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C1 Adjustment

Question.  Head pressure, dizziness, tightness and numbness in face and neck, tinnitus, stiff jaw muscles.  Right side of body weighs 18 lbs more then left side.  Right shoulder slightly higher then left shoulder.  Squeeking and crackling noises right underneath skull.  When I feel these I can move my head however I want to.  When I feel good, it wont let me for some reason.  Laying down relieves the pressure.  Pulling my shoulders down real hard relieves the pressure as well, letting go pressure comes right back instantly.  Is this a C1 or C2 subluxation problem and can it compress the spinal nerve and cause these.  Can C1 and C2 cause TMJ problems as well.  What can I do to get it fixed.  Physical Therapy, Deep Massage Therapy on neck, Neck excercises, different pillows, improving posture has not worked.  Started the day I went to a chiro in Feb for torticollis and had me hold a probably 15 lb heading pad on my shoulder.  4 hrs after that my neck was paralyzed, wouldnt move a inch and had a severe head pressure ill never forget.  Assuming a spinal nerve got pressed and ever since whatever caused that, has caused near daily problems since.   Cant live with it any longer.  How dangerous would a adjustment be if that indeed is the problem.  Lady at work has talked me into going to a very good and long time chiropractor for a consultation and tests.  Hopefully its something simple.  Just scared about the adjustment thing if it comes to that.  Shes had them done to her and her family and never had a prob though.
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In addition, I have seen 3 neuros, a ENT, a eye doctor, family doctor, a orthopedist, 3 ERs.  C spine MRI was normal.  CT scan of head was normal.  MRI with MRA was normal except tiny scattered white matter signals.  2nd MRI no change 4 months later.  Related to migraines or microvascular disease.  Blood work all normal.  Eye tests all perfect, no optic nerve problems. ENT hearing excellent and tests normal except muscle spasms with noise.  Orthopedist ask me about 5 spots if tender or not which werent.  Didnt look at MRI films I brought in.  Said something probably going on in brain.  Someone else got the same story and had hip replacement a couple months later.  So hes a idiot.  Every doctor has prescribed me Neurontin or Amitriptilyne.  I dont believe in medicene and masking problems.  I know its not in my head.  I wish there were more DemiGuises out there as doctors.  Not doing Dr's anymore.  Anyone with experience with chiropractors, homeopaethic medicene
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Hey there.  Just as I thought that maybe the PT has been happening, I go rear-ended.  I was stopped at a stop sign, and all of the sudden, BOOM, I knew that sound oh so well, being that I have already been in 2 car accidents.  I could have strangled the kid to death.  I started crying, I told him how I have been having all kinds of problems since the last one 8 years ago, and of course, what does he care, PUNK! It turns out to be my mother and father-in-laws neighbor.  Great!!!  My PT will really like me Monday, he hollers now, when he works on me, saying how tight my shoulder and neck muscles are.  Talk again.  I'm going on my heating pad, and watching the Steeler game.
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Oh jenny - I am so sorry to hear that sweetie. I hope it doesn't set you back too much. I had the same thing happen to me last year while sitting at the traffic lights - I got of and yelled at the young idiot who had done it - told him I had neck problems already and he'd likely made them much worse. Glad you've got the PT to go to - hopefully he'll help you through the first few days. Make sure you take it easy and maybe take some anti inflammitories if you can. Do you take them usually? I used to take them every day - they helped alot, but ruined my stomach so no more for me.
Best of luck Jenny - hope its OK - I'll be thinking of you.xxx
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I'm feeling really crappy today.  My neck and shoulders are really hurting and tight, and I'm starting to get a slight headache, took 2 advil, maybe that will help.  My jaw keeps tightening alot today, and then it tingles, weird.  Maybe it all has to do with the muscles, who knows.  That round-earth website is pretty self-explanatory, and really makes alot of sense.  My mom keeps telling me to go get an x-ray, but that doesn't show anything.  I'm getting really frustrated.  I think I'm going to try a pain clinic, maybe ask about some injections.  My mom has arthritis really bad in her neck, and she had the injections, they helped her alot.  I think they used lidocaine, B-12, and something else, but not cortisone.  Hope your feeling better.  I'm even thinking about trying some Lyrica, my dad had a prescription from when he had shingles.  My doc said I could try it.  I dunno.  Talk again later!!!!
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How are you doing?
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Hi Jenny - what is Lycira? you guys have totally different drug names over there, so I often don't know what people are talking about. Yeah an Xray wouldn't show anything I'd say - you need an MRI, but they need to know where to look as well. Here you can't have an MRI until you've had an xray to see if they need to go to the expense of a scan. I think I said though, that my osteopath said that the muscular/tendon/trigger point problems that he thinks I have, would not show on an MRI anyway. It frustrates me that so many people in the medical profession think that if you have a clear MRI, theres nothing wrong with you. My Doc has run lots of tests for me in the past and most come back normal, and she delivers the news by saying "the tests are clear, so theres nothing wrong" AAAAGGGGGHHHH - makes me want to hit her!!!!!!
Its my experience that if you don't fit into a neat little catagory for a dx, then you are a sorce of frustration - I know my doc must cringe when she sees my name on her list "oh god - not her again". Thank god for my neuro!
Anyway sweetie - hope you're doing better - use a heat pad on your neck as much as possible - I'm off to use mine right now xxxx
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Joshua, I just wanted to tell you i am going through the same thing.  It started with tingling in my face, both sides, and both hands.  Then, burning feeling on top of my head.  Neck pain, arm pains, eye pain.  Then, I had problems with TMJ on right side, I couldn't eat for 2 weeks.  I went to massage therapist, dentist, doctor, chiropracter.  They all said stress, anxiety.  I had a nerve conduction test done and a Catscan.  I haven't got the results back yet, but I am feeling a litte better.  Do you grind your teeth at night?  I do really, really bad.  I would wake my self up at night grinding my teeth. I really don't know if this all could be related or not.
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I know you posted to Josh, but as you can seen from my previous posts, I'm experiencing alot of things that are similar to Josh, I just don't think it's quite as bad as his.  Let us know how your tests turn out.  I had a brain MRI in April of this year, everything was normal, the doc did this because of the facial tingling that I have on the left side of my face. I do have jaw stiffness, and ear pain on that side, but no cracking or popping noise, I don't know if I grind my teeth at night or not, I know that my husband and son do all the time, I probably don't get enough sleep to grind my teeth, from them keeping me up. LOL!!!
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Jenny - how are you? Hope you're recovering well - have thought of you alot this week & concerned you haven't been around. Take care.
Sheila xx
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Hi there Sheila.  I've been around, just trying to stay busy.  Seems that if I stay busy I don't notice my neck and head pain as much.  I'm still going to PT, it feels really good while your there, and for about a day or so afterwards.  I wish I could go everyday, then maybe I'd really approve.  I don't think the insurance company would like that to much. LOL. My sister go engaged this week, so I was pretty busy planning a surprise party or her, that went well, she was really shocked.  They are planning to be wed October 13, 2007.  Hope you are feeling better, I think about you alot also, hopefully one day we'll feel better.  I pray everyday.  I seen a shooting star last night, and, well, I can't tell what I wished, because it won't come true, but I bet you could probably read my mind!!!!
Talk again soon, take care!!! Jen
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I saw a shooting star 2 nights ago also! Can't have been the same one as it would have been daytime over there. Glad to hear you'r keeping busy - I've learned that is the best thing to do. When I was younger, and ill, I"d often stay in bed all day - convincing myself that I was unable to do anything and then I'de get horribly depressed thinking about what I'd missed out on. These days, no matter how bad I feel, I have to get up and get my daughter off to school - I have to keep going for her - and then, since I'm up, I may as well go to work. I rarely take a day off - even if I have to rest on the studio couch most of the day, its better than being at home. This all keeps my mood up and even if it takes me a long time to complete a painting, at least I did it!. Of course people say 'If you can still go to work, you can't be all that bad' - that gets very frustrating - If they could see what it takes to get there - how much I'm hurting. It may be that I'd be physicaly better off at home - not really sure if I'm making myself worse by working, but it keeps me sane and that, as well as my daughter is what keeps me from wanting to quit this life.
So far, the neurontin is doing nothing! I am disapointed, but prepared myself not to get my hopes up too high. The Imitrex usually works well, but risky, so can't take every day. Saw my Doc - she couldn't understand why Neuro still wants to see me - said its "just" migraines (grrrrrr) - she gets them occasionally, so obviously thinks she knows what I'm going thru & that I'm making too much of it. Its people like her that cause alot of problems with getting a correct diagnosis - thank god the neuros not like that! I'd love to change docs, but theres a shortage, so noone else can take me.
Is there really no way you can get more PT? Don't know much about insurence over there, but here, if you have it(I don't - not many do) They approve anyhting the doc says you need as long as your policy covers that kind of treatment.
Well chickie - must go & see to my little girl. Take care xxx
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I have many similar symptoms.  I was rear-ended on the freeway 4 and half years ago, and have been serverely hurt since.  Since then I have been diagnosed with TMJ, fibromyalgia, chronic myofascial pain syndrome, facet syndrome, neuritis, possible trigeminal neuralgia and an maybe an unknown autoimmune disease (positive ANA test).  I have been to 3 different PT's, 2 chiropractors, cranio-sacral therapy, a fibromyalgia specialist who does trigger point injections (she uses procaine, a dental anesthetic- no steroid.  These are AWESOME!), and massage (trigger point therapy).  The cranio-sacral therapy works good, and the trigger point therapy has prevented me from going completely crazy!  I can recommend a great book that teaches you to massage the trigger points yourself, it's called "The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook" by Clair Davies.  If you have TMJ or any muscle pain, this book will help you maintain unimagineable pain relief.  I also would suggest finding a massage therapist who knows about trigger points.  For TMJ, neck pain, headaches, etc. you want to focus on your sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, levator scapulae, trapezius, masseters, and temporalis muscles to start.  The book has great pictures and direction.  Or, any anatomy book or google these muscles and feel them out for any lumps or knots that produce pain.  To massage, you can rub each lump to deactivate and you also must go to the "belly" (usually the biggest part in the center) to release the myofascia. 1-2 minutes at each point, 5-6 times a day.  Myofascial release from a skilled massage therapist will maintain this release.  I also recommend alternating hot and cold therapy- about 1-3 minutes as hot/ or warm as you can, then 15-30 seconds as cold/cool as you can.  The hotter and colder you go, the better.  (But, if you have any heart trouble, use warm-cool until you check with your Dr.) The shower works the best, but for my neck I often use a long sock filled with rice that I can microwave for heat and wrap it around my neck, and then alternate with another sock filled with (raw) popcorn that I keep in the freezer for cold.  1-3 times a day is suggested, but I am so addicted I often do more!  The heat brings the blood into your muscles and relaxes them, and then the surge of cold pushes the blood back out into your organs.  The alternation of this "blood washing" does remarkable healing to any injury.  And great pain relief!
    Something new that I have been trying with a new chiropractor is called "frequency specific microcurrent."  This is probably the best therapy I've had so far, and the permanent success rate is, according to their studies, close to 100%!!!  I have so much hope now that I've began this therapy about 8 weeks ago.  She also has been adjusting my jaw (TMJ joint) my c-1 and 1st ribs.  That has dramatically helped me, too.  You can also search this on google.  I see Dr. Deb Cherachanko at Integrated Pain Solutions in Tigard, OR, who works with Dr. Carol McMakin who is the one who began recent trials with this therapy (It was developed sometime in the early 1900's).  Just look it up on the web, "frequency specific microcurrent" and "Dr.Carol McMakin."  The info you find will no doubt convince you. Even if there isn't any practitioners directly near you it is definitely worth traveling to see one (I drive far to go to Tigard) and then you can purchase a home unit if it works for you.  I bet it will. Let me know if you try any of these and they help.  I'll pray for you all.  I know first hand what these types of pain can do to your life.  It's the WORST.  But now I have hope and I tell everyone who will listen about it because I wish I knew more when I was first hurt.
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To what area of your body did you get the injections?  My mom has arthritis really bad in her neck, the pain center gave her the same injection that you mentioned, also an injection that had B-12.  I'm seriously thinking about having the injections done.  Since starting PT the facial tingling has subsided, but my ear and lower teeth pain has gotten worse.  I also notice that I can't stand tight clothing (shirts), its almost like my skin is hypersensitive, it feels like bugs crawling under it.  Soon as I remove it, its gone.  Weird.  This happens in my shoulder area and goes a little ways down my back.  Could this be from muscle tension?  I have been in 3 accidents in the last 18 years, 2 just in the past 8 years.  Lucky me.  Hopefully we can talk again, thanks for the advice!!!
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They're called trigger point injections, and any practioner that is willing can do them.  Or, if your general practitioner doesn't feel comfortable (mine didn't due to never doing them before), you can find either a pain specialist, or in some states they let PT's do them.  I had mine done w/my rheumatology specialist.  She can do 8-10 injections in a session, but I've read that some doctors will do 20-22.  I've had them done 3 times so far (they seem to last about a month for me right now), and she's done my upper and lower trapezius, rhomboids, levator scapulae and spinalis muscles.  The needle breaks up the knot in the muscle and the procaine numbs and relaxes the spasm.  After experiencing great relief, I also talked a dentist into injecting the inside of my mouth on both sides to get my lateral pterygoids!  That was very dramatic!  (I had already been doing the trigger point massage and knew that these muscles are a huge factor in the cascade for me-  I clench and grind my teeth at night, probably because of the servere misalignment of my c-1 and TMJ- my whiplash was side-to-side because I was turning around in my seat in traffic when it happened.)  
     As for the tingling/ crawling, I have that, too.  I also have restless leg syndrome.  Yes, that can definitely be caused by muscle tension- that just more proves that you are experiencing true myofascial pain.  (Do you know what fascia is? Fascia is what "binds" everything together in your body, wrapping and incasing everything.  Organs, muscles, nerves... and it's all connected.  That's why it can easily spread, like a cascade effect.  You know that white stuff that you see wrapped aound chicken?  That's fascia.  Myo- means muscle.  Sorry for the explaination if you knew- I just know that is not common knowledge and I was a nursing student before this all hit.  I love anatomy and physiology!)  When you have muscle tension, this can "twist" the (myo)fascia, which then can squeeze or even compress nerves or blood vessels that pass through the muscle. This can confuse the electrical singles that travel along the nerve pathway and cause tingling, burning, crawling, numbness and hypersensivity.  This can even cause neuralgia (sharp, stabbing nerve pain) and even minor or major neuropathy (numbness and inhibited circulation).  It sounds like you are experiencing these.  You really should check out the book, which is based on "Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual(s)" by Janet Travell and David Simons.  Anyone who does trigger point injections on you should have at least looked at The Trigger Point Manual, as it gives directions (they could hit an artery or nerve, or even puncture a lung-  it's not as simple as the massage in that just knowing your anatomy is not good enough.  Those manuals are about $100 each (there's 2) but I'm friends with my massage therapist and she loaned me hers.  "The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook" by Clair Davies is about $20.  But you might be able to find parts of both on the web.  If you can't find a skilled massage therapist that knows about trigger points and myofascial release (not all do- they are 2 of many types of massage)you can for sure succeed on your own with that workbook.  And you probably would have a lot of success with any anatomy picture and feeling around.  You want a firm, kneading massage, and deep stroking.  Aim for a 5-6 out of 10 pain response, again 1-2 min. 5-6 times a day.  But, the injections are quicker (but if it's really widespread, they won't be able to do all of them in one session), but it really helps to maintain with the massage.  And for sure do the hot/cold therapy after injections!  If your having nerve symptoms hot/cold may seem to aggravate them, but don't get scared.  You have to break up and release the myofascia and the hot/cold works so good and you can easily do it by yourself, and it's free.
     What kind of arthritis did your mom have?  Was it some type of rheumatic/ autoimmune arthritis (rhematoid, lupus...) or just regular osteoarthritis?  Myofascial pain can be related to both- in opposite ways.  The autoimmune disease causes joint distruction which causes joint dysfuncton that creates muscle tension, or muscle tension pulls at the joints causing faster wear and tear to create osteoarthritis.  Autoimmune diseases can be initiated by trauma, and they are believed to be inherited, or hereditary.  Also, one's succeptibilty to developing myofascial dysfunction may be hereditary.  But trauma definitely causes myofascial pain!  I don't know about the B-12 mixed with the procaine, I've never heard of that.  Did she have them both in the same injection?  I know that B-12 is involved in muscle synthesis (or any energy synthesis), and tissue and nerve repair and have heard of people with fatigue, pain, and autoimmune diseases getting regular B-12 injections.  I have a close friend with M.S. who gets the B-12 injections and has greatly improved.  If they don't do them (procaine and B-12) together you might want to consider doing both separately, especially for your neurological symptoms.  If your insurance doesn't cover the B-12, sublingual B-12(drops under the tongue) works well and is absorbed maybe almost as well for some people.  I myself take an excellently absorbed B-12 supplement and I believe that it really helps me.
     Do you have any other neurological symptoms?  Just curious.  I have both bladder and bowel issues (problems going and completing), restless legs, minor vertigo/ vestibular symptoms and all else that you described.  The new Dr. said that this is all textbook, CNS symptoms often accompany whiplash.
   Again, I would highly recommend the microcurrent!!!  Sometimes, especially after the several traumas you've had, your myofascial can "stick" together and form adhesions.  These make injections and massage very hard to work, which is what I have been going through.  I couldn't figure out why my muscles would easily respond with these treatments, but then be taut bands again the next day.  The microcurrent is able to "melt" and soften these adhesions and make all of my other therapy work better.  I can't wait to see what happens with it further!
     I'm glad that I could help a little, I know these symptoms are such a struggle and filled with roadblock after roadblock trying to relieve them.  Let me know if any of them work.  If they even work a little for you it would be a great encouragement for me to know as I am only 26 and want to keep my hopes up for a permanent cure!  Also, I have researched almost everything, but haven't tried it all, so let me know if you have or do find anything else that works.  I'm all about adding it all on!  I would very much enjoy to talk with you again!

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I forgot to say that I have servere ear and lower teeth pain.  These are my very worst symptoms.  When I didn't know that this was included in the "package", I went to the ER thinking that I had a bad ear infection.  It felt like a knife in my ears.  My ears always hurt and are stuffy, like they need to drain.  This can be due to compression of the trigeminal nerve, TMJ, or blockage of the estaucian tube (or more likely, all three.)  The muscles involved in these (teeth and ears) would be definitely the sternocleidomastoid (SCM, masseters, lateral and medial pterygoids, and possible scalenes, buccinators, levator scapulae and trapiezius.  Start looking in your SCM- releasing this can have a rebound effect on the others.  They don't usually inject this one, so you'll have to massage.  The SCM has 2 branches that wrap around your neck, from your ear to your collar bone.  The sternal branch is soft and fleshly and lies in the front, and the clavicular branch is slighty behind and underneath, more tight to your neck.  You might have to scoot the sternal branch forward to explore the clavicular branch.  Just knead the entire muscle, both branches, from ear to collar bone.  Next, I would go for the pterygoids, masseters, levator scapulae, upper trapezius and scalenes.  If you want more specific instructions, just let me know.  They can't inject scalenes and most won't do SCMs or pterygoids initially I've read, and my Dr. said she hasn't seen much help with masseters.  But if you get injections, definitely have them do your levators and traps in a group, and the others might deactivate.  Also, I did have a minor vagal (vagus nerve) response with my first set of injections.  My pulse dropped, blood pressure dropped, I got nauseous, hot flash, followed by weakness, faint and cold and prickly.  This really worried my Doc!  She practically pushed me to get me to lay down quick, and made me stay with her until I was stable.  She even waited in the room while I dressed and then walked me out to pass me off to my husband, and wouldn't let me get labs that she had wanted that day.  Now I can't drive myself to get injections in case it happens again.  This may be due to CNS symptoms, she said it can be a form of dystonia (your CNS regulating itself).  So be warned, but a vagal response is usually never serious.  If you feel at all faint or nauseous make sure you let your Dr. know immediately, and ask to lay down.  Your vagus nerve runs a lot of the survival areas of your body- heart and vital organs...
   Also, have you ever experienced difficulty swallowing?  Or vertigo/ loss of position sense?
    And- for the ear pain I recommend a chiropractor that specializes in TMJ and cervical dysfunction, this has helped me greatly.  Do you have TMJ?  Do you grind or clench your teeth?  They can sometimes tell this by your dental x-rays.  If you do, a special night guard made by a dentist can help you break that perpetuator.
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My mom has osteoarthritis, so does my dad.  All my problems started after car accident.  First was the left sided migraine type headaches, sometimes I get the aura without the headache, sometimes the headache follows, then came the ear pain, then the facial tingling, so I decided to look up "facial tingling" on the internet, and found MS as a cause, my grandmother was diagnosed with MS at the age of 60, I freaked, then I started noticing every little feeling in my body, needless to say, I've been in a frenzy for 6 years now, so I decided that it was due time to ask the doc for a brain MRI, being that I also get headaches, usually menstrual type, he agreed, so in April of this year I did it, it came back normal, except that it showed a severe sinus thickening.  I thought that when I seen that the MRI came back normal I'd be ok, right, I know there is alot of testing to do to diagnose MS, but my doc seems to think that if I've had these facial feelings for so long that it would have shown.  Maybe a cervical spine MRI will come if the pain center stuff doesn't help.  I hope and pray everyday that it's not MS.  I get the weird crawling sensations in my legs, only at the tops, that started about 1 month after reading that facial tingling is a sign of MS.  And the bladder issues, I pee all the time, but I drink alot of water also, but I don't have any problem emptying, or infections at all.  As far as the bowel issues, I never was regular, I had a descended bowel when I was young, and haven't ever been regular since.  How old are you?  I'm 35, and sometimes I think anxiety has alot to do with what I'm going through, plus maybe hormones.  My grandmother who had MS, went through the change of life at 39, my mother at 47.  I dunno.  Was you ever tested for MS since you have some of the symptoms?  Sometimes I wonder if my gram even had MS, I wish she was still alive to have her tested for Lyme, we live in PA. and its really become an epidemic here in the last 10 years, maybe this is the path I should take also.  What do you think?  Where are you from?  Well, I'm going to cut it short tonight, getting tired, scrubbed my hardwood floors all day, and my neck and shoulders are killing me.  Can't wait to talk again.  Good night!!!!
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Wow - thanks so much for all that info - I don't have jaw problems so much, but do have migraines, myofascial pain in upper body, and various neurologiacal problems. I've been at a loss to explain the pain to doctors all this time and you put it into words in a way that noone else has so far. I had elbow sugery @ 23yrs (37 now) and I just about leapt out of my skin when a massage therapist tried to massage it once - she said it was adhesions and now I think about it, thats exactly what the muscles on my arms and back feel like. I massage against a wall with a tennis ball - absolute agony, but helps alot although only temporarily. I live in New Zealand & not sure if you can get procaine injections here. I'm really struggling at the moment - the pain is the worst its ever been and I find it so hard to keep possitive - tired of the search for a proper diagnosis. I have to go now - I'm going to print out your info and study it - theres alot to take in - hope we'll speak again. Thanx again,
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Jenny Wren and Sheila-
I am so sorry I didn't respond sooner- hopefully you guys will check this.  I just found out that I am pregnant and have been freaking out a little.  I am concerned because I don't know how far along I am for sure and I have taken some potentially risky meds (lunesta, clonazepam and oxycodone)a few times in the past couple of months.  My midwife says not to worry at my dosages- but I'm so afraid.  The clonazepam and the lunesta are the ones they don't know for sure about, but I only took those 2 times and may have taken those before I was pregnant if I'm only as far as I think I am.  The oxycodone was only the equiv. of half of 5 mgs. maybe 3 times so I guess that's no worry at all. I get to get an ultrasound next Friday just to make myself reassured.  I'm also really stressed out as this pregnancy was not planned, and it's been hard to be completely happy.  We live basically paycheck-to paycheck already and can barely afford our needs!  I have about 4-5000$ worth of dental work that I can't even do, and my teeth are so painful! I have so many cavities due to swelling salivary glands and salivary stones.  I have been just doing a little at a time until Jan. when my insurance kicks back in (I've already exceeded my limit)and my husband has an unfinished root canal that just fell out that he will have to take care of now.  Also his wisdom tooth is coming in and needs to be removed!!  I hope he can make it with that until next year!  I was planning on finishing school this fall, and even though I wanted more kids (I already have 2 boys, 5 yrs. & 3 yrs.), I wasn't ready yet!  I have just regained most of my health and lost all of my old baby weight in the past year- I gained 80 pounds and lost none of it right away, went from a size 3 to a size 16 and back again.  I also get very sick and bad symptoms when I am pregnant and don't feel ready for that again.  And I'm currently coaching my son's soccer team, teach Sunday School, and volunteer teach a preschool program 3 hrs. on Thurs. mornings that requires a lot of energy- and a healthy immune system in the winter with all those kids!  Now my lymph nodes in my neck and armpits are painfully swollen, and one of salvary glands feels like a rock.  
None of our kids have been "planned"- all "broke through" supposedly reliable forms of birth control!  My first was when I was just 21- but if this baby is healthy and this doesn't kill me than I will rejoice and be thankful, and pray that I can get healthy all over again after.  I know I shouldn't be so stressed and complain- so many people in this world have it much harder than me!  And I am excited for a sweet baby- I love kids- but then I'll be done!  

Jenny Wren-  I'm 26 and live in Vancouver, WA.  My name is Angie.  I have had a few classic migraines and 2 episodes of blurred vision, one was really strange- it lasted all day from when I first woke up.  I couldn't even focus my eyes to read, and couldn't focus to see faces!  I have since read that migraines have a myofascial component, and could be related to my neck injury or be post-concussion.  Did you have any head injury with any of your accidents?  My car accident started everything for me- before that I played competitive soccer, ran and even threw the javelin in high school!
Yes, I have had a brain and c-spine MRI to "rule out" MS, so they think I don't have it either.   I am still scared of that, too, and Lupus, the other possible for me.  (I've had the rash but so far no specific Lupus anti-bodies, just a general ANA positive.)  I feel good about the fact that nothing is glaringly obvious to them, so maybe it's no real "disease."  I intend to go back after I have the baby and get an MRI with contrast- my friend who has MS diagnosed based only on symptoms, no pos. MRI, told me that the contrast agent shows any new "white spots" that have developed within 5 yrs., and that a regular one won't show anything recent.  Did you have yours with contrast?  Also, what did they say about your sinus thickening in relation to your symptoms?  It seems like that could be a factor.  
My great-grandma was diagnosed with lyme disease but never believed she had it because she never saw a target rash.  I don't know if she had blood work or what, but I think I should get tested, too.  I was born in Mn. and have had quite a few ticks on me in my life!  I also have family that had "rheumatism," and my grandma has restless legs and some nerve pain.
What are they doing for you at the pain center?  They probably can do trigger point injections.  There is the Academy for Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy in Pitts., PA that is suppoed to be awesome- I would check out if I was close, and also John Barnes has a famous center in Paoli, PA.  I hope to visit his center in Sedona when I visit family in Nov.  I forget what the one in PA is called- but you could google "John Barnes, Myofascial release" and find it.  
Anyway, how are you doing?  Did you get the injections?  Hope to hear from you soon! -Angie

zzzzz/ Sheila- Hello!  Your elbow surgery may have and still could be perpetuating your myofascial pain.  Was that your initiating factor?  Did your massage therapist successfully eliminate those adhesions?  If they did, what technique did they use?  Now that I'm pregnant I've chosen to not get the microcurrent and that was helping me so much. So I hope my massage therapist can resume doing all for me for awhile!
If you never got rid of them before, they can "spread"  it's all connected, and if you developed them before you are likely to develop them again.
I know- the tennis ball trick works great.  Like they say "hurts so good."  But, I know, sometimes that hurt isn't so good when you feel like your rolling over shards of glass poking into hardened lumps of tight muscles!  I hate that painful crunching!  Using heat before and after helps me do it.
Did you check into those books?  They can show you lots of "fun" stuff like that.  What therapy do you do right now?  Hope to talk to you again soon!  -Angie
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So glad that your back, but sorry to hear about your health situation.  I always say to myself, oh god, if I found out that I was pregnant now, I'd take the nearest bridge, but I know I wouldn't.  I just need to find out about whats going on with me.  I have 1 child, he's 10, I really never wanted anymore than that, besides, it's hard enough raising 1, with the cost of living these days.  But I know your probably freaked out about the whole thing, but you seem to be handling it pretty well, you have a positive attitude.  I got to post on the neurology forum here.  Check it out.  The neuro here made alot of sense.  I haven't been to the pain center yet, not until September 27.  I just can't stand these feelings under my clothing, it drives me nuts.  Oh, forgt, I have 2 questions posted on the neurology forum, so check them both out.  I never had a c-spine MRI, I'm scared to death that they will find lesions.  I don't have any muscle weakness, or numbness.  Heat doesn't seem to bother me, I love my hot baths.  I do get the vision things, but they are always connected to my migraines.  I hope everything turns out great for you.  I don't know where sheila has been, been wondering about her also.  I have to run, my sons getting off the bus, I'll be back soon.
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I did have the MRI done with contrast.  I have had the headaches for 8 years, the facial feelings for 6 years, and the bug crawling sensations for 5.  All the docs say that it would have shown by now on MRI if I had it.  Still I worry everyday about it.  I wonder if I'm really suffering from anxiety.  When I take a xanax, it seems to really help alot.  Talk again later.
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Angie, hope your feeling well.  If for some reason we loose this post, cause its starting to get close to the bottom, start another one or I will to keep in touch.  Take care, hope your better.  Jen
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Hi, sorry, I've been just dropping in and out of life the last few weeks.  When does the thread run out?  My e-mail is ***@****.  I read your neuro posts- I've been told "increased central sensitization" also.  It is a CNS symptom that manifests in many illnesses.  I'm not sure what starts it or how to regulate it.  When I had my mini- vagal response my specialist said that it was some form of dystonia.  I looked all of this up then and it's related to the Autonomic (automatic response) Nervous System branch of the CNS.  I do think anxiety plays a big role, even if it's not conscious.  When your body isn't working right, I think it works harder on all of the necessary keep-you-alive (brain, heart, etc) functions and kind of misses steps in some others.  I have taken clonazapam (sometimes used for anxiety) for my restless legs and jaw clenching, and I have noticed that it helps with pain also.  Nerve pain... but taking a hot bath helps me a lot too, except when it's super sharp and then it's almost coldly irritating and burning.  My doctor has, in the beginning, tried 3 different anti-depressants on me to "reset" me and help with sleep (she probably thought anxiety and depression, too, but when you hurt all the time relentlessly and your body is failing, of course your anxious and depressed).  These didn't do anything but make me feel kind of high and fuzzy, and I didn't care so much anymore.  But they didn't help pain or sleep and I gained a lot of weight so I stopped.  That's reassuring to hear that you probably don't have M.S.  I think you should try for a c-spine MRI if they think so, just to feel better.  Do any meds make you feel better?  Does the xanax help anything other than anxiety?  I have the sunlight problem, too and a major problem with florescent lights!  The brightness sort of burns my eyes and can give me a headache.  The buzzing hum makes me sick, it feels like it vibrates into me.  I also can't stand any static on the TV or radio or that flashy stuff that stays on the screen when you turn a movie off.  I absolutely can't use a yellow or green highlighter pen, and sometimes can't look at things that are yellow or bright white.  I had an ultrasound and now am 7 weeks pregnant.  I'm very sick and tired, and my lymph nodes are so swollen!  I've also had to quit the microcurrent b/c of the pregnancy, so it'll be taking me a while to adjust to more pain!  Sometimes I really wish I would have sued that guy who hit me!  Anyway, email me or tell me a way to get in touch with you. -Angie
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The xanax does make sense if your symptoms are related to the malfunction of increased central sensitization, it's a CNS depressant.  Have you ever taken it when you were getting a migraine?  I don't know if you can take that every day, because you might develop a tolerance and it won't work, but maybe one of those new ant-seizure drugs like neurontin (or did you try that lyrica you wrote about?).  I used to take clonazepam which is a type of anti-seizure and related to xanax, but I didn't want to take anything that I had to take every day so I never tried any of those.  If I didn't get better soon I had planned on it because I knew I couldn't take this my whole life.  I used to get those creepy crawlies, too and my clothes would irritate me.  Nothing with tags!  I read that it also could be related to restless leg syndrome.  I think the massage really helped me so I think my stuff did not originate with the nerve, I think myofascial pain was starting it.  Since I've been pregnant I haven't taken any meds and I've been grinding my teeth like crazy, I had a servere TN attack last week followed by an insane 3 day headache.  So I do believe the meds work, maybe later I'll try one of those anti-seizure ones.
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Check out this website and then email me with questions. I treat many clients with the same symptoms that you have and continue to have many great successess.


Check out What SET treats and also the testimonials.

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