I'm 14 years old and my penis is 5.5 in when I have a boner. 1. Is this small. Because in the locker room I see guys with big ones. 2. Is it better to wear a jock strap or compression shorts?
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You're making the same mistake that most guys make. Don't compare yourself to other guys you see in the locker room. There is no connection between how big it is when it's flacid (soft) and when it's erect (hard). In fact, smaller flacid penises usually grow a lot more than a big one during an erection. In other words, you can have a 2 inch soft one that will grow to a 6 inch erection, and that guy you see in the locker room with a 5 inch soft will grow to 5.5 inches. Sometimes this is referred to as "showers" and "growers", the big ones are for showing and the smaller ones are for growing.

It's hard to say what is normal for a guy your age because in all likelihood you're not finished with puberty yet. Some guys your age haven't started yet, some are in the middle of growing, and a few are almost done. I can tell you that the average adult is about 5.8 inches erect, so right now you'd be considered average for an adult.

I think compression shorts are better because they accomplish the same protection as a jock but they don't rub in your groin which can cause irritation.

Hope this answers your question.
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You're making the same mistake that most guys make. Don't compare yourself to other guys you see in the locker room. There is no connection between how big it is when it's flacid (soft) and when it's erect (hard). In fact, smaller flacid penises usually grow a lot more than a big one during an erection. In other words, you can have a 2 inch soft one that will grow to a 6 inch erection, and that guy you see in the locker room with a 5 inch soft will grow to 5.5 inches. Sometimes this is referred to as "showers" and "growers", the big ones are for showing and the smaller ones are for growing.

It's hard to say what is normal for a guy your age because in all likelihood you're not finished with puberty yet. Some guys your age haven't started yet, some are in the middle of growing, and a few are almost done. I can tell you that the average adult is about 5.8 inches erect, so right now you'd be considered average for an adult.

I think compression shorts are better because they accomplish the same protection as a jock but they don't rub in your groin which can cause irritation.

Hope this answers your question.
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