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what is the best religion

Hi there !
the best religion is the one that gets you closer to God and makes you a better person.” Expanding on that, he says “whatever makes you more compassionate, more sensible.. more loving, more responsible. The religion that will do that for you is the best religion.

This religion is just moving around you; I have the one that, along with this  can make the world a place  worth living, free of terrorism and promote love among human-that is Christianity.
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God has his ways of getting our attention, that is for sure!
Even some things we all say here  , I am sure is from God.  

I thinks it is good that you pray everyday.

Just be careful , don"t write Jesus off, I hope you keep asking God to show you.

I had an amazing cool answer to prayer a few months ago I have to tell you about,..
I was going on a new appt. for my job, which I am fairly new at so I was very nervous about meeting this client and saying the right thing etc, so I would land the job etc...
so feeling very frustrated driving there , I just prayed...I said  "God I'm scared"  
Then about 3 seconds later this old pick up truck quickly pulled out in front of me, and I was about to cuss about it, but I then saw his bumper sticker....and I swear to GOD ,
it said..."DON'T BE AFRAID,   GOD"  
I couldn't believe it!!!  and I was filled with a calmness after seeing that.. I went along to my appt., it went well, and I got 2 jobs from that meeting!
I just couldn't thank Him enough, for being there for me and letting me know that He was!!!

Oh...and I am way better person than I was 1-2-3-20 yrs. ago too. Good for you, that means you are trying , and God sees that!
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Ah ha!  Now you've kind of stoked my fire a bit.  I basically have thought all along that there was indeed only one God.  There are so many similarities between all religions (leaving out the radical nut cases) for there to be any other but 1 God.

What I have going might not be Christianity, but it could be worthwhile.  I too try to talk with God every day.  I say at least one prayer and give myself time to reflect on the days events and take something positive from everything that has happened. (In my life and surrounding my life)

You know, I try to convey a positive attitude all of the time, but I fall short sometimes.  (Much better now  that I was 1-2-3-20 years ago)  I try to see the positive in everything.  By doing those 2 things alone, my over all attitude has changed, and even my wife and family see it.  Maybe this is God reaching out to me..... me doing what I am doing, having seen a spiritual advisor, purposefully changing my ways.... I did because I wanted too or maybe it was because God turned on the switch.
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That was very thought invoking !
As far as being Catholic, Protestant, Episcopalian, Jewish,  Buddist, I don't title my belief into any of those. ( I know I left out many)
I do have a Christian belief system.
I have a relationship with God. I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe the bible.
The word religion, puts a box around it, and makes it an IT.
But I do not follow any ones rules or regulations, except for what I read in the bible.And what God shows me, through various means. Which I try to make sure what I am getting lines up with the bible. I do that because there are many other spirits out there, and I do not trust any other spirits, accept  for Gods Holy Spirit....
I go to church, not always 'religiously', but I maintain contact with God everyday, in one way or another.

I am not into legalism, (being perfect to be accepted by God)
I just try to keep it simple, listen to sermons or read the bible, and I follow what I see as the truth.
I try to keep myself under the hand of God. No one else.
I just talk to Him, I keep it simple. (So that I don't get crazy)
I listen to Him. Sometimes I have to listen very hard, and pray really hard. He always come through, when He knows best.
I don't like to bash anyone elses beliefs, because God may be using that thing they are into to lead that person to Himself at this time.  
At some point we will all have to make the decision to accept Him or reject Him.
But I personally do believe that there is one true God, and that asking and accepting Jesus into your heart, and accepting His sacrifice for our sins,  is the way to God.
He has proved Himself to me over and over.
I know it is everyones own personal journey and decisions to make are personnal.
But I would not dare to leave my life in any one elses hands.

best wishes to you , I am praying that God will show you in your heart, what He wants you to see.
happy day.
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I hope this isn't too far off topic, and if it is.... run me off.  I was reading something earlier and it even happened at the beginning of this topic.  Religions pitting themselves against each other... (I guess the topic is which religion is best) "My religion is better because of..."  

I'm not so sure how you'd compare one religion to another without any bias.... just doesn't seem possible.  I mean, if you thought another religion was better than what you were currently studying, wouldn't you convert?  Wouldn't you want to be a part of the best thing out there?  

The answer to the question would be the same to any religious person, from any religious background I'd think.  Who would be a Jehovas Witness if they truly believed the LDS missionaries that stopped by the other day?  

I think a better question would be, why your religion?  Why is your religion the best?  If youre comparing your religion to the rest of them, how much have you studied the rest of them?  (I mean, we think our religion is the best because we chose them.... we chose to have these beliefs.... these beliefs and or ideals feel right to me)  I personally think there ought not be any comparing.  I mean, if there is a God.... there probably is only one God.  If there were really only one God, there'd really only be one religion.  If there are many Gods, how do each of them take responsibility for creating all of this, and discredit the rest of the Gods?

Man.... just thought myself into a mini-stroke or a headache... I should never try thinking that hard about anything.  LOL
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Life is so precious and oh so short.  The searching for what is truth is life long for some and the "when" and "how" matter when reached.  I read through the posts and realized how important it is to have the freedom to question and listen.  There are lots of hurting people all over the world and lots of confusion.

I believe that it is God who sees the hearts of mankind and will draw us into His truth as we receive what He has to give.  I don't believe it is always a pretty sight as we fight like mad when we feel we are right and are drowning in something we don't understand.

Love holds onto no wrongs....keeps no record.  1 Corinthians 13 is beautiful.

There is a lot of seeding and watering going on and many thanks go out to those who have the desire to love others.

Spirituality means many things and the freedom to express and share is a blessing to those who sincerity will yield to truth's greater good.
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To all who responded,

First off, well done Myown, but alas! Nobody seems to understand your concern and love for them, every one is busy and absorbed in this earthly life of 60/70 or 80 years, which is nothing but a blink of the eye. I respect your faith and concern for others and know that Jesus is your stronghold, and the center of your hopes for the upcoming life,  out of this mortal body, and for the life in this mortal cover of flesh, But no body here seems to think beyond the flesh!  

I wanna tell every one,what I feel about her, she has nothing to feel pride but the Jesus.
Unfortunately people, rather, take her filled with pride, but to me she is humble, loving, and one who is vituperated, tortured, for the Lord, more than anybody in my circle here in my country and in this group, and she, indeed, has a bigger reward ! keep it up Myown, I know you must have read this but just to revive:

Through him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith for his name’s sake.(Romans 1:5)

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess your faith and are saved.(Romans 10:10)

Now for others who responded me, thank you and may God show you all, the light like He did with Paul. I did not find anything to reply in your posts, you have all the answers to your questions, and doubts in my last post.

Let us think beyond these running away days, the time is really short !
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Cooooool, glad ya gonna join.  "Private" forum - but I know that's what you meant..

If you look at the Community list on Cloudwingates Profile, you will see "Biblical Analysis Old and New Testament."  If you click on it, MH sends an automated PM and then I can click you in..

I'm not "selling you short:")  I sing the Song " Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me" and the shoe fits.:)  But the shoe fits us all - so no worries. Brice,,,none of us are perfect, thats for sure,,,so I'm looking forward to discussing bible stuff with you...

I like the idea of the private forum because then only those who are interested can read what we say. More of a relaxed atmosphere.

So check Clouds profile or one of the other members.

Oh ya know what, I think in the other Biblical Analysis Forum, where you are already a member, it has the Private forum listed on the side bar(?), so you probably can click it from there too..

If that don't work for some reason let me know..

Seeya there:)

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I'd love to join the public forum.  Please tell me how to get there.  And "people like me" may just get the bible one day.  Don't sell me short.  I've done some bad things in my life but I have also accomplished a few beauties as well.  
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Brice the one who sounded mad was Katrina - her first post. Where are you all from that you are so delicate or fragile to think I am fighting? Geesh.

I am stating what I believe AFTER she was rude up top. But no one addressed her nastiness, except me.

Jesus said He is the Only way. Jesus said He is the Truth. Jesus said no man comes unto the Father except thru Him. I don't expect you to believe that? How could I? You are UNbelievers, so of course you would think if the bible says that, well it could not have been Jesus who said it, it must just be that man wrote that Jesus said it and probably Jesus really said all road leads to God.. Is that what you think? Well you are wrong.
Am I mad? No.

So what is it with me? Well its like this. I believe the Bible. You and others will never believe the Bible and you will continue to think man wrote in IF you do not check it out for yourself...Read the Prophecies on the Biblical Forum - I will repeat myself again - the prophecies were written hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus - there is NO WAY man could have written them. You will never understand that or believe that until you get yourself a bible and start to dig deep and look at this stuff.

And why would or should someone look this stuff up? Because your life depends on it - your eternal life that is.

So again if I sound mad to you - I am not. People that are confident when they speak can sometimes sound mad when on the Internet typing and add to that if they have a bit of Intelligence, that can make them sound "superior," as that is the other word people like to throw around.

But I am not Superior.....BUT Jesus is - He is the King of King and Lord of Lords..

Brice, feel welcome to join the Private biblical forum if you want.... because I do like discussing things like this, but around here in public it seems like its entertainment for some and I am not here to entertain.

Katrina do I get a "well said."
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1462810 tn?1327360449
Well said.
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662085 tn?1331345560

"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.Ecclesiastes 1:17-18.

So we should no nothing and like are lives in a stupid bliss?

" hypo-cryptic smile " what do you mean?

So is being gay evil is believing in the magic of the world being evil?

The bible promotes these things saying they are wrong and on that it creates hate for those people. Sure its only in the hands of man that its evil the words alone are not. But to say that it has never cause terrorism and hate crimes would be wrong.

"Jesus did nothing bad"   No where did I say Jesus did something bad.

This is going no where. This is no longer seeking spirituality which is what its suppose to be its become a war turning people against each other.

I don't know what was trying to be achieve with this forum but its seems its only left everyone hurt.

So I may not have casted the first stone but I'll be the first to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry if the things I've said have hurt you

and JD dont pray for me I do not want your prayers for I feel they are in-spite and not founded in love.

I leave this place with a heavy sad heart there was no peace and nothing was gained but angry and hate how does that show the love of any god

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By claiming that your religion is the only truth, you are being oppositional.  You are accusing all others of lying.  With that said, if you aren't trying to be confrontational, why even bring it up?  What do you care if person a thinks this or that?  It doesn't affect you, it only affects them.

Quit knocking other religions.  Yours is great, hers is great, mine is great.... and in my opinion, I think all religions are basically talking about the same guy.  Too many similarities for it to end otherwise.
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There is absolutely no way to tell if what you've read in the bible (or any religious text) is true.   Hypothetical question here, sure to cause a stink....  What if you found out tomorrow that your religion was 100% inaccurate?  Now before anyone goes and starts to thump me, relax and just answer the question.... I am not trying to start a fight.

Why is it that so many people who seem or claim to be so close to Jesus are so very quick to knock everyone else's view?  Doesn't seem too Christian to me.  I mean, let Jesus decide.  You can have a difference of opinion and not be upset about it.  It is ok to not view the bigger picture as does everyone else in the room....

It's 2 different posts from 2 different people, but one says "we have peace" and the other seems so mad to discuss their view..... It is ok people.  Truthfully, everyone is entitled to their own view!  You may be right or you may be wrong.  I may be right or I may be wrong.  The simple fact of the matter is, what is the use of fighting about it?  Nobody is going to know a danged thing about it until they die.......

People!  Believe what you will and allow the others that same right.  We have that in America.  You cannot believe what others believe, and thats a right in America too.  There is no need to get all worked up over religion.... calm down for gosh sakes.
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And as I said before I am not going to keep on answering, but I just wanted to point out where you threw your snowball first, yet for some reason forgot.

End of discussion...
Cloud, if you post here, look for your answer in the Private forum.

I'm done with this "Spirituality Forum." Yep done.
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You did your battering here :"Well, she knocked him out of his own discussion in a hurry, didn't she?  So much for telling the good news."

So maybe you learned a lesson as to make sure you know who you are "battering" before you batter.

If you put down the Budhah books, the Deepak books and just read the bible instead of cute little email story messages, you will see that what I do is out of L O V E.

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1462810 tn?1327360449
God's Grace

There once was a man named George Thomas, pastor in a small New England town. One Easter Sunday morning he came to the Church carrying a rusty, bent, old bird cage, and set it by the pulpit. Eyebrows were raised and, as if in response, Pastor Thomas began to speak....

"I was walking through town yesterday when I saw a young boy coming toward me swinging this bird cage. On the bottom of the cage were three little wild birds, shivering with cold and fright.

I stopped the lad and asked, "What do you have there, son?"

"Just some old birds," came the reply.

"What are you going to do with them?" I asked.

"Take 'em home and have fun with 'em," he answered. "I'm gonna tease 'em and pull out their feathers to make 'em fight. I'm gonna have a real good time."

"But you'll get tired of those birds sooner or later. What will you do then?"

"Oh, I got some cats," said the little boy. "They like birds. I'll take 'em to them."

The pastor was silent for a moment. "How much do you want for those birds, son?"

"Huh?? !!! Why, you don't want them birds, mister.

They're just plain old field birds. They don't sing. They ain't even pretty!"

"How much?" the pastor asked again.

The boy sized up the pastor as if he were crazy and said, "$10?"

The pastor reached in his pocket and took out a ten dollar bill. He placed it in the boy's hand. In a flash, the boy was gone. The pastor picked up the cage and gently carried it to the end of the alley where there was a tree and a grassy spot. Setting the cage down, he opened the door, and by softly tapping the bars persuaded the birds out, setting them free. Well, that explained the empty bird cage on the pulpit, and then the pastor began to tell this story:

One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation. Satan had just come from the Garden of Eden, and he was gloating and boasting. "Yes, sir, I just caught a world full of people down there. Set me a trap, used bait I knew they couldn't resist. Got 'em all!"

"What are you going to do with them?" Jesus asked.

Satan replied, "Oh, I'm gonna have fun! I'm gonna teach them how to marry and divorce each other, how to hate and abuse each other, how to drink and smoke and curse. I'm gonna teach them how to invent guns and bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have fun!"

"And what will you do when you are done with them?" Jesus asked.

"Oh, I'll kill 'em," Satan glared proudly.

"How much do you want for them?" Jesus asked.

"Oh, you don't want those people. They ain't no good. Why, you'll take them and they'll just hate you. They'll spit on you, curse you and kill you. You don't want those people!!"

"How much? He asked again.

Satan looked at Jesus and sneered, "All your blood, tears, and your life."

Jesus said, "DONE!" Then He paid the price.

The pastor picked up the cage and walked from the pulpit.

I thank God everyday for my blessed life. I'm not rich, don't live in a mansion, and don't have the nicest of material things, but, I'm healthy, have , a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on my table, a family that loves me, and lifelong friends to get me through. I'd say I have a lot to be thankful for.

From that story I feel I can learn something.  No battering done.
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1462810 tn?1327360449
The really pathetic part is I could use some uplifting spiritual input right now, but all this battering ram stuff is not doing it for me.  Guess I'll go do more chores and maybe delve into older posts later.
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1462810 tn?1327360449
I'm glad I know how to pray, 'cause if this was all I was getting for spirituality I would be in a deficit position.  It feels like listening to a storm beat on the house... I don't dare go out.
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Hi !

We proclaim, that we have truth come on share the truth with us. We say  we have peace come on, share this peace with us and we proclaim we have  life come on share that  with us.

We proclaim we have true love and have this love. We have Jesus, have Jesus !  We, the Christians (not so called), are here to give you what we have if someone is not willing to receive; it is his choice and we still love him.

We live with this faith(some thing beyond reasoning and knowledge and rationality).
that Jesus is the only way. I, like any other believer, am confident, what I say about my Jesus.

Under my faith, I am supposed to bring the Gospel or Jesus to every one. I have not done anything wrong in putting this question and nor was intended to humiliate or hurt anyone!

If someone say I am beautiful, I can tell you the secret of my beauty and how you can beaurify yourself, or I am knowledgeable you can have from my knowledge. I think, but not sure:) no body should feel offended. But if someone says you are weak, you are ugly. you are ignorant, I AM SURE it would certainly hurt.

And my brother you HAVE DONE  this to me and many others, here your words are: " Christianity has been very closed minded and has done horrid things to people"

I just knew from the reading stuff above that you don't read bible, I think unless you know Jesus you should not say anything like this, I am really hurt and pray for you.

Again you said" I'm not saying that Christianity in its self is evil or anything but it does promote some violence by giving such closed minded ideas.

It makes too sides and says this is evil and this is good.

You are not lost, you are very tactful and clever person. On  one side you say Christianity is not evil, and on the other you say it promotes violence, to me it is weird would you please explain what you mean.

Yes, if you say that by a specific group of Christians (to me, so called), hostility or violence has been exercised, on the name of Christianity, to their advantage, that is right but you are saying all this bad stuff about Christianity and I don't understand how the others on this forum are not checking you out on saying such words.

Knowing about meditation, Chakras, yoga, or some reading stuff against Jesus, does not mean somebody knows every thing, to believers he knows nothing, just a minute a scripture is coming to mind "  "For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.Ecclesiastes 1:17-18.

Yes, Jesus marks a clear line between evil and good, and we understand that all the social break down in USA today is because of not marking a line between evil and good
and saying yes, and witnessing every evil thing by putting on a hypo-critic smile on the face.

If you think that being nice and putting a hypo-cryptic smile on face while witnessing non-sense which bible says evil, means being loving and good then your definition of love is quite different that of ours.If some one is doing evil things, you know he is wrong, and still you are putting on a smile to pretend nice and loving this is not love and is an  absolute sin which bible calls hypocrisy,

My father has  always been hard on me. Whenever I was late from college, or return home late at night. He was, OMG, I mean totally out of temper, this was his love and concern for me, which I had realized and understood in my youth days with him, as I do now.  

Yes, and according to you guys of today, my father had no regards or love for me but you believe or not he passed away 20 years back and he is with me all the day and night long, and I will never be able to find that class of love in my life.

Before ending up, few scriptures:
"God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith"Romans 3:25 Jesus is not to be received by wisdom, knowledge or rationality.

"so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power."1 Corinthians 2:5 again not by/on human wisdom.

"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ".Romans 10:17 this is the way one can built up in faith.

I am badly stuck, really have no time, I was compelled to answer cz of  your stuff.


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Cloud, you are off on a lot of what you say. I cannot get into this anymore here as you will never see what I am saying unless you open the bible for yourself.
Always remember the words I gave you. I am not saying this as a statement that I am not going to talk to you anymore, but I want you to remember "Myown" and what she told you and someday you will say " OMG," but depending on which side of eternity you are on, it will be a " Ah Hah moment" or a " Oh NO moment."

And do me a favor and stop saying what has happened in the name of Christianity or however you worded it. Jesus did nothing bad. Those that have done violent things in the name of Christianity did not represent Jesus. I am getting tired of singing that same ole song.

Jesus taught to love your enemy, not kill your enemy. Your mixing Islam with Christianity. The Koran teaches to kill infidels. People say its the extremist/Muslim who kills those who are against Islam. No that is not true. Its the person who follows their Koran. Ask jd,Pm him, he can tell you as he lives where this happens.
How would you like to live there? You would find out very fast that the BIBLE is the Word of God and how would you know? Because they try to suppress it. And if something has no meaning or has no power, the Muslims over there would not try to suppress it and kill those who stand for Christianity.

See its like this....those who claim to be Christians but don't know what their bible says and they just choose scripture to suit them - out of context, they are the ones who do awful things in the name of Christianity - but its NOT Christianity when you kill a person who doesn't believe the same as you. But it is the Koran. But most of you people don't know that because you like to just talk and hold hands while singing John Lennons All we are saying is give peace a chance,"and not read the Bible.

Katrina, I won't even address you anymore. You like the feel of Buddhism and other religions mixed with Christianity - so that tells me where you are at. You don't know Truth and that is all there is to it - period. So again, Remember "Myown" someday when you cross over too.

And even the ones on this site who truly are Christians, sometimes they see things like this and they try to reason, but there comes a time where the bible says 'don't throw your pearls...." And shake the dust off your shoes...

Hey ya know Sammy Davis Jr, he had a cross, a Jewish star and he also was a member of Anton Levys ~church.~  He tried to cover all bases before he died. Well there is only one base to cover - Only one person who made a home run and that is Jesus Christ - the Almighty.
Take Him or leave Him. But one thing I know, and that is that HE will never leave me nor will He forsake me - how do I know that? Its the Word and the Word is true - cover to cover. So you guys just keep on doing your "guessing" as to what the Word says and keep on mixing religions like cake batter to come up with something that soothes your taste buds,,,
I said what I could and now I shake the dust from posting on this usergroup...

Cloud if you still want to discuss this, I will in the Private forum as I always get hammered on this forum for "not diluting" my religion and gee that sounds wrong to me.

I gotta go. I got important things to do! My cats litter box needs to be changed!:) Zippidy doo Daa, zippidy day,,, I have a feeling I'm gonna have a wonderful day! Are those the Word?  
I like Me. I get to spend 24/7 with Meeee. Yahooo,,  lucky me!!!  I get to be with me, me, me.... Book signing everyone. Form line to the right. Thank you.
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1462810 tn?1327360449
Thanks, Cloud.  When you get the chance look up this one in the new testament portion of the Christian Bible... "Blessed are the peacemakers..."  

For such self-proclaimed exhaltation, it surprised me to find MyOwn's profile "hidden under a basket".  There must be great stress there.  

I used to wonder about the scripture that admonishes us not to grow weary in doing good, when I was always so tired.  I personally now believe that it's an instruction to not wear myself out doing good, and I now realize that stress and weariness (as well as wariness) are signs that my prayer life is not in order.  

When I first found this forum it's not the religion I found here that helped me, it was (and I hope will be) the reminder that if I go to God in prayer I will find comfort There.  I did and I am and I thank God for those of you who reminded me where to search, as well as those of you who validated my impulse to search in the first place.  God is good, so are we when we search our hearts because we find (with a little help from our friends) God there.  

I spoke, in gentle terms, with an ardent Christian today... I said, "When my own spiritual life is healthy, I try to throw seed and water.  What God grows there is His business."  Personally, I throw "find God" seeds and water faith.  Then I go pray that the increase will be in my own heart.
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662085 tn?1331345560
Take a deep breathe inhale and then let it out there so much tension on here its painful.

Reason, understanding, and love are really the only way to help others. Harsh love is not love its just pain mixed with love.   We have to be understanding of other all others

(o my god I sound like a hippie lol I would have fit in then)



do not ask questions like this

You pose a fine question but then you state that you know what is right.

THEN  you claim that Christianity hasn't done those things.

Christianity has been very closed minded and has done horrid things to people. Also just about every religion promotes peace.  Simple we all hungry for it.

I'm not saying that Christianity in its self is evil or anything but it does promote some violence by giving such closed minded ideas.

It makes too sides and says this is evil and this is good

but the truth and this comes back to the middle ground nothing and no one is pure evil. So many factors live around these thing that how can you say its evil.


WE all need to open our minds to new ideas even me. Are you afraid that doubt will strike you as it did me. Dont be I've grown to be a very loving person sure I have my evils and I see my own darkness but there is light in me as well and I am open to new ideas and ways of thinking. doubt only will get you if you already have it, or  if the foundation of your beliefs are weak.

we all have stories and knowledge that we alone have gained and we all must share it. With love, and respect for one and another  

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662085 tn?1331345560
You are right myown I don't read the pages I have only watched history channel things and learned by other means but now I hold two bibles

the  old
the  new

Unfortunately I also have a big test on Monday so I have to put most of my learning new materiel to that lol

" If you don't want to believe any of the Words of the bible just because the people used to pen the Words are not here in person to testify - well then don't believe what you read about Abraham Lincoln or George Washington or any of our history from the past...well I should say the "real past" as History is being re-written to suit some people.."

History books dont tell you everything they lie to fit the tale of the winner or the side your in. Did you know we went to war with Canada shortly but we backed out because there where to many allies. Most history books dont tell of it at least not the ones in school.

You must remember the bible is inspired by god and is written by man. But to make matters worse its tranlated again and again but imperfect beings. The church has hid holy objects and scriptures that would turn people away. There is said to be a book of Jesus betrayer that casts a very different light on the situation. But known of this changes the facts.

You are right I do admit it I'm lost I don't have the all the answers and I'm looking for the ones that fits my heart. I am young and my attention span is not the largest it doesnt help that I have other problems too. So reading the bible gets hard and tiring. I do read the scriptures you guys post even when I'm not commenting don't think I'm not reading I just dont know what to say or have nothing worth putting down.

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1462810 tn?1327360449
Forgive me, I am also extremely stressed right now.  

I should have said, "...someone with a little more humility."  

Good night.  
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