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diapers and plastic pants

i love to wear diapers and plastic pants dont have to wear them i just like the look and feel i read this is called a diaper fetish i was told that if i was forced to wear them every night weather i wanted to or not i will grow out of this i read in a site called dpf that someone had the same fetish and they said that being forced to wear the diapers and plastic pants and even had locking diapers pins so they did not take them off and sometime was diapered and teased about wearing them to embarass them and also when they was around the house made them wear them all day they say this diaper punishment works most of the time
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I like to wear a diaper and plastic pants to,but tried to stop this and gave all my baby clothes away etc.babyswimfin.
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I just enjoy the plastic pants without the diaper.I've seen quite q few websites so I guess the is fairly common.
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i like to wear nappys but i dont know why
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my baptism went ok.i wore the plastic pants under my baptism dress for the day and got a small rash from .it was a little embarassing having plastic baby pants on under my dress,at my party my mom lifted up my dress and showed the plastic to some of my friends and cousins.
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i am a girl 15 and being baptized soon in our roman catholic church.i have to wear a white baptism dress,lace socks and shoes.my parents are requiring me to wear plastic pants[rubberpants]under my dress with a tee shirt.i dont want to wear the rubber pants but my parents said i have to.can they be worn under my dress with out any problems?
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It is a common fetish. It does not make you a freak, and it isn't a medical problem. But it is from something psychological in the past. You have two options:

If you don't want the fetish to continue, then you could see someone to figure out the source of the fetish. This could help you overcome it.

Or you can continue to do the fetish in private. I mean it's harmless, and hopefully the partner you choose to spend your life with will understand this. As long as it is not an obsession that takes over your life you should be fine.

Take care!
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Your right it is a fetish, someone who doesn't know anything about the fetish may look at you and think your a freak or you might have a medical problem . I know it runs much deeper than that i have the same fetish i get home from work and tape on a diaper then i'm good for the rest of the day or night depending on when i put one on.
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