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Morgellons, Fibers or parasites? Please help.

Hi, I'm Alexandra - 15 year old girl. I have white and black little tiny things coming out of the palms of my hands. When I took a pincet and get one of it out it was moving. From my puberty my hands are
sweating. In every situation or temperature, day or night - they were always sweating. Drops dropping from my hands. But from August 2015 they are the most dry thing! I swear they are
so dry, so are my lips. My lips always were wet but from the same time with the hands they are so dry and on the bottom lip I have a little blood crack. January 2015 I was going to get my little brother
from kinder garden and I noticed grain (film grain) in my vision. Weeks later I had strange head pain. I was getting the head pain per week or month. Now from August 2015 this head pain is a part from me. Morning waking with it - night falling asleep with it. From little kid I have bad breath and white on my tongue. Since
my puberty I haven't seen white on my tongue (still had bad breath) since puberty, but 2014 i saw a white on my tongue again. August 2015 I on my tongue had
more white than anytime, with the baddest breath I have ever had. I forgot to say that also January 2015 after getting that grain or film grain in my vision days later I felt something tickling me in the left
eye. August 2015 I was in my room studying when I felt something crawling on my right foot. The window was open and I thought it was insect. I kept feeling it on the same place the next two days and
finally I closed the window. No sings of insect, the next week I kept feeling something crawling on my right foot.  Later I also had two big dark colored pimples on the
right foot, on the right side but after two days they moved on the left side on the right foot. They were so itching and I felt pain when i touched them. They were really big, but soon disappeared. The same time I saw that my hair is moving by itself! I throught I was hallucinating, but the
next days I kept seeing my hair moving, even get a lock of hair on my hand and it really was moving. 2014-2015 I had a hair loss because I have dyed my hair. In my puberty I also had a dandroff,
but 2014 my head was clean, the only problem was the hair loss. June 2015 my hair wasn't falling that often. August 2015 I saw that my hair is literally shining and strong. I was also using hair oil but used
to stop using it. August 2015 I started using hair oil again but my scalp started to burn and itching. After four days of using it I stopped to use it because of intense burn and itching on my scalp. August 2015
I had the feeling something is crawling on my arms and legs (have a crawling feeling on my body since puberty, mostly in bed, but that crawling was like more intense than the one i was feeling in my
puberty). 26 August 2015 my skin was literally burning. My grandma
touched my head and she said I was hot. I feel my body burn when I'm nervous, tired or sad?. The next day I saw black and white little tiny things coming out of the lenses of the palm of my hand. I washed my hands, but immediately before even I dry
my hands they kept coming out of my skin and I grab the eyebrow pincet and started getting them out. I cried because when I get one white it was moving.. to be sure I get out one black and it really
was moving. I was shocked, I told my dad but he said that I'm crazy. I showed one of them to my stepmother, she said she see a black tiny thing but she denied to move. For first time I saw these things on me when I felt the crawling on my right foot, but I throught it was from the clothes because it happens and my hands were sweating?  I kept getting them out from
the palms of my hands and I keep seeing them moving. I also started to have itching and tickling in ears, tickling in nose, white little round
things coming out of my face & body, arms, legs... Today 02 August 2015 I visit my doctor and she didn't even listen to me and said that this is not real, this only exist in sci-fi and fantastic movies. I also found in my eye
black long thick thing and in the end of it something white.. I thought it's from my eyelashes but later I saw many times on my body, face & clothes and I still keep finding them on me. I also have little
red dots on the palms of my hand. After my doctor today I visit private laboratory but they said the same thing. If no one believes me am I crazy?/ What should I do? Should I go to psychiatrist? Help.
3 Responses
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you have thrush in your mouth it's all related to yeast, fungus,  mold  Yogurt and fungal cream
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Nematod/Pyemotes+Biofilm bacteria/mushroom=PATM &Morgellons?

I think this disease is related to mold; biofilm mushroom with a micro nematode of cotton or a pyemotes acarie mite; the new studies tell us that bacteria produces electricity and communicated between
We now know that bacteria can communicate electrically, and we should be concerned.

They are organized. "

David Nield 17january 2017

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yes, it is fungus in the skin. I had tried everything and someone suggested clotrimazole 2% cream Walgreens has it all the other creams are 1% black specks came out and after three days my skin is starting to look better. Twice a day and corriander seeds or oil sprinkled on food
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Find a different doctor who will listen to u.. Cause idk what's wrong with u. Good luck tho
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