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1527510 tn?1392301344

What does baby really need?

So I was just thinking about all the things that are available to buy for a new baby and there is just so much stuff. I know that all of it isn't needed but I just wanted to hear from mummies out there already on any advice or experiences they could share about what the essentials are to be buying for the new arrival and what are just added extras that might/might not even get used. I really do not want to go over board and have millions of things that will never be used because it would just be such a waste. So does anyone have any advice on what are the essentials you need for a new born. I know the obvious things - but you can still state them anyway, helps me get my list together!
22 Responses
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1527510 tn?1392301344
Yeah I'll definitely do research - more than I have anyway hehe. I just want to pump so that DF and our mums get the chance to feed baby and I would like to have some sort of supply in the freezer. I'll be on maternity leave for at least 6 months anyway so I will most likely be able to try find the time to pump which is good.
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1794093 tn?1357930759
See i didnt have a Medela brand pump, and ive never used one... but i had no problem with the manual one, plus i was able to pump faster and get more then the electric one i had..... but saying that if you really want electric i wouldnt waste money on anything but the best.... and if you go for a manual i really reccomend the avent... if you have a friend or family member that you could borrow from and trial what you like i would do that for sure! (you do sterilize everything anyway)
And the thermos of hot water is what i would do when we were traveling  or city trip... always have hot water for the bottle :)   then i could bring some brest milk as its not always easy to feed right when you babys ready and just  pump for the ride home because by then i would have time and would be ready! (obviously im not the driver)
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1486020 tn?1354028475
I got a playtex pump for about $80. It says it's good for occasional pumping. If you plan to pump a lot, you'll need a stronger (and more expensive) one. I know you said you were going to pump a little just so your fiance and mom could help feed and create that bond between them and baby, so maybe do some research about pumps good for occasional pumping?
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1527510 tn?1392301344
Yeah that's what I was afraid of. I just like the idea of the ease of use of the electric one rather than having to do it manually. I probably will just go for the electric one. It's paying for 300 for the Medela one that's bugging me. I know it will most likely get a lot of use but still it's pretty expensive. Guess I'll see nearer the time.
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1428239 tn?1333457053
the manual ones definitely do cramp your hands while using them so i have to change hands frequently...  If you do alot of pumping, electric probably is better.. if it works for you...  I love my manual pump but that could be because i used a hospital grade electric medela pump for 30 minutes and barely got anything and with my manual pump, i expressed 4 oz in 4 minutes
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1486020 tn?1354028475
I would definitely get an electric breast pump. Ive spoken with people who have used both and they say the manual ones kind of cramp up your hand after a while, constantly squeezing.
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It may have been mentioned...didn't read it all :-) sorry. a bath sponge...the one where baby lays in so he she can't slip in slide. best thing ever and makes bath time soo easy. instead of bottle warmer I used to bring flask of boiled water and just add an ounce of hot water into the cold water....saved time....
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1527510 tn?1392301344
Thank you ladies so much. I'm lucky that my brother and sister in law, and one of my very close friends both had babies just before Christmas and so they have TONNES of stuff that are wanting to give to me. Lots of little jammies, onesies etc which is good. My sister in law is giving me her moses basket since that was only used for about a month or so (and it's gorgeous so I'm happy about that). She's also going to give us the baby swing and a few other bits and bobs.

The breast pump was something I was wondering because I just don't know whether to use a manual or electric. Maybe something to look into a little more. I will be investing in a good pram though. The ones I have been looking at aren't bulky (I hate bulky ones anyway) and they are the stroller/carry cot/car seat travel system ones which is definitely better for money. I can just get another car when baby grows out of it. It's just much easier to snap the car seat from the car and onto the pram. I'm not really into all those accessories that will clutter up the place anyway so I'm not going to go mad on anything like that.
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1794093 tn?1357930759
So for my diaper bag i look for purses that have side pockets that can hold a bottle or sippy cup... you can find some really cute purses that work just as well as a diaper bag for less money and look good :) also can change them jsut as you would if you were buying a purse(PS im a purse a holic) and i got a graco travel system that isnt bulky at all! i love it... i dont know how much it is as the in laws went together and bought it but you can find tavel systems that are are nice, dont discount all cheap car seats as bad, i got one for the farm truck and it was $80... and my daughter seems to like it better than the $250 one! she has way better head support and she doesnt fuss as much... huge lesson for this round!!
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1854861 tn?1333474904
As a first time (and clueless!), I loooove this post! Thank you sooo much, ladies!
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581359 tn?1454006442
We had the graco seat that went from 5-35lbs we used it with our first two but are getting a smaller one this time around.  That seat gets REALLY heavy...i guess after baby is about 6-9 months you could just leave it in the car, but we already have the next size seat that is rear facing so when she grows out of the infant seat we will put her in that one.  I would spend less and get the smaller infant seat and then spend more and get a rear facing forward facing when your baby turns 9 months that will last until they are two or three.
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1428239 tn?1333457053
just to add,  graco makes a infant carrier carseat that goes from 5-35lbs.. the one that comes out of the car...  that would be the one i would recommend getting but you can always just get the 5-22lbs one too.. but definitely not the one tht doesnt come out of the car
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581359 tn?1454006442
I never had a wipes warmer so I can't say if it's a good thing to have or not. I just know my two girls survived without it.  Also a baby bath...I did use it with our first daughter a little and even less with our second...it's actually more of a pain then it's worth, I just washed the babies in the sink worked WAY better.  My girls didn't like the swing...some babies do and some don't, good luck with that one, lol.  But you do need something for the baby to sit in, some kinda of chair or even the swing just not turned on if your baby doesn't like it.  We used a papasan and our girls loved it.  Start saving you plastic grocery bags if you still get them at the store, they are great to wrap those poopie diapers in like Heather said.  I would say get quite a few swaddle blankets... receiving blankets, your going to swaddle the baby for a while an he/she will probably spit up on them and poop out of the diaper too.  You really won't need the super cute pricey outfits either...one or two for pictures or special occasions, but your baby will mostly stay in onsies and jammies most of the time especially when it's cold.  Of couarse a carseat is a must, I would start out with and infant seat that comes out of the car and not one that is from 5-40 lbs that can be turned around but stays in the car.  You'll like being able to pull the baby in and out of the car in the seat when they are sleeping.  We used a pack-n-play with the bassinet option and put it in our room for the first 6 weeks instead of a stand alone bassinet.  We also used it a lot on trips so it was a must for us.  A voice baby monitor is a must a video monitor isn't but would be very nice.  You'll need a lot of burp rags and bibs :-)  A diaper bag is a must but can just be a back-pack...just make sure it's got a lot of room. I LOVED having a portable changing pad...I used it everywhere.  Most bathrooms don't have the pads and you don't want to put your baby on one of those tables without something. You can use it in your car so if your changing baby and they go while you are changing them it won't get in your car. I also used ours at home for the couch and floors...we have a regular changing pad upstairs that I use but don't want to always run upstairs to change a diaper.  

I also agree that if you can spend money somewhere, spend it on a really good stroller...go with a jogger if you can they are easier to get around and if you are planning on having another baby get one that will convert into a double, phil and teds and valco are some really good options, but pricey.            
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1428239 tn?1333457053
I have just gone through this and got so much **** i did not need..

Investing in a good stroller is worth it... .  DO nOT get a travel system unless you are getting the most expensive one because the strollers are bulky as hell...  I would probably invest in one of the infant car seat that go up to 35 lbs (carrier type) if i could go back.. they are more money but you will get alot of use of of them.. . I just bought the snap and go stroller too, it is very light weight and designed to fit the carrier type car seats...  I have gotten more use out of it than my travel system one that i hate....  I plan to sell my whole travel system when I find a good deal on a 35lb car seat carrier and will use my snap and go stroller until she is abit older than ill go invest in a lightweight good stroller that doesnt require the car seat...

My baby loves her swing.. i didnt get one until she was 7 1.2 weeks old after holding her all day for naps for 4 weeks, she naps in it daily now ...  i love it..  Dont worry about buying one new, you can get them used for about 50% off or more...  Look for specifics, you will want one that can recline back, rocks side to side and front to back (the chair turns), and one that has a plug in option (this is important as the swings burn through batteries like no tomorrow)...

If you have a multi level house, i would get a bouncer too.. mine i bought new, plays music, has toys, vibrates..... it was $34.... watch for sales...  i leave that one upstairs and the swing downstairs... she didnt like the bouncer much at first but likes it now.. i would put her in it while cooking, doing dishes, bring it in the bathroom to shower sometimes, etc...  its light and easy to move around unlike a swing...

i dont think you need burp cloths, just use receivng blanket.. i never use either, dont think about it.. my dd doesnt spit up much though so that might be why.. but i bought a bunch of burp clothes that have never been touched.. on a positive note, they sell them at the dollar store here...

we use our activity may all the time, daily since like 4 weeks...  i have one that has a light up tiger that plays music so initially she just stared at that ... she used to talk and laugh to him all the itme.. then she started batting at toys and now she grabs it..

i would also buy sleepers and onsies used and pick out some cute outfits yourself....  i bought garbage bags full of sleepers and most are really cute and hardly worn....  i do occaisonally buy one new but i mean i saved alot by getting most used....

DO NOT invest in crib bedding, it is a waste.. #1 bumpers cause risks and shouldnt be used, #2 heavy blankets are not recommended .. it makes the nursery so cute but it is so for show.. I would pick out a couple cute fitted sheets.. My dd got a beautiful handmade quilt for a gift that she can use as her crib balnket when she is older...  the bed set are like $200

I didnt get a change table because our pnp has one on it but get a table.. they will say the safest place to  change your baby is the floor but its rough doing it on the floor.. i did it on the floor for 2 weeks while visiting family, no fun... i will probably get one soon since the pnp one is smaller than the normal ones...

i would get a play pen too but yo udont need a fancy one if you dont want.. thats another item that you can potentially get used.. my dd sleeps in hers in our room for now.. but once we transition her, it will be nice to have it set up to put her in when i have to run to do things because once she starts moving, i cant just leave her....

we hardly use our rocking chair.... she doesnt like to sit while being rocked so you might want to get to know your baby first..

we also got a small high chair that attaches to our chair rather than a big bulky one that stands on its own.. our is convertible too and can be changed into a booster chair when she is older... she started using it recently (3 months) because stage 1 reclines a bit.. she sits in it while we eat.. she loves to be at the same height..

alot of things are just for fun.. get a good breast pump if you plan to pump alot.. you might want electric.. electric did not work for me at all, wouldnt get anything...  i have a manual medela that works amazing.. you dont need to get BM storage bottles as glass bottles come with all the pieces to act like both.... if you pump alot, i would get the bags for storage... but keep in mind that pumping is exhausting and can be hard to find the time depending on your lo so you might decide ebf ends up being easier 90% of the time...

this is way too long, i guess what you need to keep in mind is that most things are luxuries and bring alot of clutter. so you might just want to hold off until you think you have a need for it and buy it then...

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1794093 tn?1357930759
I used my change table a lot and had it beside the dresser which made it easier when my daughter would need a quick clothing change but am currently debating whether i should keep it in the room as number 2 has to fit in there at some point as well and since my daughter is too big for the change table now i change her in my living room(i have friends that never owned one)... i never bought a wipe warmer, if someone gave me one i might use it but i wouldnt buy it, my daughter barely ever cried during diaper changes and my sister told me the wipes at the top would be dry but the ones by the time you got to the  bottom would be soaking wet)
i absolutely love my manual breast pump, i have an avent  brand one and i also have an electric one as well(i dont know the brand-from walmart)... but the electric one is noisy and way slower(even tho is says its supposed to be raelly quiet) and with a manual one you can control the speed and pressure better and the avent one has a soft silicone cup that goes into the hard plastic cup so it latches really easy and my electric one and some other pumps i have looked at only have silicone cups(no hard cover)... so i reccomend looking for one with both...
as far as diaper pails go, i agree you can live with out them but if you want to get one i first got one that uses kitchen bags, it has a fan, filters and it automaitcally put the diaper in the bag when you closed the lid adn i hated it, huge waste of money!  in the summer it was disgusting! with the humidity all the moisture would go up to the top and it broke as the moisture got where the bateries go! yuck! and when you change it you get a big blast of dirty diapers!! so i got a second hand diaper genie for 10 buck and i like it a lot better... it doesnt smell as bad, when you change it you can twist it off before pulling the bag out so you dont get the huge wiff of stink! (very helpful right now with the constant morning sickness)
as far as high chair goes, some prefer them and some prefer the ones that attach to a chair... i really like my high chair a lot, it does take up a lot of room but its worth it for me, its on wheels so its easy to move around, there is a top tray that pops off the main tray so its easy to clean or to switch foods if the first food was really messy, it adjusts up and down to your prefered level and easy to move her away from anything that may be in their reach lol (like papers on the table or whatever)

I bought an angel care monitor that has the pad that goes under the crib and alerts you if there is no movement detected and it only kicks in if sound is detected so you dont have that static sound all the time (or ever for that matter) she is almost 19 months and i still use it... i didnt go for the camera one just due to cost(even tho this one was expensive..camera is more) but im not sure if the camera one has this feature or not and id rather know that the baby is breathing at all times, but if it does have that feature then that would be cool! i know lots of moms who think both are a waste of money but SIDS scares me so much that this makes me feel better :)
I should also add that i live on a farm in a smaller house so when the wind gets going the monitor may pick up the vibrations and defeats the motion monitor(but only when its really windy) and you can shut the monitor off in your room and still have the monitor on in the baby room and it will sound the alarm in the baby room if the motion is not detected.... so if you are teaching them to sleep thru the night then you dont have crying in the monitor but will still hear the alarm sound in the room if needed...
i honestly didnt use the floor play mat(i always had her in her vibrating chair, or seing or beside me on the couch)... or my exersauser as i got a jolly jumper that was better so both those were pretty big wastes of money to me... i do reccomend looking for second hand as you save tons of money... i got my basinette for $20 and for how long you use it i wouldnt have paid anymore(loved it but could live wihtout it) and anything you can borrow... do it, save your money!! i have so much stuff for storage that is big and takes up so much room i wish i had the option of giving it back when i was done lol at the time i kept thinking that this is my first kid so ill get use outta it so ill buy it... but then your stuck with like i said so much big clunky stuff!

Also a microwave sterilizer! i love it!! i took it to a friends house when i went for a visit and they ended up going and buying one after and even the money tight hubby loved it! so much easier than boiling water and all that... i put 7oz water in it, microwave 4 minutes and its done! then you sterile stuff can be left in the closed container till you need it and if you plan on pumping a lot then i absolutely agree this is the best invention!

Just a little FYI If you plan on nursing you will need vitamin D drops to give everyday to your little one(so buy that ahead), vaseline is the only thing reccomended for baby bums for the first bit, and is needed for that sticky meconium! so thats a must! and having gripe water on hand is a good idea too as little tummies can get upset easy.... So for the vitamin D and the gripe water i got one of those things that have a nipple like a bottle and then a tiny cup for measuring that the baby can drink the medicine from... my sister just used the dropper into the mouth but my daughter would kinda choke on it a bit so this worked well for me... another thing that isnt needed but prefered...
i know i said a lot here but i should add a lot is for convenience, not absolutely necessary... so again if you can borrow you can get a better idea if it would be worth it to buy it next round(if you plan on more kids) and the more gagets you get the more room you need!!!
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1901977 tn?1333991726
There are 5 million baby clothes in thrift stores, all for like $1...and they go through them so fast hand-me-downs or used clothes are fine. I'm only buying new clothing that I've just got to have because it's just the cutest thing I've ever seen, otherwise, I'm not spending a lot of money on this.

This is my first baby, but I did some time as a foster mom to 6 babies under the age of 1 (most of them from 1-4 months). Especially for newborns, we used a lot of burp cloths, blankets, onesies, bottles, those little playmats with dangly toys they lie on, the bouncy chairs, and I think a playpen is worth it since you may have to put the baby down quickly to answer the door or pick up something, etc. Stroller, carseat, crib, rocking chair, changing table and a lot of diapers...all else is just for fun. :)
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1756475 tn?1330538713
I was watching a show yesterday and they said there were 5 essential items that you needed.
*a crib
*A stoller
* A carseat
*a few outfits (they said it should only cost about $100 for all that you need)
*and diapers

They said everything else was not necessary for the first bit.... not sure how much I believe that but that is what the show suggested.
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964234 tn?1331949207
My baby never liked the swing or the bouncy/vibrating chair, but loved to be rocked in the rocking chair in his room.  I used my stroller tons from the very beginning and am still using it to this day (my son is 18 months old) if I would have known how much I was going to use it I would have gotten a better quality one.  

A few things I thought as a mom were useless and were pointless once the baby came is a wiper warmer.... they don't do much except for dry out your wipes.  Also, the diaper pail/genie.  It is gross to me to have dirty diapers sit in a pail in your babies room and it smells even if it's just pee diapers and you change the pail every day.  Better off just putting the wet diapers in regular trash and taking your trash out frequently and double bagging the #2s and putting them outside in the garbage can...lol.

Baby monitors I don't have the video one, but I just have one that is voice activated and you can hear when the baby cries... I have used and still used this daily since I have had my son.  

Little floor mat/play gym I got a lot of use out of as well... once my son got older he moved on to the exersaucer, both great products, the highchair he has used at least 3 times per day since he was 6 months old.  

Bibs you can't ever have too many! Or onsies for a newborn/infant.  
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1527510 tn?1392301344
hehe thank you :) I was looking at those video monitors and they looks great.
The swing is something I would like to get too, from what I know most babies seem to love them, and it's great to have them sitting in there freeing you up for a while. A breast pump is a must too. I do plan on breast feeding but don't want to always have to be nursing - I was DF and my mum to be able to feed baby too so that everyone is involved.
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Idk why it put glories lol
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Oh and baby monitor is nice to have especially one with video surveillance. Gives you a piece of mind if baby sleeps in another room.
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Besides clothes, diapers, socks, caps, glories, things depend on climate for clothes.

A diaper warmer is really nice cause wipies can be Soo cold and tend to shock the baby when you change them while asleep. My daughter usually sleeps through a diaper change but doesn't like cold wipes.

Baby swings are great our daughter really loved it and it was a simple one nothing fancy didn't make a million sounds lol

Changing tables are nice to have so it makes organizing all of babies essentials easier.

Baby tub

You don't need a high chair right away or baby roller they can sit in.

A play gym they lay under you can get wont be long until they enjoy grabbing and looking at stuff

Stroller with carseat attachment is a given must have
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