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Chronic dizziness and facial pressure.

My dizziness just came on all of a sudden. One day I was fine, the next I wasn't. My head feels like it is floating ALL the time and I have major pressure in my eyes, across my brow and in my cheeks just under my eyes. I feel like junk 24 hours a day 7 days a week and I
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A related discussion, Dizziness, head pressure, and headaches was started.
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1083915 tn?1256320907
I have had these symptoms for about a year.  It's getting old.  Been to numerous doctors and different kinds of doctors.  Finally gonna try out naturopath.  btw, I think we need a forum for people who have overcome or cured this feeling.  Just post all cures there, that way we can try them out one by one.  If this is just anxiety, how the hell do you make it go away?
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i am the feeling the same as everyone i am only 25 and the feeling is horrible. ndoes anyone have impacted wisdom teeth? i am taking mine out and i was reading that teeth have reflex zones that stimulate different abnormal sensations through out the body. different teeth affect different body parts. Also does anyone have an overbite? i was reading that overbites cause very similar sensations as sinus infections. Are mandibal has more muscle thatn any other body part, due to an over bite it can cause all sorts of uncomfortable sensations. I am posting some links below so you can read official information on it, but please let me know if any one has impacted wisodom teeth or an overbite like me to know am not alone! maybe it is the overbite or wisdom teeth causing these problems< please let me know if am not alone!

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I had these same issues for a really long time, like several years.  At first I was in school and I went to the school doctors.  They all said it was a sinus infection.  I went through 3 antibiotics and the last one finally made a dent in it, but the last day I broke out in hives.  It eventually came back though.  I was mostly irritated with the fact that when I slept at night my sinuses would drain to the side I was sleeping on, and then cause so much pressure and pain that I would wake up and switch sides...only to have it happen on that side too.  I didn't sleep well for like a year probably.  I finally had money to see a doctor about a year after the initial diagnosis, they said sinus infection too...did two rounds of antibiotics which didn't help.  I finally went to an ENT who did two tests to see in my sinues and a CT.  Everything came back clear, he couldn't even see an infection.  After that I gave up on our medicine and I am now seeing a naturopathic doctor.  We are working through it together and she is the first and ONLY person who has addressed the strange back and forth draining that kept me up at night.  It isn't 100%, but I'd say we are at a 50% better over the last few months of therapies.  Be careful though because not all naturopaths are created equal. Only 12 states license them and it's hard to find a qualified one.  I LOVE her though and she actually LISTENS!!  Which is amazing and wonderful to feel like you are actually being heard.  
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i have these exact symtoms. im 25 and im sick of feeling this way every day also. no one will diagnose me! i have had all the appropriate tests done. im so dizzy and off balance all the time i have pressure in my eyes and my vision is messed up.i also have this foggy headed thing EVERY DAY!  I too never wnat to go anywhere because its such a big task to just " feel good" and want to do something! im only 25 and would do anything to feel normal and healthy again and regain my life back!
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656000 tn?1224457199
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Hydrocodone is a narcotic pain drug and requires a written prescription from a narcotics licensed physician to obtain the drug. I experience the full blown panic attacks, and live with constant severe back pain. Diphenhydramine is a totally different class of drugs and is available OTC.
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I have these same problems. One day I was standing in my kitchen and all of a sudden I got so dizzy that I almost fell over. The severe dizziness subsided within about a minute but since then (about 6 months ago) I have been left with a lingering problem. I am constantly mildly dizzy, not even so much dizzy a just disoriented. My eye sight seems strange, a little fuzzy, difficult to focus on one thing for more than a second. There is constant pressure in my face, especially behind and below my eyes. Sometimes when I move my head suddenly the severe dizziness comes back. Some days its just annoying, others its debilitating. The symptoms seem to increase when I am hungry and havent eaten in a few hours. I am trying to be positive, but its hard not to be depressed when you feel "weird" everyday. I guess its somewhat of a relief that there are others out there with the same problem. I have had MRI, CT Scans, Sinus Scans, Blood Tests this bizarre eye test where you have to wear these goggles with a camera and they spray hot and cold water into your ears. I have been told it could be vertigo, a sinus infection, and various other things. Does anyone think it could be caused by something in my house, like a gas leak or asbestos or something? Can anyone help me? Please?
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I've been having similar symptoms for over two weeks now.  When I went to my physician he gave me anti-anxiety drugs which I've decided not to take until I find the cause of the dizziness (a side effect of the drugs is dizziness).  He did a blood test and everything came back normal, normal blood pressure as well.  
I sometimes have post-nasal drip that occasionally causes nausea/gagging.  My ears pop many times a day and it feels like there's mild pressure in them all the time.  There's no runny nose, barely any mucus at all besides the post-nasal.
The dizziness is most intense when I'm trying to focus my eyes on something (reading a book, computer screen, television).  This makes me think it's something neurological rather than sinus related.  I went to the eye doctor and other than my prescription changing half a point, he said I have two healthy eyes.
This dizziness and the fear of it being something serious is causing me much stress, seems like sometimes the stress and the dizziness are both relieved by a good cry.  This makes me think that it's something sinus related.
Nothing seems to match up and any relief seems to be temporary.  I'm glad to know I'm not the only person feeling this way.  Anymore information you have or suggestions would be much appreciated.  I just want to feel NORMAL again!

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have you had any answers to your facial pressure?  My husband has been dealing with this, mainly on the left side of his face for 6 years.  The doctors think we are crazy and keep prescribing more and more pills.  

Any information would be so appreciated!
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Finally I don't feel CRAZY and alone.  I had an upper left root canal 13 weeks ago.  When I got up out of the chair I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach.  It felt as though he installed an electric toothbrush in the back/top of my skull.  It got MUCH worse, I couldn't cope with life and felt as though I was on a boat that was constantly rocking which made me so sick to my stomach.  This has been 24/7 it's all day every day and has never gone away in over 3 months.   I want to ER had CT it was normal.  They said my left sinus looked a LITTLE blocked and sent me home with flonaise.  I then had an MRI, it was normal.  They said my sinuses and ears look normal.  I used flonaise and it helped a little.    I got zithramiacine 5 day packet and some afrin.  That helped a little for a few days then it came back again as bad as when it began.  I had an ENT VNG study that showed my right ear was only working at 46% billateral.  I have no idea what that means.  I just want my life back and I want to feel normal again.  I started an all liquid nutrition diet 2 weeks ago. I eat no sugar and take in NO caffeine.  I take B/12 sublingually 3 times a day.  I exercise regularly and I am VERY positive about my thoughts and not focusing on the illness but trying to read and keep my spirits up constantly.  
I've seen 3 dentists they all say it wasn't the root canal.  They all say my tooth is normal.  The ENT people say my sinuses are clear.   The ear specialist says my right ear isn't normal but I cannot understand what her point it.  At the end of the appointment she asked if I tried tylenol!  SERIOUSLY!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! She said clinical correlation is recommended with test results.  What does that mean?
I'm so sorry for what you are going through I do feel your pain.  
Tests done:  MRI, CT, ENT, VNG (abnormal unilateral weakness 46% to the right), Blood work up!
Meds tried and didn't work:  Flonaise, afrin, zithromiacin, B-12, sudafed night/daytime, tylenol, motrin, meclazine.
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I just read Larals' and that describes in even more detail, my symptoms.

the base of my head in the back feels numb and heavy, my facial pressure is on the left side mostly.

Again any help at all is appreciated.
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I have the exact symptoms as nellie02 any answers or ideas?
I have a route canal that needs to get done as well and my neck and shoulders are like cement, The blurry vision stops me from doing almost anything.


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302930 tn?1326813048
I had the EXACT same thing going on with me for over a year. Extreme dizziness, even vomiting. I could faint on command. Because of this, the anxiety I felt was horrible. I finally found out I had acute sinuitis. Sometimes it comes back once in awhile but I make sure to take antibiotics for it. I would check that out.
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I thought I was alone and wondering what all of you found out... I have suffered with these same things you all are describing for 18 months and I have had a CT done, MRI done, did lots of sprays and nothing.  I AM REALLY SICK OF FEELING NOT NORMAL and the doctors think I am nuts.
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I have been having very similar symptoms - have been to the ER twice with dizziness, head pressure & chest pains, convinced I was having a heart attack only to have a normal EKG & chest x-ray.  First diagnosis was anxiety, second was bronchitis.  I've had full bloodwork which was totally clear (my doctor even said he wishes he had my labs) and a second EKG which was normal. Even had a stress test which came back normal, although my blood pressure does border on the high side. I don't know if I'm still having panic/anxiety attacks or what, but my head still feels heavy, particularly at the back of head, near the base of the neck.  I have momentary feelings of what almost feels like weightlessness or a sensation of falling backwards and feeling "detached" from myself.  It's also worse when I drink alcohol.  Sometimes the pressure is so intense that I'm popping my ears all day and I have to rub my jaw joints.
Anyone else ever have this or know what I'm describing?  I keep telling myself it's just stress/anxiety but my body isn't responding which makes me think there might really be something wrong.
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I feel the same way!!!! It started after I was diagnosed with a sinus infection 2 months ago and they gave me amoxicillin to clear it. It had only gotten worse so I went to the e.r. for a cat scan. They told me my sinuses look fine and now I have to go back for an mri! I am so scared that it is something entirely different now. I never had these problems before my sinus infection and I am thinking maybe they cannot see the fluid in my inner ear?
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125112 tn?1217273862
>hate to contradict people, but I was told at my ENT that the otc nasal sprays are only supposed to be used short term and that they can nectrotize tissue with prolonged use.<

My ENT told me the same too. I don't think it's some conspiracy. lol

Saline spray is fine. Afrin and the like are supposed to be used for a limited time and not by those taking high bp medication either <-I do believe.
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125112 tn?1217273862
>Thanks again for all of the advice! It?s more solution than I have received from any doctor (that?s kinda sad). =o)<

Yes, it is sad. Much relief could be had by the patient (and perhaps with the doctor as well) if the doctor spent just a little more time: asking questions, importantly  asking if you have any questions (without giving you the impression he/she is unconcerned and/or in a rush) and giving practical advice/possible solutions.

Oft times, I felt like the doctor didn't have enough time. Not very comforting to patients. Frustrating.

As for breathing normally...I used to think I did too until a doctor asked if I can breath through my nostrils. I immediately answered yes (after all, I wasn't ever gasping/snorting for more air)...until I plugged each nostril and found that air flow was strained in one nostril. Later, a CT scan would reveal that I have quite a deviated septum.
The point is, I thought my breathing was fine...until I actually tried the nostril breathing test. Wow, was and do I continue to be congested.
No wonder I felt good after a cry lol! Blew out all the nasal congestion on account of it. 8-]

Best of luck.
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oh, and when I sneeze the pressure leaves my eyes for a couple seconds and then returns....?
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Thanks for all of the replies.  I am defiantly going to get a CT scan done if I can find a doctor that will refer me for one.  The third doctor I went to said to me
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139385 tn?1231289318
Boy that sounds familiar.  Sounds like nasal congestions to me.  Are you having any trouble breathing through your nose?  Are you also blocked up most of the time?  When you get dizzy, is your vision affected (sparkly blind spots)?  Do you get massive headaches?  If you answer yes to those questions in addition to your post, I would agree wholeheartedly that a CT scan is in order.  I had no idea how blocked up I was and what structural damage had taken place just by ignoring the symptoms for so long.  But, for me "so long" was about 13 years.  So, take care of it sooner than I did, or you may wind up in surgery, too.  Surgery is not the end of the world, but it may not be the end of your problems.  I'm still dealing with this nonsense.  I have a friend who had had multiple sinus surgeries with no relief until she found good nutrition.

I hate to contradict people, but I was told at my ENT that the otc nasal sprays are only supposed to be used short term and that they can nectrotize tissue with prolonged use.  I don't know whether they told me that to sell more prescription meds or because it's true.  Nevertheless, it's something to watch out for.  

But, the nasal rinse is a good idea.  After my sinus surgery, the doc gave me one of those thingies with an antibiotic solution.  You can do it with saline or regular water (I wouldn't use tap) or with anitbiotics.  Also, you might consider amping up your nutrition.  That does wonders for the body's own defence systems.  Something to think about.  Good luck with that.
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125112 tn?1217273862
By the way, if you do a nasal irrigation and afterwards find that you are blowing out a-lot of mucus...you are congested. I didn't realize I was, until I went to an E.N.T. for bad tonsils.
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