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Fevrish but no fever in Thermometer?

For six-seven months my body gets hot on and off, but in my thermometer temperature is always 36.5-37.00, chronic sore throat, after that i was diagnoset with oral thrush(candida) my doctor sugest to me to have an hiv test because of my symptoms in mean time i have four hiv tests and all negative, im not a diabetic, please can u give me any suggestion, what kind of infection is this, i made some other controls because my stomach feels full and from my stool test i found some parasites and h pylori, my stomach dosent hurt and i dont have any axid reflux. Any help please? I think is something cotagion, ifection bc of the main symptom is a low grade fever?
27 Responses
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1530171 tn?1448129593
It's likely the Jarisch-Herxzheimer effect, a die-off effect or healing crisis.
This indicates it's working.
You need to cut down the quantity of coconut oil you're taking.
I would go back to 2T daily and increase by 1T each week until you reach a therapeutic dose, you can handle without much negative reaction.

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The coconut oil has a very strong efect on me. When i take it it make me feel so bad and tired. Im on lot of vitamins also.
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I will start the protocol from tomorrow and very very strict. Again thank you so much.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
nikoniko1, the strict protocol is to follow all what I suggested.
The difficult part is the avoidance of what actually feeds the candida, which is sugar and carbs in general. Most people have a hard time with this, but once you're on it for a couple weeks, it becomes a little easier.
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Thank you thelightseeker, mabye its time to do that i really dont know what to do anymore, yeah all this time i consume so much sugar and other things, tomorrow again i have plans to visit my doctorne for the last time to consult with her for the diet. Mabye its time for me to go strict on that thing and i will wiat ti se results, as u know i live on the part of balcan when i really dont know where to find an organic store, i will try to order something from the internet. some good products. Do you have any strict protocol for me? Thank you so much!
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Go on a very strict anti-candida protocol.
1.No wheat/grains/gluten, , no sugars, no carbs-only from vegetables
but avoiding the sweet ones, like yams, carrots, sweet peas etc.
2. Coconut oil (extra virgin organic), has a wider spectrum of action against most candida strains and more effective than prescribed medication.
I have read a study on this years ago.
Therapeutic dosing is 6-7 Tablespoons daily, but it's best to start at 2T and build up gradually.
For oral issues (also great for oral & general health)look into "Oil Pulling"
with coconut oil.
3. Eliminate stress triggers and use meditation, exercise, breathing techniques in order to relax and bring stress levels down.
Stress is a contributing factor in candida.
4. Prebiotics and Probiotics of the highest quality you can afford.
I have used Progressive Nutritionals symbiotic kit,(use it as a reference, when shopping for these products) which was the highest quality I could find at the time and I have been very pleased with the results.

This may take longer to resolve, than what you first anticipated.

Hope this helps.

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Hi, here i am again, im still in the same way i try everithing and no change at all, im sick more than before, in this days i have another hiv test elisa, negative and hep c and b, negativ. How can this be real, i have candida eshopagetis, im feeling flushed and feverish all the time, all the day fever one time comes and one time goes, to say the truth i was thinking mabye is hiv my risk exposure was more that year ago, and i have all 6 tests far from window period, as i told you my doctorne is very good but in the last time she says try to move on with youre life because u are hiv negative, but in some way when shee look at my thorat she is suprised why i stil have candida after so many nystatin flucanazol and dactarin. I really dont know as u can see all my symptoms sugest on hiv but so far my tests say diferent result, what do you thinking is impossible mabye my test are not accurate ore something, all of this its not normal at all, as u know i have now so many controlled and all they can find is candida candida candida omg? What to do now???? Just to say candidas are confirmed by oral swab and sputum!
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Because of your elevated ASO values, this is indicative of a present-

or more likely recent- streptococci infection, which should be ruled out.

Next thing to have evaluated thoroughly, if tested positive for the above,

is Poststreptococcal Illness, such as Rheumatic Fever.


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4851940 tn?1515694593
I am glad to know that your doctor is now doing appropriate tests to find out what is causing your swollen and painful tonsils and she is now seriously treating you.

To help yourself, you can gargle with salty water and then spit it out.  Also drink plenty of fluids.  Honey and lemon, diluted fruit drinks, soups as well as lots of water.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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Hi jeema i hope you are good, bc u are helpin me a lot. As i told you before my new doctor is very very good man and she listen to me very very cerfuly and she is tryn to do the best she can, bc she know that im not good at all, im still on therapy for fungus after i visited her today im not ready yet to take antibiotics for h pylori, my tonsils are very red, she ask me for a sputum test for thre days because i have cough. In that time she make a rf test and my aso titer are 800. Lab range 200-400.
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4851940 tn?1515694593
That is excellent news, that at last you are being treated properly.

Remember, that because you have had the fungal problem probably for a long time, you may need more than a week's course.  If you experience any itching or problems on your genitals, don't forget to mention that to the doctor too, because that can also be a fungal problem.  If that is the case, you will need antifungal capsules to take by mouth or an antifungal cream to apply to your genitals.

To help with your flora, eat natural yogurt too and a healthy and well balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and veg.  Avoid eating sugary foods and fizzy drinks, junk and processed foods.

Keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

Best wishes.
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ah and i talk to him for this fevrish feeling and hi thinks mabye is from h pylori bacteria because i have for long time now, what do you thank can this be the real cause of all of this, he is more serios now, not like the last time?
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hi guys here i am. i went to my dc today and he think first to treat my fungus and after that want to start a tratment for h pylori and parasites. because he think my flora is destroyed and i need to fix it, im on nystatin dactarin and some other mouth cleaner for one week.
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PFAPA the syndrome of periodic fever aphthous ulceration pharyngitis and lymphadenopathy.   It is a periodic fever syndrome mention it to your doc  and get treated hopefully you would feel well
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Sorry to hear that you have been very unwell.
To be honest, I can't understand why your doctor won't treat you for the H.Pylori, parasites and the fungal infection when your tests has already shown that you have this.

You are clearly very unwell and need medical help.

All I can suggest is that you see a different doctor (I presume that the results of the tests are with your medical records at the doctors surgery) and if you are very ill, then admit yourself to the emergency room at your hospital.

If you know what type of parasites you have, your pharmacist will be able to help you with regard to the medication you need to take to get rid of them.  

The pharmacist will also be able to help you with regard to the Thrush in your mouth.  You can purchase Daktarin gel for mouth Thrush and the Fluconazole capsules to take by mouth as mentioned in my first post to you.

You can make an appointment to see a different doctor and ask for treatment against the parasites and the fungus and ask about treatment with regard to your positive test for the H.Pylori.

Concentrate on getting rid of the parasites first.

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Hello Guy's me again, i meet my dc today andhe is not give me anything becauae he says my symptoms don't have to do nothing with h pylori. Now im sick more than enevr and really don't know what to do next ore where to go. Any helps plese, these past thre days was like hell, fervrish all over the body omg, feels like im dying.
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Thank you guys for the best advices, i will talk to my dc and inform you further.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Free T3  normal values  are 3.5 - 6.5 pmol/L in SI units.
Free T4 normal values are 10 - 23 pmol/L in SI units.
Because I don't have your lab's ref. values I'm assuming the above
(but if different please state what they are).
So based on these, both levels are toward the high end of the range.
Ideally they should be somewhat  lower and the medical rule of thumb, if not on dessicated thyroid supplementation, when both free T3 and free T4
are close to the higher range or higher, is suspicion of Hashimoto's or
Grave's disease.
The other possibility is adrenal fatigue, occuring when biological stress remains unresolved over long time- free T3 levels would be high also.
In adrenal fatigue, your cortisol levels stay elevated for a while until they start declining as your adrenal function declines - adrenal fatigue advanced stages.
Cortisol regulates the immune cells in our gut so when cortisol is depleted those cells become dysregulated, making us more susceptible to pathogens like bacteria, yeast, and parasites.

This field gets very complex, mainly because conventional endocrinology
(at least in the western world) has established some questionable protocols
which I find do not serve the patients' best interests.
FYI only, please check the  "Adrenal Stress Profile", from BioHealthLabs, only available through Professional Health Practitioners in the US.
I would also recommend you look into the "GI Pathogen Screen",  especially if your cortisol levels are low, FYI only, again available from

Hope this helps and if you need any further explanation, let me know.
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Itraconazole capsules 100mg - you can only get a long term course of these through your doctor.  I had taken a different dosage of a different named one, that did not work.  My fungal problem was very severe - not in the mouth.  You can buy a 1 single dose of Itraconazole from the pharmacy, but this does not help with fungal problems in the mouth.  You need the Daktarin gel (specifically for use in the mouth) or the Nystatin drops.

For the mouth fungus I find that the Daktarin gel that you can buy from your pharmacy without a prescription worked very well.  The Nystatin drops are only on prescription, and sometimes more than one course is required.

You can get  fungal/yeast infections from sexual contact, from other contacts (eg you can get fungal infections in the feet in between the toes from swimming pool areas), when your diet is poor with lots of sugar products, people who have increased sugar levels in their body from glucose intolerance or diabetes, people who are immune compromised and also using antibiotics can also encourage yeast overgrowth.

It is important to have a healthy and well balanced diet and cut out or cut down on processed foods, fizzy drinks and sugary foods and confectionary.
This can help, depending on the cause of the yeast overgrowth.  

It is best not to treat yourself, apart from the oral gel.

Make an appointment with your doctor and get the right medication with the right dosages for you. Taking too many antifungal mediations can cause damage to kidney and liver function and your doctor may take a blood test to check your kidney and liver function first and then again after the course of antifungal capsules is finished if he does feel that you need a long term course of these.

Most importantly you need to get rid of those parasites and the H.Pylori.

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Thank you so much again, can i ask you what kind of antifungal did you take for six months. I'm really glad that i found you good people to help me. Yes i was concerned for hiv because everywhere when i read they say u have to beimmunocomprumised to have oral thrush, mine is really bad bc i left untried for so long now. I have to take things one by one i hope to be good. Thank you again
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4851940 tn?1515694593
You need to get back to your doctor or see another at the practise.  You do say that you have the fungus, parasites and the H.Pylori, and don't say that you were prescribed with any medications to treat this.  So I presume that you have not received any treatment.

You need the appropriate medications as I mentioned in my first post.  Antifungal medications sometimes need to be taken for many months depending on how bad your fungal infection is.  Your pharmacist will be able to assist you with regard to the fungal problem in your mouth by way of the oral gel and the single dose of the Fluconazole 100mg.  If you know what parasites you have, he can assist you with which anti-parasitic medication to take for that.

You would still be able to consume the coconut oil for the reasons mentioned by TheLightSeeker, and also eating natural yogurt will also help with regard to fungal matters.  As a home remedy, the natural yogurt (I use the set one or the Greek style one, which is thicker) can be applied to your washed and dried genitals as well, if you have a fungal problem there.  Eating the natural yogurt will help with the mouth fungus.  

I have eaten the coconut oil (as suggested by TheLightSeeker) and is does make the inside of the mouth feel good.  I was on antifungal medication by mouth for about 6 months last year.  Problem with that is that it can mess up your kidney and liver function.  

My doctor prescribes me with antifungal medications to take for 15 days when I use an antibiotic for an infection.

Only your doctor can  prescribe the medications to treat the H.Pylori.

Make an appointment and see a doctor and be firm and ask to get the appropriate treatment.

Glad that you had your thyroid checked, and no doubt TheLightSeeker will answer your question with regard to your results.

Let us know how you get on.

Best wishes.
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Thnx so so much, i have my thyroid checked these are my results: ft4 (21.52) ft3(6.33) tsh (1.11). What do you think,  do u have any options, please?
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi Niko, I'm Niko too originally from Crete.
An anti-parasite protcol is very similar to an anti-Candida protocol
and it seems you have both parasitic and Candida infections which are consistent with your symptoms.
The advice given to you is very good so far, however, I'd like to emphasize
that Coconut Oil consumption - work up to 5T daily in your cooking or as a supplement or added over your food, but starting only with 1-2T daily at first to avoid die-off effects - will serve you greatly for addressing both of these issues, since it is anti-fungal (Candida) and anti-parasitic. It is also anti-viral and anti-inflammatory and it will give you much needed extra energy, because it does not store as fat-it gets metabolized fast by the liver and used for energy right away.
Avoid sugars and carbohydrates for the next few months, as they feed fungal and parasitic organisms, so by doing so you are starving them.

It might be difficult at first-I know that typical Balcan diets are carbohydrate rich- but once you stick with it and start feeling better, it becomes easier.

Oh, one more point. If you feel feverish and yet your basal temperature is  normal, there might be a chance that you may also have low thyroid function, which would keep your temeprature down.
Low thyroid sufferers, in the absence of infection, have usually temperatures below 36.4 C on the average.
Free T3, Free T4 and Reverse T3 tests are needed to determine this accurately. The standard serum tests for thyroid TSH, T3 and T4 are flawed, as they only indicate serum thyroid levels and not thyroid function.

Best of success.
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Thank you very much jemma, i have been checked for other sti and all came normal, im a little lost with this symptoms because they are presist for so long and scaring me. Im traing to find the cause of all of this, bc lately im feeling tired to. And i have to work all day, and i dont think if i can go like this for so long, im really sorry, i just need some help because my doctor doesn't take me seriously enought. I will try to do my best.
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