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Really worried and could use some answers

About five days ago a had a one-night stand with a woman I met online(dumb, I know). I've never done anything like that before and have been incredibly anxious about the entire thing ever since. We had protected vaginal sex and she performed unprotected oral on me. She also used a bottle as a dildo. When I turned the lights on, I realized the bottle was bloody, but she did not seem concerned. I've been incredibly worried about the entire thing since the moment she left my room, so much so that I vomited into my sink.

It's also important to note that even before the one-night stand I had been having some stomach pains and a loss of appetite, so some or all symptoms may be completely unrelated--I'd really just like to know if I have anything to worry about, and maybe some answers to some of the things I've been experiencing.

Later that night I dry-heaved a little and spat out about a teaspoon of blood, and became light headed for a period of time. The next morning I experienced some tingling and itching in my groin region, particularly around the head of my penis. The day after, the tingling/itching remained, I became much more anxious about it and lost a lot of sleep over it. On the next day the tingling/itching was replaced with a kind of a stinging pain at the tip of my penis throughout my classes. It felt kind of like a combination of something being inserted into my urethra, and a kind of throbbing ache.  This was accompanied by extreme anxiety, to the point of being unable to keep my hands from shaking.

This morning I was feeling much better about it, having convinced myself that everything I've been feeling is a result of anxiety and nothing else. Later, however, I began to feel a bit of pain along the ridge of the head and think I've discovered what looks like these incredibly tiny, flesh colored bumps, right under the ridge. The issue is that I'm not really sure if I'm seeing the bumps or if it's just folds in the skin. I can't really touch them to see if they have texture, and I can only really see them if I pull the hood taut and look at it in just the right angle--they aren't much bigger than flecks of pepper or something. It is in roughly the same area as the pain I've been experiencing, but I can't tell if it is actually the source. And the real kicker is that I'm not even sure if it's anything new or if they've always been there--I've never paid so much attention to my penis as I have in the past four days. I've been searching it on a nightly basis, pulling skin taut, searching every fiber, which could very well account for the pain.

What has also bothered me is that today I have had to urinate very frequently, have been feeling light-headed for a number of hours, and my left testicle has developed a dull ache. I have to wait another couple weeks before I can even have any tests performed, and have been bordering on panic-attacks on a nightly basis. Mostly, I'd just like to know if anything I've been experiencing is worthy of valid concerns or if I'm really just doing it all to myself--or even if my concerns are valid, but may not necessarily be the result of an std.
28 Responses
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Okay--sorry again to keep pelting you with questions, though I am slowly becoming more and more able to convince myself that I do not have any STD's which makes me wonder whether or not I should post this question in a different board. For the past several weeks, the head of my penis has been sensitive and susceptible to irritation. It has been chafing when I walk in jeans, resulting in raised bumps or small scratches. For the most part I've assumed this was a result of having washed it with antibacterial soap after the encounter, resulting in dry, sensitive skin. Applying zinc oxide to the area seemed to help with the chafing for a while, but it seems that the moment I stopped using it the chaffing returned. I've since started to reapply it, though I'm concerned. Another issue that has remained constant throughout is the fact that my urethral opening(meatus?) appears to have become enlarged, stretched, or swollen in some way. The (lips?) have become kind of puffy and bulge outward a little, and there is frequently a small cut or area of irritation just left of the puffiness. I'm not quite sure, but the opening appears to be longer than it used to--as if it has somehow been stretched or cut to be longer--and when I finish peeing, urine will often seem to leak down from it a little. There is also a very strange V-shaped depression under just below the urethral opening. It appears to be a pair of lacerations that won't go away that kind of surround the bottom of the meatus. If it were turned on its side and the dash were the meatus it would look kind of like this: ->

When the penis is erect, it looks downright terrifying. the depressions seem to become deeper, and it looks like a sizeable chuck of skin has been removed from the head of my penis. Beneath the depressions (between the bottom of the meatus and where the frenulum begins) are a number of pink folds in the skin where the skin had previously been smooth. The depressions, the swollen meatus, and the folds have been constant for the past three weeks or so.  Do you have any idea what would have caused this, or how to fix it?
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101028 tn?1419603004
nothing you've mentioned sounds like herpes.

type specific herpes igg blood testing does have issues. that said, everyone should be tested periodically for herpes if they aren't in a long term monogamous relationship to keep an eye on their status. we do have ways to confirm herpes infection that are helpful for the majority of people who experience issues with the testing.
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Okay, thank you. It didn't really sound right when I read it, but it created a lot of doubt. There are a number of things I've been wondering about concerning herpes that I was hoping you could clarify. It's been over four weeks since the one-night-stand, and I've read that appropriate symptoms should have manifested within about two weeks or so, and have read that the latest they should manifest in is about 26 days, which again has passed without notable symptoms. Presuming that the symptoms I've been experiencing (aching pain in the testicles, stomach pains before bowel movements, twinging pains in the head of the penis, and loose mucousy stools, and itchy burning sensations in my lap which anti-fungal cream initially seemed to help, though they've been returning despite continued use of the cream, though I can't find any signs of redness on my lap, the skin is pretty clear--also I've been having some cold symptoms as of about two or three days ago, though considering the probable effects of anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation, and malnutrition on my immune system while living on a college campus it is probably not unreasonable to assume it's just a cold) are not indicative of herpes symptoms, should that mean that I'm pretty much in the clear regarding herpes? Another issue is that when I asked the doctor about getting tested for herpes, she did not think it would be a helpful. She said the test would not be reliable due to a high chance of false-positives and false-negatives caused by antibodies from previous conditions--chicken pox, for example. Does this mean that I should not get tested for herpes once the appropriate time period has passed? Also, I developed an ingrown hair in the pubic region a few weeks back. The doctor was pretty positive it was an ingrown hair, and that even if it wasn't it didn't really resemble a herpes blister or sore. The ingrown hair popped shortly after applying a hot compress, though the hair is still lodged down there and the scab has remained for the past couple weeks, and has taken on a kind of purplish color. In any case, this is located in the same area I've been applying the anti-fungal cream, which means that invariably some of the cream is going to rub off against and possibly into the ingrown hair. Could this account for some of the burning sensations I've been feeling in the lap area? The itching and burning started mostly in the inner thighs, and there is still some sensation there, but the burning sensation appears to be coming primarily from the pubic region surrounding the base of the penis which is where the ingrown hair is located.
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101028 tn?1419603004
the poster who responded actually doesn't know much at all about herpes and has obviously scared you needlessly. genital herpes does not present the same way as any of your symptoms. Also the treatments that poster recommended are bogus too. really, be careful what you read online and believe.

none of your symptoms really sound more than you obsessing and paying far too much attention to your genital area at this point dear.
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This is how the post read, btw:

"Guys, I HATE to be the bearer of bad news...
I had the same situation as all of you. No symptoms, in a dedicated relationship, etc. I have been to several doctors and specialists, including a urologist. You guys are showing signs of asymptomatic herpes.
You could have had herpes lying dormant in your own body from the saliva from the girl who gave you your first blowjob. You could have gotten it from kissing that random girl at a frat party, had it lay dormant under your skin cells, then kissed your girlfriend years later, only to have her go down on you or you go down on her, and BAM, its dormant herpes on your penis time.
70% of people with it don't show symptoms and don't know they have it.
They sensitive or aching skin around the head, the tip of penis being sore or really sensitive, the pain in the urethra that feels like a urinary tract infection, the constant ache in the testicles, and what feels like a swollen prostate, mabe even with some anal sensitivity/swelling that makes bowel movements literally a pain the ***? DOCTORS DONT AUTOMATICALLY TEST FOR HERPES. They have to put a cotton swab down your urethra and twist it around, it doesnt feel nice.
Herpes is spread skin to skin, not just sexually, and it is ALWAYS active, but it can lie dormant for years or forever, and a certain diet high in arginine, and HIGH stress can cause it to start showing symptoms.......
They say that there isn't a cure, and that it can be beat, but f**k THAT. There is no cure for cancer, and people can rid their body of cancer, so I am going to f*****g try. I am trying the ACID/ALKALINE diet. Viruses feed on acid in the blood, so I am giving up alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, chocolate, and all women until I give this a real shot. I don't care if takes me two years of discipline.
The best way to get rid of acid in the body is Respiration/Perspiration/Urination/Defecation. I'm doing the P90X workout plan, I'm eating a large alkaline green salad everyday, staying away from foods with arginine, and NO DRINKING. It ain't easy, but it's only been a couple of months or so. If I do enough sweating and moving and eating right, I think I will be able to drink in the future as long as I stay disciplined.
I'm saving up for a FIR sauna (a good one costs about $2K in the US), but I think it will be worth every damn penny. I might buy an Alkaline water filter (which is another 2K I have to save up for) but damn, even if I don't succeed, I will finally be the healthiest I've ever been in my whole damn life. If anybody has any questions about why I am deciding on any of these things, or needs info, I will check back for replies tomorrow! "
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Okay... Sorry... Working on trying to calm myself down a bit, but there is one thing I'm curious about, mostly just to put myself at ease because everyone has been telling me it's nothing to worry about, but I'd like to be sure, and I can't make it to see a doctor until Monday--I don't have any insurance except for my student insurance. The testicle pains are still there--they aren't constant, they sort of come and go as a kind of dull throbbing ache. I will also occasionally have sort of twinging pains in the head of my penis. They are very brief, and are somewhere between a sharp pain and an ache. They feel more like they are coming from under the skin, almost like a half an inch down or something. In addition to this I've been having stomach pains and frequent bowel movements--about two or three times inside of a three or four hour period, though my body has since slowed down. I also recently had a bowel movement that consisted of nothing but a small amount of what appeared to be mucus with some blood in it. The blood was a fairly light color of red which I read was indicative of surface irritation  rather than any sort of stomach problems. Because of this I began searching some of the symptoms I've been having and found a message board with a group of people talking about similar symptoms--notably recurrent testicular aches, unexplained pains in the head of the penis, back and abdominal pain, negative urine tests for stds and urinary tract infections, no discernible signs of lesions, warts, or ulcers, irritation of the anus, and blood in the stool. From what most people were saying, it seemed like everyone believed it was prostatitis, however there was a post that claimed everything people had been reporting was indicative of asymptomatic herpes. This came pretty much right on the heels of having convinced myself that there is little or no likelihood of having contracted herpes, and that what I've been experiencing is either psychological or the result of something not std related, so as you can imagine I've been a bit distressed since reading this. At the same time, something does not sound quite right about the poster's claim and I have no idea whether or not their is any validity to it. I was just wondering as to whether or not you could tell me if it sounds right at all, or if it's more likely that the poster was misinformed or a troll.
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101028 tn?1419603004
you are obsessing!!!
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And my hips has been having this strange tingling sensation for the past hour or so--I'm sorry to keep pelting you with symptom.
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Okay...new issue. I've been chewing on my lips and the insides a lot lately. It's been kind of a nervous action. A little while ago today, I noticed a little pain in my upper lip when I was chewing on some food. It wasn't particularly constant. When I got to a mirror and checked I noticed a small reddish bump with a white head on the inside of my upper lip. I had to fold the lip back to see it  and it is fairly close to where the lip meets the gums. It hurt when I touch it, but otherwise there is no discernible pain. It is fairly small but feels relatively solid. Kind of like a BB under the skin. It's had me pretty frightened.
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101028 tn?1419603004
if they get constant or worse, be seen.
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Not exactly hunched--more or less reclined, though I do get your point, and I'll try to get out and be active more often. Do you believe the testicle pains are anything to worry about?
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101028 tn?1419603004
you've been hunched over a computer a lot right? get up and move!!!!
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Okay. Thank you. I do really appreciate how patient you're being with me. I have been having some other issues as well though... feel like kind of a mess. I've been having occasional testicular pain, usually localized to the left testicle, although not necessarily always. The pain isn't constant. It comes and goes, and is kind of a dull, throbbing ache. I don't know exactly how long it's been going on, maybe just a day or two, or maybe longer. I guess I've been feeling some twinges for a week or so, but haven't really thought anything of them. Now they're a little more noticeable and last longer. Additionally, today while I was waiting in a line I noticed my lower back had begun to ache, and now I'm currently experiencing some pain in my lower back, between my shoulder blades, and along my neck. I've read that back pains can be associated with herpes and have unfortunately added them to my list of worries, though I'm unsure if there might not be a different culprit. I've been suffering from quite a bit of anxiety and depression for the past four weeks or so with some occasional reprieves, and have lately been pretty fatigued, which has led to spending a lot of my time in bed...probably about half of the time when I'm awake, if not more--though a lot of that is spent propped against the wall with pillows for support... I'm not really sure if that's better or worse. As far as I've been able to tell, laying down has not been causing the back pains to go away, though i think they might subside, just a little. I'm also not exactly sure if I've been doing a very good job at keeping myself consistently nourished and hydrated. Even though my lack of appetite has subsided, I'm still not exactly getting excited about meals and have been finding it very easy to forget to eat. As for hydration, I've been trying to bring in lots of fluids, but my urine is dark yellow about as often as it is clear. In addition to this, I haven't worked out since the day before the one night stand, though, to be fair, it's been quite a bit longer since I've worked my abs, and the back paints are pretty recent--plus it wouldn't necassarily explain the neck or shoulder blades. I've also felt a slightly congested feeling in my chest--kind of like a knot or something, though I cough of clear my throat it doesn't feel like there's any phlegm or anything. I don't know. I feel kind of like a nuisance bombarding you with questions and symptoms, but does any of this sound like it's worth worrying about?
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101028 tn?1419603004
the skin is irritated dear, it won't take much to make it feel this way right now.  give the jock itch medication time to work and you can apply it to the penis head if you have a rash there too.
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Me again...sorry.... I went to see a doctor and she gave me some clotrimazole cream to put on the areas that I've felt the burning sensation in. This includes the inner thighs, the scrotum, the pubic region, and the base of the penis--I have not been applying to the head. So far it seems to have been doing the trick, but a little earlier today, after a fair amount of walking, I noticed the chaffing feeling in the head of my penis again. I'm pretty sure some of it has to do with my jeans which have become kind of lose and would hang down and chaf through my boxers with each step... I think I've been losing some weight over the past four weeks. When I finally was able to take a look at the head of my penis, there was a squarish patch of  somewhat reddened skin on the head that is sore to the touch, and I also noticed a number of tiny bumps under the skin. They are for the most part colorless--same color as the skin around them, resemble goosebumps, and I'm unsure as to whether they hurt or it is simply the chaffing. I don't know if they are new or not.... Just wondering if you know what they are.
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101028 tn?1419603004
sounds like a fungal infection going on. pick up some jock itch medication and start applying it there 2x/day.
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I've been doing better so far. The tip doesn't appear to be chaffing anymore, though the slit seems to still be there, it looks a little better though. I'm waiting back on the results of my blood tests, and I've generally been handling the anxiety much better, but there is another issue that I'm not sure if I should set up another appointment about. Lately I've been experiencing a burning sensation along the spot where my groin meets the inner thigh. It's in kind of a line along along the patch of skin that would normally have skin folded over it while standing up. I know the doctor said there would be the possibility of the antibiotics resulting in a rash, though that was almost 2 weeks ago and I'm not sure what kind of time frame he meant regarding that. For the most part I can't find any marks save for some pinkish looking patches along the line and some parts where the skin seems to be dried or hardened. It's mostly just kind of uncomfortable, and occasionally painful(like rug burn) and I'm not really sure if it's worthwhile to spend the money to have it looked at or if it's nothing and I should just wait and see it if clears up on its own.
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101028 tn?1419603004
probably just irritation more than anything.

you can do something as simple as apply a barrier cream like aquaphor, zinc oxide , a&d etc to the area - it'll help heal the delicate skin as well as protect it from irritation from clothing rubbing.
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Okay....sorry for all the questions, but my next appointment is about a week off and this is kind of getting to me... As far as I can tell it didn't exist previous to the one night stand, but I have a small kind of slit on the tip of my penis, almost right next to the urethra. It doesn't appear to bleed at all, but it tends to sting--especially when walking.... i think it gets caught on the fabric of my underwear. I'm not sure if it's the result of any kind of STD and I should go in earlier, or if it's the result of my previous prodding, in which case I'm curious as to whether or not there is anything I can do to reduce the pain and help the cut heal.
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101028 tn?1419603004
your anxiety is the biggest issue here.

follow up on any symptoms that concern you.
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Also, no, they didn't check my prostate.
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and now I'm back to being terrified. I just got done taking a pee and noticed a tiny reddish bump right along the top of the ridge of my penis. As far as I can tell there's only the one, it is incredibly small, and touching it doesn't hurt at all, but I'm really scared.
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101028 tn?1419603004
did they check your prostate when you were seen?

you had these pains prior to this. continue to follow up on them with your providers as needed. no real reason to think you contracted a std from this encounter.
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Sort of the same here. I have no pain peeing or drip and has being 3 weeks now. I seem to feel feverish and tired but think it is all anxiety related. Good luck
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.