929504 tn?1332585934

Hypothyroid and Irregular Menstrual Cycle

I would like to hear from anyone who is Hypothyroid and has had/has irregular menstrual cycles that were extended and not stopping. My cycle is always normal/heavy (5-6days) except for this month. My flow lasted 5 days, however I am still bleeding @ day #11. Went to my doc and he checked me out, concluded that it is my hormones (which I figured anyhow), but would like to know what experience other have had with this issue.

Just to Add: I obviously am not converted due to the many health issues that I am experiencing and am in the midst of finding a new endo that listens to me and not only my labs....
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One of the first signs that my wife is trending Hypo is irregular periods.  She will start like spotting for a day, then stop, then back on, then heavy etc.  Also the timing is irregular.

Menstrual issues with Hypo is pretty common. One book I read which was an old book made the connection.  The Dr then went back into his practice and determined that a very high percentage of women who had hysterectomy's also later were found to have low Thyroid.  And he found that women once treated for Thyroid determined that their menstrual issues went away.  Leading the Dr to wonder how many Hysterectomy's were performed that didn't really need to be done if those women had their Thyroid treated properly?
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929504 tn?1332585934
I am currently reading a book on thyroid issues and it's very imformative and also states that "irregular cycles" can be caused by thyroid issues. I had a Thyroidectomy back in dec 09" and my symptoms are worsening. I have started on 25mcg synthroid and up to 75, then up to 88, then up to 100 and back down to 88...so obviously I need add'l assistence in med's. My Endo is stuck on TSH, as most doc's are and he doesn't even test my Free T3 level, it is I, who checks it off on the labs just so I know what they are and it is always on the low end of normal, which I sure is my problem. I have to search and find a Doc who is willing to try me on Armour or anyother T3 med just to see if it helps, because Synthroid alone isn't cutting it for me. I have 4 specialists that I'm seeing now since my TT and it's really bothersome for me, so I have to find the energy and tackly this, but that's a whole nother post in itself.    
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Here's another member struggling with a similar problem:


Sorry to hear you're not feeling so well...
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929504 tn?1332585934
I need a good doctor, that's all! Thanks for the link. I am having more and more issues on top of this and it's not easy at all. Wish I would've kept my thyroid.
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1823715 tn?1319385796
I think I will keep an eye on this for a couple of months, I don't really want to have to go back on HRT if I can help it. :( However it did seem to settle the periods down for a while.
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I do get irregular periods....

Sometimes I get them twice in one month. I never know when they are coming.....

I had a TT back in 1994. I just switched my dosage from 125mcg to 175mcg, so I am sure that will also throw off my cycles....
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929504 tn?1332585934
@ Totie...how long did it take for you to feel half normal after the TT?? Do you take anything to control cycle??
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929504 tn?1332585934
What exactly is HRT and is it used to regulate your cycle???
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A lot of things I have read say that in the beginning, cycles can be light to nonexistent, but as hypothyroidism becomes worse, the cycles can become heavier and more frequent.

Personally, I was went the full spectrum from spotting and light every 4-6 months as a teen, to heavier, longer cycles in my twenties.  Within the last year, especially right before I was diagnosed with hypothyroid, I never knew what each day would bring, from spotting to flooding.  Now that I am on Levothyroxine, I am down to daily spotting, some days a bit more, but it's getting better finally.

I still feel pretty poorly, so I am going for more tests, but it seems that there is a real connection between hypothyroid and heavier, longer cycles - at least for me
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Your not alone trust me! I have irregular periods more than reg. they go from not at all to twice a month from heavy to barely there. I never know what to expect or when to expect it and it gets old!  I am hypo. and also on synthroid 150 mcg and dealing with an endo that focuses on just my TSH and yes its so aggravating but hopefully after voicing my opinion today she may check the others as well :) ! Anyways good luck and again your not alone here!
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I have hashi's and I had irregular periods for years after my first child was born I started again after nursing really heavy periods then after a year or so of that they just stopped all together and no one could tell me why.  I went to a few doctors and they said don't worry about it.  I ended up getting pregnant with my second somehow and after her they were non existant again and I finally got a doctor to test my thyroid and after a long hard fight finally was started on medication and lo and behold my cycles are regualar and short as can be usually no longer then 3 days only 1-2 of those somewhat heavy.  I am on naturethroid and I highly reccomend it, it has really been a life saver for me!  If I lower
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my dose it messes with my periods.  
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1823715 tn?1319385796
Sorry, HRT is hormone replacement therapy, I am too old to be on the pill to help regulate my periods, so my gynae put me on a low dose HRT pill which did the same thing, just for 6mths, it worked for about a year I guess, but this month I have had a 'normal' period on the 6th, a show & feelings of coming on 13 days later, then a full blown period about 4 days after the show.
Thankfully it is stopping now, but who knows when I will have another one. :(

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929504 tn?1332585934
Thanks Anyone for your comments and opinions, it helps alot.
@Mommyjammieof2: I am in the midst of finding a new endo, because he is hopeless and doesn't listen to my symptoms at all, he just relies on the TSH results. Question for you: Is naturethyroid a T3 med, because I am focusing on finding a doc who will try me on a T3 med vs Synthroid, because it's been two years since my TT and I feel helpless and ill.
@Danniabg: My doc started me on Progesterone two days ago in hopes that my cycle will come to an end, so I shall see how this goes...it doesn't help that I am anemic as well.
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I'll just jump in here for a minute...NatureThroid (NT) is desiccated porcine thyroid, the same as Armour Thyroid, ERFA (from Canada), etc.  It contains both T4 and T3.  

That's one way to get T3 directly.  The other would be to add synthetic T3 (Cytomel and generics) to your meds.  

Different people do well on one or the other.  It's a very personal choice.  However, many doctors, especially endos it seems, don't like to use desiccated.  The advantage to adding Cytomel is that the exact dose of T3 can be manipulated separately from your T4 dose for a more custom fit.  

As i said, we all have to find out what works best for us.  You're having such a hard time finding a doctor who will even test FT3 and prescribe T3 meds, you might not want to get your heart set on desiccated until you've tried synthetic adn seen if it works for you.  
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929504 tn?1332585934
Thanks for the advice. My current endo doesn't believe that I need Cytomel and Lord knows i've been asking for about a year, which is why I must switch to another doc, once again. I will take your advice and try the cytomel first. Do you know if any issues that may occur considering my other health issues: HBP, Anemia, Anxiety/panic attacks, Cardiac Arrythmia??
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929504 tn?1332585934
Correction: Do you know 'of' any issues that may occur...
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I didn't realize you had an arrhythmia (I do, too).  T3 meds can be tough with an arrhythmia.  Make sure any doctor who prescribes T3 meds for you is aware of your arrhythmia and consults with your cardio.  

T3 can raise your BP; it can cause anxiety/panic; it can exacerbate arrhythmias.  However, that being said, all those symptoms can also be caused by improperly adjusted thyroid hormones (both too high and too low).

When I was increasing my meds, I had a terrible time.  Every increase came with increased arrhythmia.  I was completely convinced that the more thyroid meds I took, the more difficult it was going to be to control my arrhythmia.  However, wonder of wonders, once I got on the proper dose of meds and was on it for enough time to truly stabilize, my arrhythmia has been the best it's been since I was about 7 years old.  (Knocking on wood) I haven't had an episode of tachycardia in over 18 months.

Back before I knew enough to know better, my PCP actually put me on T3 (5 mcg).  I wasn't on it for long because I didn't think it did anything and stopped it.  It didn't bother my arrhythmia, interestingly enough.

Do you take anything for the arrhythmia?
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929504 tn?1332585934
It seems like i'm doomed, lol. The problem with me is that my heart rhythm has an extra beat and this happened after the TT and is even more prominent now. I get tachycardia whenever I have a panic attack, which happens even moreso now and started after the TT. I know someone who has tried Cytomel and couldn't tolerate evern the lowest dose due to the heart racing. So, does that mean naturethyroid and Armour thyroid both come with that side effect as well. I have to try something because there is no way I can settle with all of these symptoms without feeling lifeless.

I do not take any med's for the arrhythmia, however my bp med's are a betablocker and slows my rate, but nothing helps with the extra beats.
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I don't believe I just typed a whole response to you and it got blown away when I tried to submit it...grrrr.

Have you had a cardio workup?  I guess I'm wondering if your TT brought something to the surface (like a congenital heart defect) that might have been lurking all your life???  Many of those are very "fixable".

Both NT and Armour have a relatively high T3 content.  In every 60 mg (1 grain) of desiccated, there's 38 mcg of T4 and 9 mcg of T3.  The ratio of T4 to T3 is about 4.5 to 1.  Our own thyroids produce about 20 to 1; the rest comes from conversion.  Keep in mind that may people only take 5 mcg synthetic T3 a day, and you see where desiccated can be more than some can tolerate.  

My tachy always started with a "skipped" beat.  It's interesting that even though I haven't had tachy in 18 months, I still get the skip.  I've been on beta blockers since starting thyroid meds, and though they did wonders for my tachy, they don't seem to touch the skip.  Every time I feel the skip, I'm SURE I'm going to get tachy, but I haven't...
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929504 tn?1332585934
I Blame everything on having a TT, even if it's not to blame. I suffered from anxiety in 98 and after med's kicked in, I was okay with very minimal symptoms after it left me "helpless". After the TT, the panic attacks came back, my BP went evern highter than it was and I was put on a higher dosage of med's, never had a problem with a skipped heart beat, started having aches and pains in my arms and legs, heavier cycles, well, the exhaustion I won't even mention,...it's just never ending and i'm only 44 yrs old. Unbelievable. I believe that once my levels are where my body wants them to be, these symptoms may ease up or even go away, until then, I am at my witts end...oh and did I mention, I'm seeing a Psychologist!..lol..Glad I still have a sense of humor.
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Well, it's your story, and you should stick to it!  It's better than kicking the dog...  

I'm sorry you are having such a struggle with this, and I agree with you that once your levels are optimized, a lot of your problems will resolve themselves.  I guess at 44, perimenopause might be an issue as well.  Peri can last a lot of years.  My cycle had always been extremely regular (29 days on the dot).  About 10 years before menopause, it all of a sudden shortened and got kind of flaky (a technical term).  

You DO need a good doctor...hope you find one.  Have you talked to gimel about that?
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Just one thought.  I have absolutely no problem with NT or Armour or even Cytomel.  however since it appears that you have NEVER been tested for anything other than TSH.  You have no idea what even your FT4 levels are.  

It may be possible that your FT4 is still very low in the range and that you don't have any conversion problem.  

In other words.  It may be possible that simply raising your Synthroid may work or at least help.  I would recommend that you get your FT4 levels into the middle of the range before you really start thinking of adding a T3 medication.

Just something to think about.  You MAY be able to talk your current Dr to at least test for FT4.  If I were you; I might even place a bet with your Dr.  Bet him that your FT4 is below mid range and your FT3 is below the upper 1/3 of the range.  If he says he doesn't think so ask him to  prove you wrong!  All it takes is a blood test!
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929504 tn?1332585934
Yes, I have been in constant contact with Gimel, and he has been very helpful but havent found a doc who accepts my insurance as of yet.
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