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I Dont Know What I Have

So it Has been over 8 months since my last sexual exposure which was protected sex with a stripper. Instantly after id say about 20 mins later i felt burning and tingling, ever since that night my whole life has changed. I've had nothing but issues, a few weeks after I had flu symptoms, fever, dry cough for over a month, back and knee aches, I thought it was for sure HIV. I've taken many HIV tests and other STD tests but everything has been coming back negative. I have redness on the penis and discomfort which comes and goes, i've had butt aches, noticed hair follociles on my theighs and butt, nothing too big or major, blurred vision for 5 months now, Neasua and headaches every morning, I feel hungover, my memory has really gone down hill. A nurse mentioned taking a herpes test since they didnt test for that at the STD clinics and so i did, I never thuoght herpes because i didnt see anything on the girl and always thought pimples and blisters. so anyways long story short, my igm test was actually a divided test which was a type specific test, My hsv 1 IgM was negative, HSV 2 IgM Positive, HsV1 IgG Positive, HSV2 IgG Negative. I dont have the numbers on hand but my doctor told me I had been exposed to herpes within the past month. This test was takin 5 months after my incident and my penis had been locked up because i was afraid of passing what ever i had to anyone else. So i then did my home work to find out what a horrible test the IgM was, So at 6 months past exposure I took another IgG Specific test only for HSV 2 because i was not conserend about HSV1 and It came back negative. HSV2 IgG - .02. I keep having issues Im unclear on what it is, theres days i feel it is herpes because of all the symptoms that i have had. My legs have started to ache at night  knid of like Restless leg syndrom, My eye lid has been twiching for a few weeks now. I have seen a new doctor who wants to test me in another 3 months with an IgG. I'm confused and worried. help
8 Responses
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Thank you for all your help. Have a happy new year.
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239123 tn?1267647614
Online personal testimonials about herpes symptoms of this sort are useless.  20% of all Americans have positive blood test for HSV-2.  So if 100 people have unexplained symptoms of various types and are tested for HSV-2, 20 will have an apparent explanation that in fact is meaningless.  The scientific data are clear:  herpes doesn't cause such symptoms.

I already answered your last question; see the closing sentence of my reply above.  I not only suggest you not be tested again, but that you stop searching the web about your symptoms.  You'll never find an answer that way.

That's definitely all for this thread.
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I only keep questioning herpes because of what I've seen from other posts of people who have tested positive for herpes, It seems as I share the same symptoms as they do, except for any blisters and sores. I know my body and I knew instantly after that incident that something wasn't right. I have never been the type who over reacts about little things, I just want to get to the bottom of this and be cured or at least treated depending on what is going on with me. I do understand that my risk was pretty low being the fact that she was a stripper who was actually working that night, and my guess if she had herpes or any kind of outbreak she probably would not of wanted to be at work. I appreciate your help, so what your saying is that you truly don't believe this is a case of HSV-2 that I have, and not to even bother testing anymore since I have taken 2 IgG Specific tests after 5 and 6 months of exposure?
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239123 tn?1267647614
You misunderstood the meaning of my advice.  Be clear:  your HSV blood test results simply are irrelevant.  Should you have a future positive result, it will not explain your symptoms.  It would mean you have an asymptomatic HSV plus some other cause of the feelings you have described.  So my advice is that you not be tested again; there's no point to it.

That's my last comment.
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Thanks again, I will keep you updated when i follow up with my doctor. I truly hope I'm wrong and am not one of the 5% of people who just don't produce antibodies.
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239123 tn?1267647614
It is possible to have HSV-2 and not produce antibodies -- that happens in about 5% of people with HSV-2.  If you had some realistic chance of having caught herpes, or if you had symptoms consistent with herpes, it might be a consideration.  But you do not have either of those.  "I'm having the hardest time believing its not herpes" is an emotional response, not at all supported by any information you provide.  Herpes simply does not do any of the things you describe.

My advice remains the same:  look to non-STD explanations for your symptoms; I remain convinced you caught no infection during your sexual exposure 8 months ago.  You came to this forum for our judgment and advice.  You have it.  I can do no more.
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Thanks for your comment, I'm just really annoyed about this whole situation and it seems there are a ton of people out there who are having all the same issues but having Negative results, I just want an answer and a cure to what ever it is that I have, my penis has not looked the same since the incident it has not felt the same either. I've had everything but the classic outbreak. I was just curious on what the possibility of me not producing antibodies for HSV-2 IgG would be? I mean if i produced them for HSV-1 I should very well be producing them for HSV-2 Correct? Do you have any good recommendations on who I should see in the state of Michigan? I'm having the hardest time believing its not herpes.  I appreciate your help. Happy New Year.
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239123 tn?1267647614
Welcome to the STD forum.  Unfortunately, I doubt I can help.  You will hear nothing from me that you haven't been told many times in your 101 separate posts in several threads in several forums.

Your symptoms do not suggest any STD.  You definitely do not have HSV-2; as you have been informed before, you can ignore the HSV IgM test result and the IgG results clearly are negative.  Herpes is not a plausible cause of any of your symptoms.  And I doubt your new doctor believes it either; I have to believe s/he "wants" to test you for HSV because you raised the possibility of herpes, not because s/he thought of it.

My belief is that you did not catch any infection -- STD or any other -- from sex with the stripper.  If your various symptoms have anything to do with that event, I would suspect that many of them are the result of anxieties over the exposure, not due to any physical cause related to it.

My strong advice is that you stop looking for STD/HIV explanations for your symptoms.  They don't exist.  Continue to work with your new doctor about other explanations -- and if s/he doesn't raise the possibility of a psychological origin for some of them, you should nevertheless ask about it.  I suggest it out of compassion, not criticism.

Good luck and happy new year--  HHH, MD
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