576
That's funny keep that video incase you have a girl and make her watch it around 14 years old.

I will say with the epi I tore like a mutha, 3 4th degree tears it was horrible. I remember a few minutes after the baby came out and the dr was stitching me up she said I was going to need surgery to fix the damage. She said "it may never look the same again" I was just laughing and said something about who was going to be looking? That was the last thing I cared about at that moment.
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439903 tn?1380137882
see and i remember when an old friend of mine had her son, she wasnt able to hold him for almost 3 hours after he was born because she was shaking uncontrolably while her body was coming off the medicine. not only that, Dylan was all drowsy and i dont want the baby to get any of the side effects. i mean it wasnt too bad but still.

i want to try to bare the pain, if i cant, well then i cant but i want to try to keep in mind, its too late to get it the whole time im dying....ive heard by more mothers then not that the second you look at your baby, you remember that you were in pain but you forget how bad it truly was. im going to hang on to that!! =)
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287246 tn?1318570063
When I have had an epi, none of my kids have been drousy or anything.  I never really got drousy either; just relaxed.  I just enjoyed labor so much more when I couldn't feel it so much :)
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439903 tn?1380137882
hmmm, maybe she is just a bad example then. im guessing then just like anything else you put in your body, it has something to do with your chemistry. because there are so many different effects it does to woman and so many woman that can relate to some and not others....so what happened to her, there is not guarantee the same would happen to me, but its still the possability of it i guess that kinda sets me back. its just exciting getting to talk about it....
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349463 tn?1333571576
I didn't have any side effects other than bad tearing. The cathader didn't bother me at all, they put it in right after I had the baby while I was still all numb and left it in until about 6 hours later. It didn't hurt or cause me any discomfort. I was just sleeping anyways. The way the nurse put it, after you have the baby if you don't get up and pee in a certian time frame they give you the cathader anyways.

I bonded with the baby for a few minutes, a ham sandwich for a few more minutes, and then I was out for the next 5 or 6 hours straight.
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178698 tn?1228774338
Although I'm not excited about getting an epidural I'd rather do that then natural childbirth.   To me not getting the epidural is like getting a root canal without novacaine.   Seriously would you let a dentist drill on you without it?   I think not, hence my vote for the epidural.  
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178698 tn?1228774338
Oh...I forgot to mention I am having a c-section so I don't have much choice in the matter,  however, the my very first delivey was vaginal and I got the epidural right away.   There's no way I could have done it with out it.  The inital contractions were bad enough...I couldn't imagine how they'd be if I was in full on labor.
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287246 tn?1318570063

There are other anesthesias that they can put in your IV that can make your baby drousy.  I am not saying that the epi didn't make your friend's baby drousy, but sometimes people will get something like Demerol first and then get an epi later.  That's just an example.  But then again, if enough time elapsed from the Demerol to the birth, that shouldn't effect the baby anymore.  But just keep in mind that a baby is going to be very tired for the first 24 hours after it is born.  The birth itself is very traumatic for a baby.  So, for the first 24 hours they sleep a lot and I say enjoy it!  LOL!  Because you will need the rest.
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349463 tn?1333571576
Well I talked to my mom about it last night and she was shocked to hear that I didn't get the epi last time until I was at 10cm. How does she not know this by now? Anyhow she thinks that given how far I went last time I should go natural. She said that pushing was  a natural experience where your body just takes over. She also said the most painful part of child birth for her was the laboring not the pushing.

Anyone who has gone natural can you confirm this?
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287246 tn?1318570063
With my 3rd baby, I was almost an 8 by the time I got to the hospital.  I was at a 10 before the anesthesiologist got there, so they wouldn't give me an epi then.  They said it was too late.  But they just gave me a local to get through the pushing.  My doc tried to talk me out of it.But I went ahead with it.  It didn't numb my legs or anything.  Infact as soon as they cleaned me up, I got up to go to the bathroom.  Could I have done it without it??  Yes, because it only took like 3 pushes to get her out, but there have been times during that part of the process where I have literally felt like I was being ripped apart, so the less I can feel of that, the better.

I would just see how it goes and go from there.  If you get to the hospital and are fine with going natural, and that's what you want, then you can do that.  But if the pain becomes too much, you can always change your mind and get the epi or even something else to help dull the pain.
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761653 tn?1266271699
Back to the root canal thing, when I was yonger ie. like 12 I wouldn't ask for anything to numb me while they did what ever they were going to do on my teeth, however, I am a big baby now, and I refuse to go to the dentist unless it's necessary!

That brings me to another point is if you think you can handle it, try it, the most that you can do is ask for it later or some other type of pain realife when the time comes.  

I'm thinking about two different ways to go about it.  
First would be got get the epi as soon as I get there, however, have the doctor keep the meds truned down until I really need it, that way I could get up and walk around to ease the pain and to see if I could take the pain.  
The second would be to get the epi as soon as I needed it...  The only thought in my mind about that would be what if I'm already at 10cm and I needed it now and couldn't continue pushing because I was soooo tired/in so much pain.  And what if the local didn't work?!  
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349463 tn?1333571576
slzerbst, that's exactly what I'm talking about! What if the pain of pushing is too much and I freak out?! Isn't it too late to get anything at that point?

I remember the pain from the contractions was so bad that towards the end I was just rocking back and forth sitting up in the bed doing crazy breathing. I was consumed with pain does it still hurt that bad when you are pushing?? Because if it does I don't know how you would concentrate on what you have to do.
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439903 tn?1380137882
Michele, i never thought about that!! i dont know for sure what caused it of course, i had just heard that happening before but apparently it isnt as often as i had assumed! so how many of you that have other children had the longest first delivery ever? thats my biggest scare. i dont want to be in hard labor for days like you hear sometimes....my mom was in labor with me for 19 hours and i was 3 weeks early....they always say the first is the longest and hardest but yet you do hear the stories of first timers having a 5 hour labor and the baby came just like that....that would be nice!! is anyone considering water birth?(if you do water birth, you dont get the api right? isnt it suppose to be a form of pain relief?) or going to a birthing center instead of a hospital?
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439903 tn?1380137882
epi** and i meant not a form or relief but a more relaxing way to give birth which is suppose to make is not as painful...at least thats what i am understanding, since its not an option for me, ive never really looked into it.
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287246 tn?1318570063

Is it too late when you are at a 10 for an epi??  Well, if the anesthesiologist is right there, they can give you the local I was talking about.  BUT, that's the problem.  From the time you decide you need the epi, they have to locate the anesthesiologist and they may not be on the floor or may be with another patient, so by the time they get to you, it could be too late.  That has happened to me before so I always ask for the epi before I actually need it.  There is just nothing worse than being in pain and then being told that it's too late and there being nothing that can be done about it.  Now some doctors will let you get the epi as soon as you get there, but my doc normally has me wait until I get to a 4.  I don't need it yet, but because of not wanting to miss my window, I go ahead w/ it.  From my understanding, there is a window.  They won't let you get it past a certain point and that point probably  varies from hospital to hospital and doctor to doctor.


From what I understand about the water birth (I have never done that), you don't use any other form of pain meds or anything.  That is the purpose for the water is for pain management and relaxation, but from my experience, when you are in full blown labor, it will still hurt!!!  Like I said, I have never done it, but I have seen them on TV and those women look to be hurtin!!!
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