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Rhomboid muscle pain - 10 years with little relief

I have had chronic rhomboid muscle pain on the right side for 10 years, and have seen numerous MD's(MRI with no significant problem found), Chiropractors (Adjustments & pressure point message), Physical Therapists (waste of money) and a Neurologist that is currently performing acupuncture.  I self medicate with Ibuprofen, and sleep on an ice pack every night.  In addition, I lay on a baseball and roll over the rhomboid muscle while stretching to break up the spasms for some relief, the ball hits an area that feels like a rope that is in a horizontal position across the rhomboid. Pain radiates from the rhomboid up the right side of my neck, and down my right arm which includes the right shoulder.  Headaches are almost constant.
I will try anything at this point to resolve this issue; any help with this issue would be very much appreciated.
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Thanks for posting this advice.  It's been a life-saver for me. After living for a month in ICU while my dad was sick, and then the stress of the funeral and everything that went with it, I woke up one morning in severe pain and unable to move.  It was the first day of our trip to Florida and I didn't know how I'd get through it.  Looked for a doctor in Florida, and the ones I talked to said everyone gets back pain, call us once you've been in pain 4-6 weeks and then we'll look at it.  Meanwhile, I still couldn't walk without shooting pain going from my shoulder blade up to my neck and under my arm and across my chest.  I could barely move my head in any direction.  After reading your advice, I went looking for an LMT and found a great one.  She knew exactly what was wrong with me and got me moving again.  I did 2 treatments with her, and then found another one once we returned home.  While the pain isn't gone, it is greatly reduced and I can function again.  I'm doing the exercises she suggested as well.  Thanks again for your excellent posting.
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Sounds like you have a torn muscle. Most Doctors will tell you that there is nothing to do for this. But, I have done some research because I did not believe them. With all of the medical advances, some thing can be done, right! Well, I found one Doctor so for that repairs and replaces torn muscle.
Doctor Michael George in Chicago Illinois. His phone number is 708-236-2775. I hope this helps you! Please let me know how this turns out.

Brain Castle
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I have had shoulder reconstruction 9 months ago. is it safe to have a massage on trapezius muscles and rhomboids/?what would be the treatment options? would a massage therapist be suitable? Please help?
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I have had shoulder reconstruction 9 months ago. is it safe to have a massage on trapezius muscles and rhomboids/?what would be the treatment options? would a massage therapist be suitable? Please help?
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I have had chronic Rhomboid pain for 6-7 years in which I had very bad migraines. I was popping Tylenol and ibuprofens like they were tic tacs and agu ally chewing them since my head hurt so bad. Well I finally have found some relief. My Chiropractor has been using a rehabilitative technique call the Graston Technique. It's pretty painful while the treatment is happening but it relieves the tension held in these muscles and breaks up any scar tissue that I built up from damaging the muscles through lifting and even working on a computer day to day.  It turned out my muscles actually locked Together and would not release around my neck and rhomboids resulting in a suboccipital (tension) headache. It would constantly come back with even the slightest chewing, tension, salt or random times. The Graston technique so far has saved my sanity and I've only been through the first week.
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I have been stretching my pecs religiously for the last 4 days.  I have NOT been stretching my back/rhomboids deliberately.  I am also icing 5 times a day.  I have gotten so much better!!

I have gotten very sick...probably from lack of sleep.  I routinely wake up after 3 hours in pain(with or without pain meds).  For the last 2 days out of 4 I have not used pain meds.  And with pain meds yesterday, I actually got 6 hours of sleep.

All of this is pretty incredible if you are experiencing pain.  Today, I also had my second appointment with accupuncturist.  He did not give me accupuncture due to me being sick, but shot both rhomboids (evethough only one was the issue) with magnesium and a few other things.  This too seemed to help....later, I slept mid day for 5 hours...WITHOUT pain meds.

So, I am still awaiting all my supplements and will continue with all above...just wanted to say I really think the stretching helped A LOT.  

It was however and still is a bit strange because my left shoulder is messed up, I really didnt feel any chest muscle on my left side stretch and still dont, but continue the exercises.  This could very well because of the muscle tears I have.  Dont know.

I have also tried to sleep with a pillow under my upper back, attempting to stretch my chest out at night, but that didnt seem to help and caused more pain.

Good luck all
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Here is my story.  20 years ago, I flipped a car over and damaged L4/L5.  Short story: mentally shut the pain off and would have a damaged spine.  Worked fine.  Every few years, I would have a flare up that would immobilize me for a few weeks, but it wasn’t that bad.  This year I got into a sport that took a toll on my body.  I was lofted and fell from 40 feet to the surface of a lake.  Internally bruised my ribs, but nothing broken.  I have a grade 2-3 AC tear, and Labral superior and posterior tear and tennis ad golfers elbows.  Started rehab.  At same time, I continued some construction work.  I threw my back out for the first time.  Couldn’t move for 10 days.  Mt PT manipulated my back and I felt a snap.  Within the same day or two, back pain subdued and then I fell on ice.  
So for the first time, my rhomboid was in pain.  This has been constant for 2 weeks.  Went to acupuncturist. I now have pectoral spasm, lat spasms, and back spasms.  My tricep, forearm and fingers feel pain . I sleep maybe 3 hours a night and take pain meds….I hate pain meds, but it so hard to deal with.  I have read all these posts and have just bought, but yet to have delivered, wheat grass, all the recommended books, neck door traction unit, magnesium and potassium.  I have pretty much stayed I bed the last 10 days and am sick of it.   My question:  Has anyone said “the hell with this!”…And just pretended it didn’t exist and start an active life again?  I look in the mirror and my muscles have gotten smaller, less defined.  This cant be good fro healing.  I have stretched my pecs the last 3 days.  Still wake up in agonizing pain.  As I write, my pec is spasming with no relief.  I put an ice pack on 3 times a day and rub ketamine and some anti-inflammatory lotion on as well.  
For me, I think I can narrow it down to back manipulation.  I was in pain, but didn’t feel this pinched nerve stuff until my back was manipulated.  I will go get more x-rays, MRI’s and ultrasounds and see if I have a herniated disk, or if a rib was misplaced from my fall.  My guess is that is I cant get a disk fusion, I will have to find other alternatives, but I am at my breaking point and am about to just try to get into a workout routine ad try my best to ignore that pain.  Anyone take this route?

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A related discussion, Rhomboid pain was started.
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A related discussion, Is it not insane that we cannot figure this out? was started.
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I've had rhomboid pain for 34 years.  It has driven me to absolute madness.  The madness stopped when I got something called a Theracane.  You can get them on Amazon.  You use it to dig into the exact spot where the pain is originating from.  The next day the pain is gone.  It has saved my life.
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wow this is really depressing to read. I've been having pain in my rhomboid and lat for almost a year now. I'm only 23 and I've given up on all the activities I've enjoyed. I feel my youth slipping away and I'm starting to feel hopeless. A life of pain is not one I want to live.

Prior to all this pain I had lost a lot of weight, began a fairly physical job (but no overly strenuous) lifted weights regularly and intensely as well as taking long walks with my dog. I had aspired to be doing physique competitions by as well as pursing a career in personal training (which I have a certification for).

Know, I have given all of that up. I don't workout because of the pain, I don't work because of the pain, I can't even walk a slow mile without a lot of discomfort. I'm about out of money and out of hope. My days are spent in bed or on the couch. I've gained most of the weight back and lost all the muscle I had gained.

After about a month of being in pain and resting I went to see a orthopedic, who brushed it off as a pulled muscle. After more rest I tried going back to the gym, but was still in a lot of pain.

Next I saw a chiropractor and didn't do anything for about 5 weeks. The adjustments seemed to help temporarily. At my first visit he said the first five ribs on the left were out of place (the side my pain was on).

Next I saw another chiro who focused on doing active release therapy and gave me some physical therapy type exercises to do at home. This also gave me some temporary relief.

From about October To mid December of 2013 Is the most active I've been in a year. I was able to lift weights and do cardio. I still had some pain and had to be careful about what exercises I did, but I thought in time it would work itself out.

Then about mid December the pain flared back up, and hasn't had much relief since. I went back to the original chiro, who once again, said my ribs were out of place. This seemed to be consistent with the type of pain I was having.

I did research about slipped ribs, and learned that chronic slipped ribs will damage the tendon that holds them in place. This led me to investigating prolotherapy, which will help heal the tendons.

My first stop for this was a pain management clinic, who at first prescribed muscle relaxers and physical therapy, neither or witch helped. After a second visit she wanted to give me a cortisone injection, which I declined. A dead end.

After doing more research, I found a doctor who specializes in prolotherapy and is actively doing research in the field. I have had to treatments and it hasn't provided me much relief.

Right now I'm at a total loss, I'm fat and out of shape. I've started doing some light weight and residence band exercises at home as well as walking. All of this still causes pain.

This whole experience has left me in shock and disbelief at the state of our current health care and our knowledge in treating pain. Most of it seems to be a money grab backed by little to no science. Most of the Doctors I have seen have been overconfident in their abilities and unable to deliver anything other than some voodoo treatment, and I'm talking about mainstream medicine as well as homeopathic.  

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I have been having a lot of extreme pain in my shoulder blade as well which radiates also.  When it gets in a tight spasm I can't wash dishes or stir anything because it aggravates the area and makes the pain and spasm worsen.  I saw doctors for 3 years and got nowhere, just got pain pills with anti-inflammatory med., and use ice bags. It gives relief for a little while and then comes back.  I have a tens unit I use on the rhomboid muscles and it helps better.  My doctor finally sent me to a osteopathic doctor and when I told him what my symptoms were he immediately checked around my rhomboids and my ribs.  He discovered that I had a rib out of place and the rhomboid muscles were in a locked spasm as a reaction to trying to hold the rib in the position it had slipped to. He put my rib back in place and gave me shots in the rhomboid muscles to help release the locked spasm. The rib had been out of place for 2 years and nobody had caught it till I saw him, so the rhomboid muscles were stretched out further than they should have been holding the rib in the new position it had slipped into.  I felt relief very quickly after he put the rib back in place, it made a big difference.  Maybe you should see if you have a rib out of place too.  Worth checking out.
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WOW- I have had a work injury October 2012 and slipped as an RN on the job. I have had so many people tell me I would get better right away. Depressed, I went back and tried to work for six months in a non- driving- more managerial position. It got worse and ended in more chronic pain, working with workman compensation and them not paying my practitioners, and Dr's saying- no medical way of diagnosing. ?? Now out since September.

I read about ultrasound and want to connect on that and ask if anyone used this method and if it showed anything medically.

My mind does not work well with this pain at times. I really feel frustrated working in the system and share in many of you and your thoughts. .

I also want to use solutions listed. I felt so isolated and now I have a community to walk with- and this is a relief. The pain is so bad. I am not working.  I thank you all for posting and will follow all the leads- yes- it is so difficult. I do feel sane reading about all these posts.

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Over 15 years with this.
Someone jumped on my back while I was lifting.
Then years of guitar playing and mouse work.
Five years ago it came on with a tennis injury followed by a year of backpacking.
And all through I have used the same right shoulder to carry every rucksack, laptop etc etc etc
Now 18 months of baby lifting.
Oh and cheese, red meat red wine - and a lot of it!

My right rhomb/trap has now gone crazy and the pain has started to spread. I have had good sports massage and stretching advice. But after reading this incredible post I take away:
- Pec stretching
- Pilates
- Acupuncture
- Dairy
... I am determined to start the first three as soon as possible but giving up the dairy and red wine I just cannot face. I've got some Lebanese red and gorgonzola on the go right now to take my mind off the spasms;)

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I am 37 years old and have experienced the same symptoms as you.  I have a giant knot o my left rhomboid and costochondritis.  Have you tried yoga?  I swear by it.  You will most likely benefit from talking with a counselor and may find that some of your symptoms are stress-related.  Your doctor must believe you have fibromyalgia and gave you Cymbalta for that reason.  Conventional medicine failed me because I have a problem that doctors can't really treat.  Try practicing a wonderful thinking method called  "mindfulness ".  You are just staying present in the moment while doing your everyday activities such as eating and taking  your time while doing it.  You savor every bite and chew slowly. It is a great way to manage pain.
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Hi, I posted about a year ago that cortizone shots worked... they don't in the long term.  I was super excited but WRONG.

I ended up going to PT, with a great therapist, who used this technique 'joint therapy' i think it what its called.  If a chiro adjustment is a 5 then this joint therapy is a 3.  The PT pushes down on your back which isn't comfortable, but it definitely reduced inflammation and made my right side more mobile.

Also, Rapid Release Therapy (RRT) is amazing, it reduces scar tissue that builds up from staining the rhomboid.  

After seeing this PT for about 9 months, once a week at least, I definitely improved.  He recommended exercises to strengthen my shoulder as well.

However, now my insurance changed, and its a little more expensive to go.  Its been several months, and im starting to have pain again after trying to work out hard 4 times a week.  I think you just have to keep at strengthening the right muscles to protect your rhomboid.  I have a volleyball tournament on Sunday that I'm going to have to medicate myself for :-(

I wish there was a surgery for this issue.
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I suffer from a similar issue here. Does anyone else have leg twitching and tingling? They also feel very uncomfortable like Restless leg syndrome. Where the tingling and twitching greatly worsens through any kind of exercise, stretching or basically anything that causes stimulus to the upper back?

Most of you guys doubtfully have a rhomboid tear. But most likely ligament laxity in an underlying rib beneath the rhomboids. Ice, Ibuprofen and cortizone should be avoided like the plague. As they all hinder and halt inflammation and blood flow which is what heals injuries.

The only way to heal lax ligaments is prolotherapy. Although even that now a days is weakened by laws and regulations. It seems now prolotherapists will cap you off at 4x less solution then what you actually would need. I hate this planet.


2) Sleep on your BACK-  with a piece of FOAM cut out to fit underneath  your UPPER BACK to support your Rhomboid. Then elevate your legs by putting pillows or a bolster under your knees. This position will allow your rhomboid to heal at night & will be the most comfortable position to rest in.

Ive found this most effective way to sleep but never thought of putting the foam under the upper back. What type of foam/size/thickness?

3) S3 POSTURAL BRACE-  Ask the sports medicine doctor to prescribe you a "S3 POSTURAL BRACE" this is brace that is made to help stabilize your Scapula so your Rhomboid can stabilize and heal. The reason Rhomboid injuries take forever to heal is because they are almost impossible to immobilize, but this brace is a total break through and will help tremendously.Google it to read more about it. You can just order them online as well, but they are around $400.

If a doctor prescribes this, do you not still have to pay for it like any other prescription?
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Very close to your heart. I have thought about botox. That is the only thing I am concerned with. It sounds perfect. Just FREEZE THAT MUSCLE! INCREDIBLE CONSTANT PAIN!  I purchased a TENS 3000. It works fairly well most of the time. I sometimes have first degree burns on my back and neck. The burns do not hurt as bad as the muscle tension. Flexeril or Tizanidine helps in 2 mg doses. Any more of a dose and it makes me sleepy. Best of luck!, Stuartthehairdresser21
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A related discussion, Wow. I'm NOT alone... was started.
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C6 & c7 issues with pinched nerve. Lots of deep tissue work, chiropractic, and physical therapy. 6 weeks I'm better. Will need constant maintenance with stretching, water exercise, core strengthening for proper posture-yoga also seems to help. No more hunching over a computer for hours on end-EVER
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S3 posture brace!!!!! They are $350 but you can get a doctor to write a prescription for it :)
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Hi everyone! I have bee dealing with chronic Rhomboid Pain for 2 years now and I think I have FINALLY FOUND THE SOLUTIONS...which you need to try if everything else has FAILED, meaning these did NOT work ( rest, ice, PT, muscle relaxers, anti inflammatory medication, Cortisone injections, massage, chiropractor, acupuncture, etc)

Here are the BEST/MOST EFFECTIVE Rhomboid therapies:

1) Buy a Saddle chair -  Especially if you sit all day at work on in school. You can find them on Amazon.com. It will help with your posture by bringing your shoulders & your neck back to take pressure off your rhomboid.

2) Sleep on your BACK-  with a piece of FOAM cut out to fit underneath  your UPPER BACK to support your Rhomboid. Then elevate your legs by putting pillows or a bolster under your knees. This position will allow your rhomboid to heal at night & will be the most comfortable position to rest in.

3) Find a Sports medicine Doctor- These are the ONLY types of doctors that MIGHT have seen a Rhomboid tear in their entire career, its very rare for even sports medicine doctors to have seen or treated it, So make sure you call around and see if you can find one who has treated a Rhomboid injury before, or just specializes in soft tissue & muscle injuries)

3) S3 POSTURAL BRACE-  Ask the sports medicine doctor to prescribe you a "S3 POSTURAL BRACE" this is brace that is made to help stabilize your Scapula so your Rhomboid can stabilize and heal. The reason Rhomboid injuries take forever to heal is because they are almost impossible to immobilize, but this brace is a total break through and will help tremendously.Google it to read more about it. You can just order them online as well, but they are around $400.

4) Neural Prolotherapy-  Find a sports medicine doctor who performs "neural Prolotherapy" and or "Prolotherapy". These are new injections that will eliminate pain & induce the injury to actually heal. google Neural Prolotherapy & traditional prolotherapy and read up about what the injections do exactly. They are NOT cortisone injections, which if you do have a real Rhomboid injury, cortisone injections wont work because there is barely any inflammation when it is injured because the Rhomboid muscle lacks blood supply.

5) Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections- If the Neural prolo injections did not work then the sports medicine doctor can do PRP injections. Google PRP and read up about it as well. PRP, along with Prolotherapy, is a break through therapy that professional athletes use all the time  and the results are amazing.

* Enjoy feeling better :)

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Hello everyone!

I have had a similar issue for over two years now and I just found a SOLUTION.  I have not seen anyone mention cortisone shots but I just got three in my upper right rhomboid and felt immediate relief.  I have heard that this might be short lived if I do not continue to think about my upper right rhomboid region every day.... I plan to think about it though and fix it!  It might sound weird... 'thinking about it every day' but I believe it will be the only way to permanently solve the problem... at my desk where I sit from 8-5... when I am sitting at a nice dinner and want good posture (hopefully without it aching constantly)... when I am playing volleyball.  Hopefully I'll be able to run again soon.

My doctor could tell immediately that my right shoulder leans more forward compared to my left.  He was so awesome.... finally someone who listened to me and didn't try and sell my on pain meds or months of PT... he went straight to the problem and offered immediate relief.

After traveling to Europe for work, and carrying god knows how many bags, I laid down and felt a weird ache on my right side.  It has progressed and for over two years... now here I am.  It has been a constant ache, worsens with stress, and moves up to my skull causing headaches.  My 2013 resolution was to stop complaining about it and DO SOMETHING.  I had seen two doctors previous to this guy who did not listen... I finally found the right doctor!!!

I can keep you all posted on my status with the cortisone.  I had three shots injected last night and my muscles around the area are still sore, but I also feel great relief.  You must wait three days before you do any strenuous physical activity.  I think the cortisone shots coupled with physical therapy and possibly the use of a posture shirt AND ICE will be the key to keep the pain away.  

Cortisone shots in this region do not hurt all that bad... the doctor and nurse who was there (due to me being a little nervous about it) could see my muscles spasm-ing right away.  In two lower spots my muscle was so tight, the needle was slightly vibrating because the muscle did not want to let the needle in.  IF YOU HAVE NOT TRIED CORTISONE, DO IT!

I have been reading this for about a year now, waiting for solutions.  I hope I have provided a hopefully long(er) term solution for some of you out there.

Cheers to no more pain.

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