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Soon To Be NICU Mommy

I am having a scheduled C-Section this Monday.  I will only be 30 weeks.  I did get both rounds of steroids, among many other things which will help boost platelet count in my little one.

We were diagnosed with NAIT, as I have the rarest platelet type (2% of the world) and am unable to carry him any longer.  

I know my story is not the norm, but I just wanted to know if anyone had advice on the situation and ways I can cope while I am there.

Thanks so much!
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Hey I hope u  and bubs are doing well! I know first hand how tough it is in there! I gave birth at 24 weeks, my daughter Lilly was 820 grams and for a good 3 weeks it was touch and go, it's a emotional roller coaster in there! I found some sort of routine helped keep me sane. The only thing u want to do is be with ur baby but u also have to look after you to. I got a journal and wrote down anything that came in my head that really helped! Lilly had bleeds on her brain and were told she might have serablepalsy. Nothing prpares you for that but just know that motherhood is a powerful thing and i believe these babies are only sent to mothers that are strong enough. Just know that there is light at the end.. Lilly is now 5 month corrected and doing so well! There are no more bleeds and so far it's all good. Hope u and your little boy are home soon x
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2066946 tn?1345523888
I am so happy for u guys that must be an incredible feeling u did good mamma !! He's going to have a really neat story to get told when he gets older ...so glad things turned out good
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Our baby was discharged Tuesday! He was in the N.I.C.U. for 6 weeks! There are many appointments ahead, but I am so blessed to have him home!
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2066946 tn?1345523888
I'm glad to hear he is making strides an doing good considering what he was up against he's a little fighter :)I'm almost 31 weeks pregnant with a little boy an i have a 7 year old daughter pumping didn't work so well for me either obviously you have no choice but to pump ..I'm sure everyone has told u about tons of fluids an phenagreek??(spell check )...I hope that gets better he's lucky to have a strong mamma though ..hang in there an thank u for the update ..
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He is still in NICU. He is on room air, but still in the isolette to keep his temp up. They say he'll probably be there until his due date, which is July 30th. That place drives me crazy!

He did have a brain bleed inutero, but we wont know the true consequences of it until he is older. So, for now, I just need to get my milk supply up and get him big!

Thanks for thinking of him! :)
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2066946 tn?1345523888
Kidashcart how's that baby doing ??its been almost a month since u delivered is he ok now ?? Update please :)
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1330108 tn?1333677304
Congrats mama!  Wishing you all the best in the NICU journey of motherhood.
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Thank you so much! I finally delievered yesterday at 31 weeks exactly and I am so eager to be with him.

Your words are very helpful and kind! God bless you! :)
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1330108 tn?1333677304
Just take it one day at a time. The NICU can be a scary place but you will learn to tune out all the beeps and dings and alarms. The NICU staff is amazing, they allow you to visit 24/7 and you can call any time day or night for an update. I would get up to pump breastmilk at midnight and three am and I would call for updates and talk to my babys nurse. Then at six I would wake up, pump and head to the hospital to be with her.

If you can, pump and bring breastmilk to the NICU for your baby, this will help your little one to grow and thrive much more quickly than if they have formula. Also talk to your baby, touch her, sing to baby and if possible place baby on your bare chest for "kangaroo care" or skin to skin care. This helps regulate baby's breathing, heart rate and temp. It's also great bonding for both of you.

Hang in there mama the first few NICU days are the hardest as is the day you are discharged from the hospital and your baby is left there but you are strong, you will get through this as will your little one. Wishing you all the best. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.
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