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Unprotected oral with a prostitute

I`m 22 yrs old male and made the biggest mistake of my life 5 days ago by sleeping with a prostitute. we kissed briefly (a minute or so ) and she gave me oral without condom for about a minute and i did not ejaculate in her mouth. Intercourse was protected as i had a condom on.  Its been 5 days and i`m really worried about various STDs or HIV i might have gotten.Lets assume the worst and say she had STDs. What are my chances of getting the STDs from this encounter ?? How long does it take for STDs to show symptoms? How long should i wait to get tested for STDs and which all STDs should i get tested for?? Since yesterday i have noticed really dry mouth and my tongue being mostly whitish with small small dots  except the front portion . Also , i am feeling tired and fatigued since yesterday . Are these possible symptoms of any STD??
P.S. 2 days ago , i masturbated and after ejaculation tip of my penis really hurt  and burned for like 30mins.. is that related to any STD??

10 Responses
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300980 tn?1194929400
Welcome to our Forum. There really is no reason for worry.  You have indirectly already acknowledged the FACT that most commercial sex workers do not have STDs(including HIV).  Further, your vaginal exposure which is the most "efficient" way for STD transmission to occur was condom protected making that exposure essentially zero risk.,  Also, please understand that when a man is exposed to an infected partner, the likelihood of acquisition of any STD that is present is no greater than 1 in 4 (i.e. 25%) and that figure is for bacterial STDs such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. For other STDs the infection rate is still lower.  

Finally, with regard to oral sex, oral sex is an inefficient way to transmit STDs.  Of the bacterial STDs only gonorrhea and nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) are transmitted through oral sex; neither HIV or chlamydia is not and without an obvious sore or lesion on your partner’s mouth, the chances of syphilis and herpes is likewise tiny.   If you had gotten gonorrhea or NGU you will have most likely develop symptoms of urethritis (penile infection such as burning on urination or a penile discharge) within a week of exposure.  As I said, even if your partner had an STD (any STD and it is likely she did not), most exposures do not lead to infection.  In your case, your exposure was brief; I would urge you not to worry. If you must for your peace of mind, you could go to your local STD clinic or health care provider to be tested at this time. If you do, the important tests to have are for gonorrhea and NGU.

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Hello Doctor ,

Thanks for the prompt response. I was wondering if i should wait any longer to test for gonorrhea n NGU or 5 days after the encounter is good enough time.
French kiss i had with her does not put me at any risk of STD?
Also , the pain and frequent urination i had after ejaculation 2 days ago and dry mouth with feeling of fatigue are not related to any STD symptoms ?? I read on several websites about sore throat and other throat related problems being possible indications of STDs

Also , forgot to mention , i was diagnosed with a moderate urethral stricture and went through dilation via cystoscopy  6 moths back ? does that anyhow increase my chances of  any STD?
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300980 tn?1194929400
As I said, thesting at this time will be fine.

STDs are not spread through kissing of any sort, including French kissing.  I would not worry about STDs in relationship to your sore throat.  

Strictures do not increase your risk for STD but they may explain your dicomfort with ejaculation.  EWH
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Hi Edward so talking about your point most CSW donot have STD, how is tht possible
Isnt it like they have sex with multiple guys on the same day aren't they at more risk to contract stds ?
I agree tht most of guys like us commit these things giving in to pleasure  at that te and repent later about it

Great help here doc and thanks for tht
I'm a similar kinda idiot and I'm repenting now also
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300980 tn?1194929400
Commerical sex workers are regualrly checked for STDs and the fact is that studies show that less than half have STDs.  

No further jumping into other persons' threads please.  EWH
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Oops sorry I don't know that these threads are personal or I wouldn't have posted here

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Great question Tinn... on "Most CSW donot have STD"

Doctor , i actually live in india and i tried to visit multiple testing centers to get myself tested for gonorrhea and NGU .They have testing for HIV , syphilis ... chlamydia  but they told me they do not recognize gonorrhea and NGU. Are they referred by any other names as well??
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300980 tn?1194929400
They should recognize gonorrhea.

The other term for NGU is NSU - non-specific urethritis.   EWH
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hello doctor,

Sorry i am being paranoid but since last night i have gotten these tiny red blisters on my buttocks which are itchy. Can this be because of something other than herpes? I am thinking this must be herpes. how do i know for sure? do i need to contact a health provider to confirm it?

I did not see any blisters or sores on her mouth or genital area but on every source on internet it says ppl can carry the virus without showing any symptoms and easily transmit  it during oral sex..
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300980 tn?1194929400
You are being paranoid.  The lesions you describe are most unlikely to be HSV.  HSV is spread through DIRECT contact.  This did not occur in the interaction you describe.  My guess is that what you have noticed is folliculitis a benign, non STD skin condition that occurs with cloggedf pores.

I have made a sincere effort to make suggestions which will help you.  I have also suggested that you go see a health care professional which you apparently have not done.  Rather than continue to feed your anxieties which appears to only lead to more hypothetical "what if" questions, the time has come to end this thread.  Further questions will be deleted without comment.  Take care.  EWH
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Popular Resources
Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.