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Light headed/dizzy, shaking, weak, numb/tingling on fingers and toes, flushed

Two weeks ago around 6pm I had an episode of multiple symptoms that precipitated very quickly, within about three minutes, without warning.  These included feeling very weak, shaking all over, light headed/dizzy,numbness/tingling on fingertips and toes, slight shortness of breath and chill.  I felt like passing out, flushed.  I figured it was from not eating so I grabbed a burger and it seemed to alleviate the problems.  Well, it happened again around the same time of day a few days later. But this time, eating didn't help as much.  Eventually the symptoms went away.  My colleagues observed that I looked very pale.  Since then, I have been experiencing episodes every day in the evening.  I keep a pile of energy bars in the office and gulp one down at the very first hint of weakness, shaking, which seems to go away in about ten minutes.  If I don't, the symptoms quickly intensify until I am so shaky and weak that I can't remain in a sitting position.
I've had blood/urine test and was told all is ok.  
Here's the curious part.   Last two days, instead of gulping down an energy bar, I've been taking Vitamin B-12 that dissolves under the tongue.  This seems to help alleviate the symptoms as well as the energy bar.
Any thoughts or guesses on this will be gratefully appreciated.
Thank you
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For those of you who haven't found your problem. You may want to consider what it is that you eat.

I had a lot of these problems. I would get these horrible spells where I would feel dizzy and terrible in general. They would creep up on me so quickly. After a time they grew worse and worse until I would be getting full on panic attacks and feel like I was going to pass out and/or die. I went to the doctor and they suggested things like depression and anxiety. I knew better though. I took the blood test for celiac disease and it came back in a strange way. They said there was an 85% chance that I had it. I removed gluten and it initially helped. I found that I was gradually replacing wheat with rice, soy, and other grains. Over time I got worse than I had ever been when I was just eating things with gluten.

I searched everywhere, all the time, trying to figure out what could be wrong with me and went to several doctors. One day I finally stumbled across something that was the silver bullet. It was the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD). There's a book called breaking the vicious cycle. Check out the reviews on amazon and their website for their legal/illegal list.

If you've completely run out of options and are still experiencing strange problems, it could be food related. You could have developed a set of intolerances to foods through bad diet and have a leaky gut (intestinal permeability).

Just thought I'd share what worked for me. After a short time on the diet I was free of the panic attacks and spells of malaise. After a year I started re-including foods. I have a short list of what messes me up now and still have no problems.

Best of luck to all of you.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Me too this last year ..do what I did and research online, I have come to the conclusion itsenvironmental from all the Geoengineering they are doing , they are spraying us here every day ,you can see it ..Watch the Video'What on earth are they spraying '
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I'm having the exact same symptoms
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I'm having the exact same symptoms
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I'm 19 yrs old when i first felt dizzy/lightheaded when I was at home and I just woke up . I thought it will go away easily but it lasted for weeks and I got scared because I can't focus that much on school anymore. I went to a laboratory to get my blood pressure and blood check but everything's fine. It goes away after weeks. But after few days I felt sharp pains and sore on the side of my body (on the liver area, lower ribs, hipbones and lower abdomen). I got really scared again but It goes away for weeks too. I thought everything was fine but then everything came back, the lightheadedness, dizziness, headaches, weakness, nauseous and sore and sharp pains on the side of my body. I got my urine checked, my eyes checked and x-ray and everything's fine, the doctor just keeps on saying that I maybe lack sleep or I'm just stress. I went to an ENT too because there's something wrong with my ear and I got my ear flushed on both ears, I thought everything will be fine after that but last July until now in September, it never goes away, it is continuous everyday and it never leaves me and to be added I feel chest pains, pains in my shoulder and back, tingling sensation sometimes, neck pains, numbness, and sore at some parts of my body. I went to a lot of doctors and all they say is that maybe I'm stress or I lack proper sleep and exercise and I should eat healthier foods. I gotta admit that I got depressed years ago and repeats months ago before that happened I keep on thinking that I have a serious disease like cancer because if I don't why can't the doctors detect it easily but at the same time I think that it's all in my head, that maybe I need a psychiatrist but i still don't know. It's been 6 months since it all started, I just want it all to end already. I want to live a normal life, I have a lot of plans and dreams to accomplish. I'm already in college so I really can't wait to graduate this sickness is trying to be a hindrance for me to live my life. After this semester my mother told me to get a full check up, I'm just a bit busy at school and I'm trying so hard not to overthink my situation, but it's really hard I keep on crying and complaining to my family about this. i just really hope that this will all end soon. All I did on my free time is to try and search about my sickness and I cam across here, some of the posts here are 6 yrs ago but I feel glad that I'm not the only one who feels the same way but I have some other different pains that some of you are not experiencing, goodluck to us all and I pray that our sickness will soon to be over. Please help me if you know what type of sickness I have, thank you so much!
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Hello, my husband had the same symptoms and he had Lyme disease that tested falsely negative for years so we went to a blood disease specialist that confirmed that he had Lyme and gave him the correct medication to reverse it.  He is much better now,  I would suggest you get tested for lyme asap.
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featherwind, i am stunned reading your post. i came to this site because i have some symptoms that are, for a change, likely physical in origin, not emotional. i scrolled down instead of just moving on to another site, and saw what you wrote. i think i might know something about what you have suffered with. i can see a picture that looks so familiar! much like what i have dealt with my whole life. maybe i'm wrong but maybe i'm right. i am deeply hoping you will read this. ...i feel a need to contact you to see if i can shed light on these problems....
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featherwind, i am stunned reading your post. i came to this site because i have some symptoms that are, for a change, likely physical in origin, not emotional. i scrolled down instead of just moving on to another site, and saw what you wrote. i think i might know something about what you have suffered with. i can see a picture that looks so familiar! much like what i have dealth with my whole life. maybe i'm wrong but maybe i'm right. i am deeply hoping you will read this. ...i feel a need to contact you to see if i can shed light on these problems....
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12560640 tn?1425947867
I use to have problems similar to everyone on here and still do sometimes. I just wanted to update everyone on what I have found it to be. I use to be really sick all the time. Weakness in my body, dizziness, light headed, feeling as if something was really wrong with me and all the while, the doctors done EVERY test that you can think of and still nothing. I am considered a healthy 34 year old. I started doing some research on my own, me being a Web Master and all, and came up with a few different things. Then, I was checked for all those different things and still nothing. I, then, ended up in the hospital while being pale for a week straight with no relief. Now, most of the problems went away when I had started eating BEEF for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Yes, that is what I said. See, most people who are diagnosed with ANEMIA automatically think IRON but IRON DEFICIENCIES usually occur with blood loss. I use to have a stomach ulcer and cured that with rice and chicken meals for about 4 or 5 months. I also have VERTIGO, LOW BLOOD SUGAR, among other things wrong with me but I kept those under control. For the longest time, I thought the shortness of breath was either from something I was allergic to since I have many food allergies or from my Asthma. While keeping those under control, I was still have symptoms. I, now, have not been weak while I have been eating the BEEF. I do get dizzy, short of breath, or just feel like crap but it is not often and it goes away after a few seconds. Try it and see if it helps. It is also, maybe, a little bit of anxiety since I get butterflies in my stomach for no reason also. Vitamin B12 is the type of anemia, mainly, for vegans, people with food allergies, and just by not eating right. I eat two small beef patties, nothing else unless its a little bit of corn noodles, four times a day. I just wanted to let everyone know.
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call me crazy but why in the last two years is everyone experiencing something similar across this entire country and why so many doctors cant find whats wrong or confirm it in a test?
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either MS or a bad virus that takes years to go away
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sounds like MS but who knows really ive felt like fibromyalgia ms cancer tumor meningitis for two years almost now and ive seemed to trade a debilitating amt of symptoms to a less debilitating amt of symptoms it makes no sense but im still trying to fight it by eating healthy drinking lots of water and medicinal teas along with homeopathic remedies and vitamin supplements because i have no diagnosis yet and im on my way to a thyroid doctor next already seen a neurologist but she barely even listened to me then prescribed **** right away for migraines which is a seizure med but i dont have migraines i told her its more like a numbing pressure on my skull that comes n goes ...alot less often now but needless to say i will not be taking those pills or covering up my symptoms becaus emy body is odviously tellingme something n i should listen if they wont
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my lhymes came back neg but i had that thought not the doc of course id had to ask for almost all the tests ive had
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parasites came back neg for me i experience similar symptoms to everyone here almost for almost 2 years now i even had a seizure from it over a year ago
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call me skitzo but i think theres a strange virus been going around for aq few years ive seen many docs and on to a thyroid doc next i went to bed feeling 20 woke up feeling 70 ive had ctis mris xrays blood tests i was used to working hard every day and it was not stressful to me if anything it re;lieved stress...only thing i did different in my life was donate plasma four times and receive a vaccine called tdap after i already had a tetanus shot minutes before the tdap/tetanus w whooping cough which they dont have the tetanus on file  so supposively i wasnt given two shots that day even though i remember the convo distinctly because i first had denied the tdap and only wanted the regular tetanus they came in a second time to explain how supposively it was greatly important to get since i was working in a school at the time and there had been a cpl confirmed cases well a few months went by i had a sinus and then a ear infection seemed to mostly clear up but never quite kicked the phlehm completely from what seems in my lungs a couple more months went by and i woke up feeling 70 was dizzy extra hungry even when already ate sore achy tired joints and muscles extreme dizziness would come and go about 20 times a day strange confusion and exhaustion of sorts in my brain and pain in my skull which felt like in my bones and in my neck i was hit by an suv 8 years prior so thought i had a tumor its been a little over a year since i had what i believe was a seizure which took about 6 months of other symptoms to have a seizure (i believe) docs wont admit) during the seizure stroke like episode both of my legs and arms went numb after a harsh pain in my forehead my vision went out and room went dim eighty percent blind id say and 80 percent deaf heart was pounding out my chest as i somehoiw made it down a flight of stairs also unable to breathe or tell my bf what was wrong i couldnt even speak the whole episode lasted about 40 seconds i didnt pass out and remained awake through the whole thing when i could breathe again i was gasping for about 3 minutes before i could breathe norm again for 6 mo after that i couldnt barely lift my laundry baskets or go up n down stairs cuz i was extremely weak  and trying to lift would turn my facered and bring on more discomfort i am slowly getting stronger its been over a year now in the last year ive had two or three antibiotic courses none of which fully got rid of the phlem in my lungs the last course of antibiotics was given for what looked like infection in my throat left from a bad cold that came back neg for flu and strep although first day of that cold felt like strep seems like theres a strange ignorance or denial going on in the medical field because when i had that seizure my docs tried to say anxiety or asthma caused that well im calling ******** anyone who knows me knows i dont have anxiety plus i know many ppl who do have anxiety many diff forms of it its not an unknown thing to me and i definitly am not suffering from that plus i dont think that hits u overnight and does what ive felt in last year and half also my oldset of symtoms has changed to a new set of symtoms ive started taking vitamins eating everything i can thats healthy and not and im considering getting a bottle of silver biotics just incase although ive drank a cpl bottles of it 5 years ago for no reason really just as a preventative but it made me really gassy so not looking forward to drinking it but docs have done nothing for me so far although tried prescribing me anxiety medicine ....*******....
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I'm sorry about your symptoms, and I can truly relate to being weak, wondering if I will ever feel "normal" again, have body shakes, feeling light-headed, feeling unbelievably hot in my chest and legs, but cold in like toes and fingers, insomnia sometimes, a feeling of dropping iron or just something unexplained going on, finally I looked my symptoms up online and found out I might be dehydrated, but with low sodium and electrolytes in my blood, so I started mixing 3 scoops of powered PowerAde (Gatorade does not work for me), and shaking a good amount of salt in it, and drinking things like distilled water with added electrolytes instead of tap water, lots of orange juice, eating bananas, and red meat, because my body responds to lots of protein, I take 65 mg iron pills (= to 325 mg ferrous sulfate), which I find those at WalMart for like $1.80 something, but I drink so much oj that I buy it concentrate frozen so I can get more of them...my way may not be the ideal diet, but it's been bringing me a lot more peace until the doctors figure out what's going on...it is survival, so I'm praying for all of us, and listen to your body and maybe pray and find out what it responds to...thanks for sharing, and you are not alone.
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I'm sorry about your symptoms, and I can truly relate to being weak, wondering if I will ever feel "normal" again, have body shakes, feeling light-headed, feeling unbelievably hot in my chest and legs, but cold in like toes and fingers, insomnia sometimes, a feeling of dropping iron or just something unexplained going on, finally I looked my symptoms up online and found out I might be dehydrated, but with low sodium and electrolytes in my blood, so I started mixing 3 scoops of powered PowerAde (Gatorade does not work for me), and shaking a good amount of salt in it, and drinking things like distilled water with added electrolytes instead of tap water, lots of orange juice, eating bananas, and red meat, because my body responds to lots of protein, I take 65 mg iron pills (= to 325 mg ferrous sulfate), which I find those at WalMart for like $1.80 something, but I drink so much oj that I buy it concentrate frozen so I can get more of them...my way may not be the ideal diet, but it's been bringing me a lot more peace until the doctors figure out what's going on...it is survival, so I'm praying for all of us, and listen to your body and maybe pray and find out what it responds to...thanks for sharing, and you are not alone.
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I am deeply  sorry  for  what your dealing with  and going through. I have  had anxiety  along with  panicked attacks  too,and your right , it feels  like  your gona die. But,DONT EVER GIVE UP! It's  NOT AN OPTION !  THIS TOO SHALL  PASS! I went through  that for about  3 years, and my doctor  suggest  that  I attend a teaching  class about  anxiety  and  panicked disorders at mental  health , which  was the best thing I ever did. Because  shortly  after attending  the  class I had the worst  panicked attack of my life! I knew it was a full blown  attack but  also knew it was something  else,I did what I was taught in the  class but I knew something was serious  when I felt like  I  was  going  to  throw  up and boo boo at the  same  time plus couldn't breathe, was sweating, felt like I was going to die,pass out, then I   tried  to  stand up and fell down  because  I  had no control  of  my  limbs. My hands  curled at the  wrist and my thumb was dam near touching  my wrist. My ankles were bent too. I couldn't  speak  either, all while trying  to  breathe  the way I was taught,when  I  fell down my daughter  heard. The parametics said, I hypo ventilated. Later found  out  I had a seizure, I was so scared  I thought  I  was  having  a  stroke.  Eventually  I was healed from  panick disorder and anxiety after about 1 year. There's  hope and it will  go away, despair  offers NOTHING. With prayer and faith, knowledge  is power. Learn everything  you can about  what's going on keep a diary  every time  you have a symptom . We have  to  be  our own advocate . We're stronger  than  we know . I will  keep  you in prayer.Take care,God bless  you

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My goodness  sounds horrific,I have  done the same thing thank God my 19 yrs old son was home,I tolled him right when I felt awful , It was like, you know  something  is about to happen  seriously  scary,I said"call ambulance " ! By the  time they came I passed out and was unable responsive. I don't  remember  anything. I hope you're  feeling  better  and have  received  answers to whats going on. I am  praying  for  you. We have  to stand firm  in  the  Lord's Presence ,He is our  strength  when we are weak  or feeling  discouraged . Hang in there were stronger than we realize. Take care and God bless  you
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Reading all these comments i'm glad that i'm not the only one who's going thru this. It literally feel like i'm going mad and i'm almost giving up on life. Especially when the doctors say ur fine and u know ur not and all the tests come back negative, not that i want any of them positive, but i hope u understand. it feels like hell when u dont know whats wrong with you. I've had some of these symptoms for 5 moths now. It all started when i visited a doctor for a H Pylori infection. Before that i had had a series of sinus infections which had gotten worse over the years. Took some antibiotics then, but seems like my sinus issues plus the h pylori infection just made matters worse. Some tests also showed that my white blood cells were low. Also did a hiv test. I have never felt like this before. I know i suffer a panic disorder but these symptoms are nothing compared to the panic attacks.For the panic attacks, the symptoms subside after about 10-30 minutes or so. For 5 months now ive been experiencing a very rapid heart beat which i can see thru my blouse, when seated standing or laying down. I also have constant fatigue, loss of focus or concentration on stuff for a long time and feelings of exhaustion even after a small task. And especially when walking, i get out of breathe. I also had a feeling of numbness on my left hand and tingling and sharp shooting pains up and down my body. I also had chest tightness and sharp pains in my chest too. I thought it was the h pylori but my blood tests for h pylori are now negative after treatment. My blood sugar is normal. My blood pressure is normal according to the doctors, though it has always been a lil bit low all my life- i have a small body frame. HIV test was negative. Though some of the pain, like chest pain and sharp shooting pains up and down went after h pylori treatment I dont know what to do. I have moments of desperation where i feel so helpless and like im about to die and there's nothing i can do about it since the doctors still say im fine. I just feel like giving up on life. Its so frustrating and most of the time i just want to cry. First the panic attacks and now this keep holding me back on so many things. For how long should i have to suffer? My birthday is coming up in a week and for sure i dont feel like celebrating. I'm planning on visiting a specialist soon because i cant live like this anymore.
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For several years I would have dizzy and lightheaded attacks, some often other times a month of two apart.   Finally found a doctor that discovered my Potasium Level was on marginal but doctors had over looked it. Now on Potasimn pills and have not had any problems.  Doctor had me go off pills for 5 days and then had an dizzy attack, as she wanted to see what would happen.  I am 82 years young and take Maxide 25 for years and it finally took too much potasium out of my system.  Just a suggestion
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I am the exact same way... I used to get like that around once a year, now it's like once a week...
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Well, here I am, thinking I am having a stoke. My symptoms are the same as I have read and have had blood work as well. Yesterday I was at the chiropractor who checked for stroke issues. Once he worked on me my balance was better and my headache was gone. I was told by my GP that I had migraine syndrom yet couold not account for the weakness and off-balance. It happened immediatley as I was walking between concourses at the Charlotte airport and have been with me for a week and a half. Needless to say my heart rate is off the wall if I dwell on it. HELP!!
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