1293529 tn?1325184540

Baby Measuring 10 pounds 8 ounces at 38 weeks...What should I do???

My doctors have been concerned about my baby measuring big for a few weeks, always measuring 3-4 weeks ahead based on using the tape measure on the outside of my abdomen.  They had me get an ultrasound yesterday, I am 38 weeks and the baby is estimated to be 10 pounds 8 ounces.  They are worried that the baby cannot be delivered naturally because the head and shoulders are too big.  This is my first baby and I do not want a c-section but my doctor is making it sound like I will have to have one.  I don't even know how my baby got so big.  I was overweight before pregnancy but I have only gained 14 pounds this entire pregnancy and this baby is supposed to be over 10 pounds, that just doesn't seem right.  I was wondering is they could induce me now so the baby doesn't get any bigger but I don't know if there really is a huge risk with my baby being so big?  I am really scared now and just don't know what to do.  I really really do not want a c-section unless it is truly what is best for the baby.  I hear women deliver babies this big naturally all the time, right?

Any advice or similiar stories would be greatly appreciated.
31 Responses
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The worst thing that  can happen and its like an ob's worse nightmare is called "shoulder distocia" its when the baby literally gets stuck and cannot be delivered. If that happens theres a chance of suffocation. But if it was me i would try vaginal but if the doctor is encouraging a c-section for the safety of you and your baby then i would do it. and yes women do it everyday but every delivery is different. You should talk more with your doctor and weigh the risks of each delivery option. And the weight of the baby can be off by a pound or more. I would talk with my doctor before making any decisions good luck
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1420648 tn?1295809833
My friend was measuring 4 weeks bigger throughout her pregnancy baby was almost 10pound, she was in labor for 59 hours and it ended with c-section
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1440696 tn?1307117209
I'm a bit skeptical when the docs use u/s to get a weight on the baby late in pregnancy. They told me my son was measuring over 8 lbs and he was born at 6 lbs 3 oz.
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1194973 tn?1385503904
Sooo many doctors say c-section has to be done because baby looks bigger and in reality isn't. Ultrasound weight estimates are just a guess and can be off by a decent amount. I would at least try vaginal birthing first, and if needed a c-section can be done.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
They were telling me my son would be "well over" 10 lbs and that I was a candidate for an elective c-section..I said let's try vaginal and we can do a c if we need to. Well I'm glad I went with my gut because the delivery was SO short and SO easy and he was only 7lbs 10oz....I had a lot of amniotic fluid which distorted the measurement. I say try vaginal first..they never know for sure how big a baby will be, you can always do a c-section like Clysta said if the need arises!
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187316 tn?1386356682
I agree that ultrasounds are NOT accurate for determining weight. I was told my daughter was measuring 3 weeks small via ultrasound and she ended up being born one oz shy of 7 lbs. Which is exactly where she should be around 39 weeks.
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1293529 tn?1325184540
Thanks for your story, did you get induced or did your son come on his own?  At what week was yor son born?  I am just concerned that if I keep waiting for baby to come on her own that she will be even bigger.  My check yesterday showed I have not yet dialated at all.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
I was induced for medical reasons about 4 days before his due date, so he was pretty much full-term (born at 39 1/2 wks). If he had gone to 42wks he would've only been about 8 1/2-9 lbs, which is big but not unreasonable :-).
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1343283 tn?1300898264
Women in our family have given birth vaginally to 10 and 11 lb babies with no problems
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964234 tn?1331949207
I was told the same thing that my baby was estimating huge and would most likely need a csection.  My water broke at 38 weeks, so I had to be induced.  I fully dialated and pushed for 3 hours and my baby wouldn't come down his head was getting strained.  I had to have a csection anyway.  My son was 8lbs 3 ozs, so I am sure if I went to 40+ weeks he would have been as big as they were estimating (10+lbs).  I say it doesn't hurt to tell them you want to try to deliver him vaginally, and it is very obvious during delivery if it's going to work out or not.  :)  Good luck!
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Lisa, I found this great article:

While it clearly states it is not offering medical advice I think it's a starting off point for doing some serious research on "big baby" birth and it pretty much echoes my own personal feelings on the subject.

Also I can only reiterate what others have said here and that would be that sonograms are NOT accurate in the third trimester for predicting baby weight. If you try to take measurements of an adult, curled up in a corner of a pool and then add small waves to the water you would not get a clear measurement of how much that adult weighs. The same is true for baby in utero.
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938326 tn?1300878804
My last baby ( a year old) was just a few ounces shy of 10 lbs. I only pushed for about 5 minutes. She was my 3rd baby but mind you there is 12 years between her and my then youngest. We weren't expecting her to be quite that big. None the less, its quite possible for a normal vaginal delivery.
I also want to add that I did not rip or tear or have an episiotomy done, I have some abraisions but thats all.
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If you trust your dr, please listen to his/her advice. I had two Drs tell me c section would be safer due to size. I was disappointed and felt very guilty at first... I thought surely natural is best. Just about every forum furthers that sentiment. but then I heard my mums story where both of us neatly died because I was too big for her, now that was 30 years ago, but then a few months ago a friend nearly lost her baby as it went without oxygen - again too big. They have spent the first months of the babies life distraught with fear of brain damage. That's 2 of many stories.. Yes other ppl give birth to big babies, but that's irrelevant- it's about your body shape and your baby. That's why it's important to have a dr you trust for their advice on your situation. I had a beautiful baby born safely through c section so I may be biased... But I'd hate for you to feel guilty about whatever way you have to go.  Good luck!
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419158 tn?1316571604
I was told at 37 week that my DD was 9 lbs 13 ozs. I had her 2 days later and she was only 7 lbs 6. I was never offered a c-section. The doctors have no idea what your body can do and neither do you. Our bodies are amazing! Its nice to know that just in case they can do a c-section:) Best of luck!!
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I'm going to agree they can never say for sure how big your baby is going to be. They told me that my son was well over 9lbs he came out at 7lbs 3oz. Now on the other hand my friends son who was 10lbs 2oz she wanted to do natural and then ended in an emergency c-section.But it is completely up to you...Just know what the risks are that go behind trying to do it natural if they are telling you a c-section is the best rout. But no matter what you should feel happy with the choice that you make. Good Luck :)
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287246 tn?1318570063
I remember with my first child, I went to my last appt. before I went into labor with my son.  He was full term, so this was just a couple of days before he was born.  My doctor measured my stomach and said, "Yep, he's about 8lbs."  He was 7lbs 15 ounces.  He was pretty darn accurate.

I think you are going to get both sides here.  What I mean is that there will be people that have experience or know someone who has experienced a large baby birth and had problems.  You will also have some tell you just the opposite.  In the end, it will all depend on YOUR body really.  I barely got my son out (he is my first child I was just referring to) and know I couldn't give birth to a baby much bigger than what he was, but that's me and my body type/structure.  But I might also be able to get away with it today because I have had other children, whereas with my son, he was my first.

I would just express your concerns to your doctor.  Most doctors really just want what is best for mom and baby but if you are really opposed to the c-sec, you can tell your doctor.  Hopefully your doctor will at least let you try to deliver vaginally.  In case you do have a large baby and do have problems with a vaginal delivery, I would just try to be open to the possibility that you might have to have the c-sec, if your body doesn't cooperate.  

Good luck!
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1293529 tn?1325184540
Thank you all for your stories.  I actually have 2 doctors and my second doctor called me a few hours ago and pretty much stated that he wants me to get a c-section.  He stated that even if the ultrasound is off she is at least 9 pounds and may even be bigger as much as almost 12 pounds.  He does not want to risk shoulder dystocia.  I have read a lot about that today and the risks are low.  He is pretty adamant about the c-section though and wants to schedule it for this Saunday or Monday.  My husband and I cannot even sleep, we don't know what to do.  I really feel like I could give birth to a big baby.  I am a big girl and have big hips but I also don't want to put my baby in any unnecessary risk.  My doctor is not looking as induction as an option as he feels it often still leads to a c-section.  I truly believe that the reason my doctors are pushing for the c-section is the risk of a malpractice suit if something happened to the baby.  I really don't know what to do.  I will have to think about it tonight since my doctor is calling tommorw to set up the c-section.
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Is your baby engaged? That can apparently be an indicator of whether it will fit through your pelvis. Im sure your doctors are looking at that too.
I've been in your shoes, wanting a natural birth but also wanting the safest possible entry for my baby. Its horrible and people are full of opinions on this topic (and everything to do with parenting! ;). This will be over soon and the only thing you'll care about is your baby, nit how she got here.
Check out a link joyrenee posted in another thread - the unnecesearean. It's a good read.

Good luck!
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1035252 tn?1427227833
Girl I don't  know what to tell you...you have the right to fight for a vaginal delivery, and I would try. this sounds like one of those horror stories where the OB is trying for the easiest possible route without considering the broader implications. what do YOU feel comfortable doing? if you feel like your doctor may be right, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a c-section. go with your heart.

I personally would say "look, let's induce. if it ends in a c-section then it does. but give me some time. we'll monitor the baby and if anything goes wrong we can rush in and get him out....but I really think it's best for me and baby if we try it vaginally".

OR you can say "if you truly think this is best, I'll trust your opinion"...I'd personally toss in a "but you'd better be right about his size, ha ha!"

I don't know it's a very tough decision and one that I had to make...but my son was my second child so I had a pretty good idea of what to expect...but again, they ASSURED me that even if the u/s was off he was going to be at least 9lbs, just like you...and of course..he wasn't. so weigh that in your decision as well, there's just NO way to know before they're born. I even had one nurse urging me for the c-section, although both of my doctors were very supportive of trying vaginally even IF he was 10+lbs..they said just what we've all said "you can always get a c-section later if things don't go right" but my labor was only a few hours and I only pushed in 3 sets and he was out....and definitely not 10 lbs.

good luck with your choice, we're here to support you no matter what you choose! sometimes a c-section is unavoidable and there's nothing wrong with that, but if you feel comfortable I would stand up for my rights personally.
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1293529 tn?1325184540
Thank you all for your comments.  I talked to both my doctors again and they are willing to let me wait and try for a vagnal delivery but they both recommend the c-section.  They explained all the risks in more detail this time.  Since I am not dialated at all, have had no contractions we feel that I am not going to deliver anytime soon and baby is just getting bigger and bigger.  After many discussions with my husband and family, a lot crying, and much praying we have decided to go ahead and scheduled the c-section for this Sunday.  This is not at all how I wanted my delivery to be especially for my first baby but we feel that it is not worth even the smallest risk to my baby.  I would not be able to live with myself if I waited and delivered vaginally and the baby had any problems because of it.  So, though the circumstances are not ideal, I will be a mommy come this Sunday!
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Good luck! Sounds like a well thought through decision. I know how hard it is to make a decision like this... But you are doing the right thing.
The first few days are hard after the op, but it does get a lot easier. After a couple of weeks you will start feeling like yourself abd before you know it you will be able to everything like normal. from what I've heard the first few days are hard no matter how you deliver!
Enjoy motherhood! Please update us when you can.
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415867 tn?1323365503
Good Luck! I Just wanted to say I"m all for vaginal births however I am also an operating room nurse and do several c-sections, if your doctor is recommending i then there is a definate reason. You can't just look at the size of the baby you have to look at the womens body as well, to see if her pelvis will support a large baby through the birth canal. I"m glad you are doing the section, it sounds to me that its the best option in your situation.  Best wishes! and Congrats!
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977943 tn?1302255020
Congratulations on being a mommy this weekend!  I delivered my son vaginally at 10lbs 1oz.  We didn't know he was that big before I had him.  I pushed for 2 1/2 hours to have him and they ended up extracting him with a vacuum which we didn't want to do because of the risks.  He was fine physically, but he screamed the entire time he was in the hospital.  So much so that he went home hoarse.  I think it was from the traumatic delivery.  

I can tell you without doubt, that had I known he was going to be so big, I would have asked for a c-section.  Not for me, but for his safety.  So much could have gone wrong.  I actually talked to my doctor with this one about having a c-section if she was going to be big.  Well, she is on the same path as her brother based on ultrasounds.  Instead and based on another condition as well, I will be induced at 38 weeks already.  She won't be as big as yours when born though.  

Please know that you are doing the right thing for your baby. It wasn't your plan, but a healthy baby is so much more important.  Good luck to you!  Can't wait to see pictures.
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287246 tn?1318570063
I want to say, first, that I am so sorry that this is not going the way that you had wanted.  I know that's hard.  Especially with it being your first.  But you have 2 opinions and you sound like you have made a very WELL thought out decision.  What a great mommy already!!!  Despite your delivery disappointments, I am soooo excited for you that you will be a mommy come Sunday.  Once you see that baby's face, the "how" won't even matter anymore.  Congrats and good luck!!!  Don't forget to update and post pics when you are feeling up to it :)
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