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so me and my bf was playing around, his thing accidentally touched mine, just a little, everything should be ok rite?
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I really can't add much to what Jim has written above other than to say that the first thing that hit me reading your question was the fact that you called you bf's penis a 'thing'. That tells me that you are quite young and that writing the word 'penis' is uncomfortable for you to write and say. An adult would have no problem with that. You are playing with fire here. A sexual relationship is not based on the idea of doing it because you are having fun. It is designed to bring a life into this world and should be reserved for two people who have a loving relationship, preferably married, who are totally commited to each other and WANT a child. The baby then becomes a blessing instead of a 'problem'. That helps to ensure the baby is raised in a loving enviorment. You have to ask yourself SERIOUSLY whether or not this bf is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, literally! Even if you don't marry him, he will be a part of your life for the next 18 years if you become pregnant, whether you want him or not. You REALLY need to think about that fact. Also consider this fact: one in every four teens carries an STD! Not only does that effect the teen, but it also affects the future children that teen brings into the world, even years later in that teen's life! When you think about that, that's scary! No one can stop you from having sex and playing around, but at least consider the idea of holding off engaging in this adult activity, it doesn't sound like you are mentally ready for this, even if your body it.
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176495 tn?1301280412
well, there are a number of factors to consider, probably best answered by another female older than I suspect you are..did any fluid leak out of his "thing" where were you in your monthly cycle.  Sperm are present in the fluid in his penis as he becomes aroused and excited and those sperms sole purpose are to swim and swim until they find an egg ready to meet a good swimmer.  If there were an egg present, and fluid leaking from his penis, there is a chance you could be pregnant.  You might want to try a home pregnancy test.

Secondly, as I said, I suspect you are rather young and sex is not something to be taken lightly..if you are bound and determined to play around you (and he) MUST be aware that this is activity that can create a life..and it is certainly a part of his responsibility to ensure that doesn't happen and even playing around is wearing a condom.  That's called responsibility.  If either of you have not considered this then you should not be engaging in this behavior.

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