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seeing things at night ? spiders and insects and people oh my !!

i posted this response in another forum , and am re posting them alone because i feel there are some aspects that are different from the other cases , such as the tremors ,and the length in which this is happening to me ... not only in how long these attacks last , but also in the amount of time in my life they have been happening .

there are also some other symptoms i would like to add . such as a low heart rate , that is increasingly lowered during sleep time . and arm and leg pains that only happen at night . ive had an mri , ekg, cat scan , worn a heart monitor , slept at a sleep study clinic , taken vitamins  , gone to routine check ups . and there is nothing "wrong" with me . i am a healthly 26 year old female .

i think that its strange that every case i have read about everyone is seeing the same images , this leads me to believe and im not a doctor that these things are possible stemming form a part of the brain that would trigger these images . hundreds of people from all over the world that see spiders when trying to sleep . just seems odd that people wouldnt be seeing different things depending on the individual

i have been experiencing this since i was a child . when i was young i believed that there were people in my room at night standing over my bed watching me sleep . sometimes they would grab at me , i felt it as though it was really . my mother would tell me that i would wake up screaming in the middle of the night . but the funny thing was i wasnt asleep . i was only laying there ,sometimes i would wake up with strange scratches or marks on my body . the doctor said i was just a restless sleeper and  it quickly got brushed under the table so to speak as night terrors , and i learned to live with it , as time went on and i got older the "visions" changed . i would see what you guys are calling spiders or insects crawling on the walls , only i think your brain is choosing to see it that way because its something its firmiliar with . i believe that its actually more like a ball of electricity (like those balls in science class you touch and the electric charges shoot to where your fingers are )..... the more i focused on them the more it would look like spiders or something i would naturally see crawling on walls . i also still see people standing in corners . sitting on my bed standing next to the bed . always the same things .and unlike when your eyes play tricks on you i find that when i look away from the image instead of it moving to where i look it stays in one place . my "visions" have started to last longer instead of seeing them for 10 seconds and closing my eyes and having them disappear , its lasting 30 seconds or more . giving me time to actually ponder what im seeing . i am also experiencing a different symptom non of you have mentioned . i sake , sometimes either before or after the visions happen my body trembles i thought it was fear , but now i think its as if its decompressing . its hard to explain . ive seen many doctors , had every test you can think of preformed ,done more then one sleep study . and the diagnoses is all over the place ive heard diet , mild narcolepsy ,sleep paralysis , and my favorite that im stressed . non of which i feel is correct im not excessively tired , i eat healthy , and dont consider my self suffering for any extra stress . i think its strange that we are all seeing the same things , the same 5 images , and that there is no study being done that this could be a completely isolated experience / disorder . i would love to have some answers
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I can associate with you,I experience flashing twinkling lights, numbers, shadows and symbols when i wake up.. iv read many stories about spiders but none the same as me, apart from your theory of thinking too much... Iv always had a vivid imagination and I believe i think and analyse too much . I FEEL THIS IS THE ONLY  EXPLANATION..I would love to hear someone elses theory. this is my first ever post.
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I'm a 22 year old female. I've had visions of spiders on the walls and ceiling for as long as I can remember. They are always very realistic in appearance (brown/black, hairy, all sizes) but I know that they are not real because I used to scream and wake my mum (who I share a room with) and she could never see anything. Now I just grab a nearby torch to investigate but find nothing. It usually happens before I go to sleep rather than waking. However, about a year ago I awoke suddenly (don't know why) and saw a dark figure standing over by my mom while she slept. He was kind of hunched over and looked threatening so I leapt out of bed and shouted "What are you doing! Get out!". Nearly gave mum a heart attack. She tried to calm me down, sat beside me with her arm around me but the figure was still there only he had straightened up and was looking right at me. Mum pulled my chin forcing me to look at her but when I looked back to where the figure was, it had vanished. Several months passed without any disturbances. Then whilst on a trip abroad it happened again. I was sharing a room with a classmate. We didn't really know each other very well but we got along ok. On the third night I woke up after hearing a noise. I looked across at my classmate who was still asleep but saw a dark figure (a slim woman this time) reaching across the foot of her bed with something in her hand. I couldn't see what it was but immediately sensed danger and thought that someone had gotten in via the balcony. I remember making a quick plan to stop the figure hurting my room mate. I lay still pretending to be asleep then jumped up and dived for the hand with the object. No-one was there. It really shook me up because it had felt so real - I mean I had even planned my actions. I didn't sleep well after that but didn't tell anyone until I returned home. Mum is a bit concerned but I don't want to see a dr because it has only happened twice. It is really odd though how so many people have similar visions and there is very little research on it.
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Hi. Thank the good Lord I am not alone! I started seeing the same things since I was about 16yrs of age. I am now 22. I've seen spiders fighting on my bedroom ceiling to millipedes crawling down my walls to mutated people spinning next to my bed or feeling like I'm being watched and sometimes I wake up with tiny cuts and bruises and don't remember getting them prior and just recently I started hearing voices. I do believe they are sometimes associated with sleep deprivation and stress. However I started experiencing these things after experiencing paranormal occurrences in my family home. I was terrified at first but I've accepted it and I've learned to live with it. They don't occur that much anymore and when they do, they aren't worse than like before. Prayer really helped me deal with it. They do go away but not permanently. So far I haven't had any occurrences in the past month or so. My advice is, don't let it get to you, sometimes fear will only make it worse. When it does happen, pray and go back to sleep. Don't think much about and remember that it can't hurt us. My best regards to those dealing with this. Thank you for sharing. I feel like I know everyone. Peace and God bless.
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Hi, My name is John.

When i was young, i would see ghosts, or figures standing there while i tried to sleep, between ages 4 and 12. Anyway after a while i stopped seeing them, and from my teenage years to my late 20s i didnt see a thing. Then when i hit 30 i started seeing black shadow insects out of the corners of my eye. I also wake up suddenly to see my room filled with very 20-30 people all monochrome, all looking away from me, they were as lifelike as could be. I have also seen a smiling cherub on waking up. Last 2-3 years before i sleep, i just constantly see shadow spiders, and whats weird is, at the same place in my bedroom i will see an identical spider to what i saw the night before, its not random in any way, but of the 2-3 dozen spiders i see, they are all identical and animated. Pretty strange stuff, this only happens in the dark, i have experimented with sleeping totally in the dark, and sleeping with a nightlight. The spiders dont go away unless i have a very bright light on, i dont see the shadow people with a nightlight, however i do see them very often when its pitch darkness. Anyway i am not sure if they are hallucinations or not, but i find it strange that so many people are experiencing the same phenomenon, i didnt even know it was so common till i decided to research it recently. I have also had prophetic dreams which actually happen in real life, it has saved my life on 2 separate occasions. Not sure if its related, but once i almost got hit by a truck, when i was on my pushbike when i was 21-23, and the dream came back to me seconds before it happened and i swerved and avoided the truck without even seeing it until it would of been too late. The other time i was crossing the road on a green walk light, and a car came barreling down the road from 200-300 meters away, and i just stood there frozen, knowing exactly what was happening as it was identical to my dream, but i couldn't move to avoid it. As soon as she looked up and saw me, as she was turned talking to her 2 kids, i reacted and jumped out of the way. Anyway just some strange occurrences. I also had some really strange abilities as a kid, like being able to read a book pushed towards my solar plexus closed, i demonstrated that to some kids at school at the time, i was about 6 years old, and it freaked them out. I thought everyone could do it. Anyway i wont go into the other abilities as there were 5 in total.
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Hey Everyone,

My name's Michelle. I'm a 27 year old female that has also been experienceing these "Objects" as I like to call them. I've been seeing them ever since I was a young child. First off let me just point out as this relates to some of the older comments, that I am a survivor of child abuse caused by babysitters. I have gone through my years with a lot of stress. However, I don't feel that these objects relate to that. Over the years I have experienced very weird things, from seeing a Leprechaun smoking a pipe, to knives hovering above me, to needles, then to now what everyone else is seeing. First it was Mosquitos, now to Spiders, and afraid that the next will be People as from the way everyone else has put it, it seems to go in order. And it seems to only be happening with females. Maybe there is a certain chemical in the female body that is reacting to something and is causing these images to appear to us, I don't know but would really like to know. I don't want to have to go through starting to see people standing beside my bed or actually getting into my bed. I am also chronically depressed and taking meds which I thought might be the cause but now I am not so sure. The other weird thing is that this problem only happens at home. I never experience it at friends or hotels. I lived with a friend for a month and had not one episode, but yet when I moved back home the problem started to occurre again. I'm just as confused as everyone else is, luckily enough we can be assured that these things we see are harmless. Terrorfying, but again harmless.
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My mums 37 and she's started having these visions over the past year although I've never heard her mention spiders only people they're usually stood over her or in the corner but she wakes up screaming and doesn't stop until someone switches a light on and it really freaks me out! Although I have found that I may be the cause of it as if my parents have been in bed a little while and I'm still up studying sometimes I go to the toilet and she has one of her visions I'm starting to think its to do with when she's been awoke from light sleeping? Just a thought so glad I found this forum I thought she was going round the bend! Maybe the similar visions are to do with what we fear most as that would explain the similarities between the dreams/visions?
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I found this sight that could explain things. My doctors never mentioned this to me.
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I see people but no spiders I've seen them every where at work when I'm by myself but mostly at night when I'm trying to go to sleep and it start to keep me up at night I've seen a man every night for the past two weeks in the closet just staring at me not moving just staring and some times a man in a trench coat in the corner of my room I hope I'm not becoming schizophrenic
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I've been suffering from these so called "night terrors" for as long as I can remember. They started off as some of you have mentioned as spiders... Big Spiders, there was one incident where I woke to find one above my bed slowly coming towards me and I couldn't move pined down to my bed screaming as If I was being murdered until my Mum and Dad bolted into the room. Most of the time it's spiders, I've even seen sea urchins, I know... Random. But the people scare me the most. One night I woke up toget a drink from the windowsill next to my bed, it was pitch black outside but from the tree infront of my window I saw a little girl sat on the branch swinging her legs. I was awake, completely, screaming she didnt go until my Dad ran into the room and the branch was empty. The people I see don't come too often but the insects are common. I wake my boyfriend up screaming, I search the room convinced I've seen them. Some are huge, too big to be real but the smaller ones make it hard to know if I'm dreaming or not. It makes me feel as If I'm going crazy. Last night was the final straw. I'm visiting my doctors tomorrow. I'm not exactly looking forward to explaining this! If anyone can shed some light please get in touch ***@****
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1697080 tn?1336039731
Same here.

It started with seeing shadowy people at night as a child. Then I started to see these fast crawling really black spiders, but they were clearly too fast and too ball-like ro be real spiders. Still see them occassionally, even after moving countries, so rule out radiation, etc. Always same thing, lights on - nothing there.
These days I see purple, white or blue sparks (aura, spirits?), preferably next to people at daytime.
One night,  I saw a black (North American?) soldier (olive coloured uniform) standing at my partner's bedside looking at me in an astonished way, like "what are you doing here, am I really seeing this?! - I looked at him the same way, like "wow"! This was the clearest experience so far.

Saw other friendly people/beings appearing at night, one was a sister of mercy, one was a 3d blue/green/yellow balloonlike construction, shaped a bit like a "h". All of these apparitions seem random.
This world is a truly magical place...
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OK, so its not just me... I am a healthy male, 31, active duty military member.  Been seeing these spiders for about 8 years.  These spider are always huge...soft ball size.  Every now and then I see a flying insect and only a couple of figures(not shadows, fully detailed).  At first it would scare me but I got so used to it that I would just wait it out, taking in the details.  Sometimes I forget they are illusions and become very aggressive in catching them...only to feel like a fool when i realize "it" happened again.  Thought I would look it up after yesterdays episode when I spent 5 minutes looking through a cover that i strategically threw on the Spider...I really thought I caught it. Anyways, besides this, im not a crazy guy.  I was just wondering if anyone else has a palmers crease on their right hand...it is a rare trait, something like 2 percent of humans have it...i know its a long shot but just wanted to see if theres another link out there...  
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Oh my God. I'm reading all of these posts and I am almost crying.  I too have dreams about spiders and I often wake to find them anywhere from one to hundreds.  They never hurt me or seem to threaten me but they are so real and vivid I can't help but be frightened.  This happened at least once a week.  I'm so used to them that I know that they aren't real.  As far as shadows and people watching me.. I have that too.  I tend to feel someone watching over me or trying to watch me through a pothole of sorts.  I often see a light like a video camera recoding and think someone is watching through a hole in the wall.  I often wake and search for the place thinking it's real.  I never see these things when I am out and about, only at night and only coming out of sleep.  I've also found scratch marks on my walls (not to deep) that looked like an animal did it but they are high on the wall and out of reach.  I try to match my nails to them but can't.   I figured I was doing it in my sleep.  This the first time I've shared any of this because I know people will say I'm crazy.  I'm still shocked that this is happening to others.

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I am in tears right now. I know exactly what you are going through! I just had a dream of a grey cat with piercing green eyes. It told me, "Now you cant move." I was paralyzed in my dream. The "cat" sucked on my neck and I started to shake; as in having a seizure and it felt real! I knew this cat was more than a cat. It spoke to me the way a human would, or a being...
I woke up and their was "the spider"
A black tarantula. I looked at it for a good 15 seconds and then it was gone. PLEASE EMAIL ME at ***@**** ASAP! I have more information on what I believe it really is.Thank you!
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2079904 tn?1332078163
oh my god It dosen't matter wether its the morning or night i for some reason always pick up my phone and check the time.....or look at a clock and its always 8:23 my birthday.........its so strange....even the new gico comercial mensions the time 8:23...........and i always find myself checking the clock and it be 9:11..........I wanted my father in law to record the voice for me so i could come over and watch it and guess what time he started recording it ....at 8:23 so trust me i know what you meen i have always wondered if it meens anything but i dunno if its an internal clock that gets on a routine of knowing exactly when a time is that you decide to check the time....that gets on a very precise schedual....i don't know and am not sure either....if you get any answers on this as well pleassssssssse let me know. I am very curious
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I've been seeing weird things too in the dark (whether before falling asleep or upon waking up any time in the night afterward) but always with either a tv or computer monitor on. (I'd wondered if it was some weird interaction with the scanning of the screen or something!?) This has been going on for years and is repeatable enough that I also noticed when I shined a flashlight on the mosquito swarm, patch of crawling bugs, spider, whatever it was that it immediately disappeared in the steady white light, only to reappear when I switched the flashlight off (and I could repeat that cycle as many times as I liked.) Just last night I tried closing one eye at a time, and could see whatever it is just as distinctly with either eye or both. I also noticed if I try to touch whatever it is, my hand/finger goes right thru it without disturbing it. One of these nights I'll attempt a long exposure with my camera using existing light. Wouldn't that be awesome to have pictures for all the naysayers!? :p
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Please post if you learn anything! Thank you.
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I have no history of PTSD, trauma or abuse and I have had these issues since I was a young teenager. I have seen everything from a dark shadowy man picking up a chair and running toward the bed to people standing at the foot of my bed, side of my bed, in the corner of my room, etc. They are usually very clear images that I can describe in detail, although sometimes they are dark shadowy figures.
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Thank you so much for your posting. What you said made perfect sense to me and I am booking an appointment with my primary care doctor right now! I have been terrified since childhood of the "people" I see standing at the foot of my bed, in the corner and even hovering over my head as I look up above myself - very plain and clearly. I wake up screaming and scaring my husband and kids. This is frequent for me and I actually fear sleep.

Although this has plaqued me since childhood (I  used to walk in my sleep as a small child incidentally), I had no idea it was a sleep disorder. I honestly thought it was either something spooky or that perhaps I was ill emotionally and either way until I stumbled onto this website I was too afraid to tell anyone at all. Thank you again!

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I am responding to your directly because I, too, am a Christian and I am TERRIFIED to sleep at night. I am actually 48-years-old and I am ashamed to say I have been experiencing this since I was around thirteen. I awake in the night and scare my children and husband to death screaming as I see people floating above me on the bed, standing at the foot of the bed, in the corner. I NEVER sleep without a light on and it just doesn't make any difference.

I had no idea what it was when I was young but when I got older and became a Christian I assumed it was spiritual. I have prayed, and rebuked these things in Jesus' name and they do leave but it has at this point been a lifetime battle.

I do not know if it is spiritual or if it is neurological or if it is something else, but I am so thankful for your post and the other postings here because I actually did not realize that other people were plaqued with this too. Unlike some of the other people here, I am terrified and I have now become sleep deprived because this happens so often that I am terrified to go to sleep.

What is this????
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I have same problem with my electrical installation at home,but idk how i can solve this without spending more money.
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I am a 32 year old married mother of a toddler. I have been seeing spiders in/on/around my bed on and off for about 2 years.
I thought because it happened so infrequently, it was a stupid phobia, and my half asleep state was allowing me to have these 'visions'. I brushed it off, but last night I had another 'vision' and it has started to take it's toll on my marriage.

I am educated, have an IQ of 124 and consider myself normal. I am not religious, I do not smoke, although I do drink wine of a night time and I do on ocassion take sleeping antihistamines to assist with my sleeping.
The 'visions' (it's what I call them) happen regardless of whether I have taken a sleeping pill or if I have had a glass of wine or not. I am also not on any other meds. I was diagnosed with post natal depression after my son was born, but that is the ony depression I have experienced.
I am of European decent, blonde, green eyes. Thinking back, I used to talk in my sleep when I was younger - my Mother told me she would wake up and hear me having conversations with people that were not there. I have no memory of this.
I have also seen 'shadow people'. I have only had one at a time, who stood over me next to my bed. I scrambled over to my husband terrified, but when I switched the lamp on, no one was there.

The spiders are frequent. I see them weekly. They are so real, I could swear they are there! I watch them crawl down the wall and onto the bed before I switch the light on only to find there is nothing there. I have not seen coloured one's though, just black.

I have started to hear noises at night. My two dogs have started acting weird on the mornings after these happen, and I have had an uneasy feeling about these 'visions' now for awhile. The other night when I went to check on my son it was after 11pm, and I could hear a mosquito buzzing around, but there was not one there, although I could hear it. I wake up with these 'visions' it seems at 12:07 and again at 12:27am. Lately I have seen things walk past me out of the corner of my eye and I feel sick at night before they happen. My heart beats fast and I sometimes don't feel like I'm 'in my body.'
This might sound so stupid, but I have also heard whispering in my sons baby monitor, but my husband say's it's induction noise. I have memories from my childhood of being awake and seeing things that my parents passed off as 'night terrors' or bad dreams, but I can remember being wide awake in my bed when they happened. Oh, and I smell really foul smells in the house sometimes from out of nowhere.

This morning when my husband went to work, it felt like something sat on the bed next to me.. I am now officially freaked out and I googled seeing spiders and this is the forum I found, hence why I'm on here.

There MUST be an explanation as to why we are all seeing the SAME things??? It's starting to really worry me, as I am thinking I might have some disease or illness?? I have been medically checked though, and am healthy. I do feel relieved that I am not the only one, but these visions are getting more frequent, and I do not want to see the shadow people again - goodness, I sound crazy!!!

I do know some weird stuff happened to me as a kid, and I never felt I really fit in, bit that's pretty common. A couple of times I do remember there was a vivid dream of me floating around my house and there were two moons and a dragon.. Anyone else?

Freaked out..
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hey, I am a sixteen year old female and have been seeing these "visions" or what not for about two years.  It started out that one night I saw spiders or hands( I'm not sure which) crawling on me and falling from the ceiling. I only saw spiders once and now I see inanimate objects and on occasion people. When I see people I often see a little girl who  while I'm seeing her I think it's my little sister. In retrospect this figure never looks or acts like my actual little sister and she seems to have ill intent. I have also become increasingly awake during these episodes and am able to react whereas earlier I was sort of frozen.

Here is a list of things I've seen and I was wondering if anybody else saw these things like the spiders:
-A mattress falling on you
- wire hangers hanging on the ceiling
- a dressmaker's dummy
- candy boxes
- cards
I also always look at the clock when it's 9:11 which is my birthday, which I don't know if this has significance but I read a similar occurence earlier in this post.
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1998268 tn?1327287071
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Wow. I am so glad to have found this. I am now 41 and since I was 4 I have had visions and dreams of spiders in my bed, but more commonly a hatted dark man in my room. Now it's others, sometimes someone sits on the bed behind me and I can't turn to see them. It feels so real, it's terrifying. I translate almost any possible shadow into a human, sometimes a child. Before sleeping if it's dark I see shadow shapes move across the ceiling and come in and out of my space. I just wish people said what works to make this stop. Counseling? Drugs.?
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