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Vitamin D Deficiency ?

Can a Vitamin D deficiency cause this much pain? Went to the doc for muscle pain & weakness with increasing shooting pains to the point of affecting everyday functioning.
Blood test came back low in Vitamin D. Result was 11, (should be 26 to 55). Other results OK. Cervical Spine & lower back MRI
OK. Treatment is 50,000 units of D per week for 4 weeks and thereafter once a month. Been on it for 4 months. Feel at times like I was in accident.Have researched on the net, and still find it difficult to believe that this can cause this much suffering. Anyone familiar with anything like this?
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Your D3 is severely deficient. I was at 19ng/mL in September and will retest my blood in a few weeks.

You may be taking D2. That is bad. You need D3 and taken daily, not weekly or monthly.

US lab range is 30-100ng/mL. You need to be above 50ng/mL. Anything below should be considered deficient.

D and magnesium deficiency can cause depression, fatigue, anxiety, pain, brain fog, headache, eye sensitivity, etc.

You need Vitamin D3 supplements, magnesium and Vitamin K2 (as long as you aren't taking medications that would conflict with K2).

You could start at 5,000iu D3 daily for a few days to see how you feel, then work your way up to 10,000iu daily. Even when you get to corrected levels, you need to supplement daily. D3 does not stay in your body.

5,000iu is more like anaintenence dose. You must retest your blood after 3 months to see where your levels are at.

The only blood test that can diagnose vitamin D deficiency is a 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25 OH vitamin D). Unfortunately, some doctors are still ordering the wrong test, 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D.

Magnesium is essential, you need to take it with your D3. Take D3 with some sort of fat (like coconut oil, avocado, peanut butter, etc.  it helps D3 & K2 absorb). Take D3 in morning or afternoon. Not at night. It may keep you up.
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You will have good days and you will have bad days the first 6 months to a year until your body stabilizes out.  It is said that vitamin D, decreases magnesium levels.  Perhaps take a one a day vitamin with your vitamin D and you must eat many small meals daily to nourish yourself.
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Vitamin D deficiency can cause kidney issues
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1378309 tn?1551270038
I hope everyone knows that the vitamin D the doctors give us in not the vitamin d we need the most. It is vitamin D2. We all need the vitamin D3 the most. We must take at least 2000 to 5000 a day. I am NOT a doctor,  I found this out on my own research, my doctor did not even care enough to even tell me the difference! I was a 12 on the OH25 test. I have been taking the D2 once a week to help the receptors accept the vitamin D BUT I take 2 drops of 2000 mg. of vitamin D3 a day. Very easy to take. I got them on Amazon ( Biotics Research, Bio D Mulsion Forte) Not expensive, I also got powder magnesium and take it daily. I am feeling so much better! A big difference in muscle and joint pain. I have been treating this for 2 months now and I know it takes a while to get our levels back up. Good Luck to You all!
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Hi hope you are doing better did the vitimin D help
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I am low on vitamin D..i got fatigue,swollen thigh and waist.sore muscles and bones...
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I am low on vitamin D..i got fatigue,swollen thigh and waist.sore muscles and bones...
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Pegs.                                    I just found out I have vitamin d deficiency! My stmptoms were fatigue.    And anxiety! Started taking 50000 vitamin d once a week and feel.          Better! But my doctor did not say.       Why I am vitamin d deficient so I.      Will ask! All of your comments.         Really helped me! Thanks
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I have just been diagnosed Vit D Deficient as well.. but mine is 27. I went in to an Endocrinologist thinking I was having thyroid issues again. (I am slightly hypothyroid). My thyroid panel and ultrasound came out great but he noticed i was Vit D deficient and put me on 50,000IU 1x/week. I took my first 4days ago and already can feel my muscle and joint pain feeling a tiny bit better. I still have some other unrelated symptoms as well. My thought it that "what came first, the chicken or the egg?": meaning, does the Vit D deficiency (although not dangerously low) cause my other symptoms  that are unrelated, or is this other "X factor" (that i have not figured out yet) caused the D Deficiency? I am currently waiting on a 24hr urinalysis test result to come back to check my kidney and liver function and hopefully that will help me find answers..

But I do think after that amount of time, you should be feeling better..

Have you looked into/checked for autoimmune issues (Celiac, MS, Chrons, thyroid, etc?)
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What is relationship between vitamin D and low thyroid antibodies?
My TSH has always been normal, but years ago I requested testing for thryoid antibodies as I was so tired.  Antibody level high, placed on low dose thyroid medication.
Just found out my vitamin D is low, wondering if there is a connection?
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You need to be checked for primary Hyperparathyroidism. Could explain the pain/fatigue/psych symptoms/mood/vitD deficiency. Your childhood disorder, Legg perthes dz may cause some pelvic/hip/thigh pain but I suspect that it has nothing to do with your major symptoms. Good Luck.
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  I was just Diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency, Just to list my other problems 1st,
1) I have Leff Perthes Disease was born with this
2) I have recently been diagnosed with Bipolar 2
3) Recently Diagnosed with Personality Disorder (dependent & avoidance)

Also Just Diagnosed with Vit D.. My number is 19. I have extreme pain in my whole left Leg... ( They claim that's cause of my Legg-Perthes ).
From my Lower back to the bottom of my foot, mostly Stabbing or really sharp pains.... I am really small, I am 4 feet 11 inches, I weigh in at 86 pounds, I am 28yrs old. I have had 4 children at ages 17, 22, 23, and 25. I only had drugs administered through my I.V... I didn't have any upadorales with my 4 children. My Pain is so severe I am currently on more drugs then I can handle..
1) Vit D 50,000 IU 1x week for 8 weeks (Vit D Diefency)
2) Hydrocodine/acetamin 10-325 evry 4 hrs or as needed. (pain)
3) Vit D 2,000 on the days I don't take the 50,000
4) One Source Womens Multi Vit For the days I don't take the 50,000
5) Ibuprofen 200 mg supose to be take with pain pill Hydrocodin
6) Hydroxyz Pam 25mg for the allergic reaction (Itching) from the Hydrocodine....

I see 2 Docs.. 1 is my Primary and the other is my Pain doc, they both work for the same firm just different locations. My Pain doc said at my last appointment the pain I'm going through is impossible, Legg- perthis Doesn't cause that much pain, ( I agree been living with Legg-Perthis all my life)
Then I asked him Whats the problem, He looked right at me and said I don't know you tell ME... I said your the doctor with the Degree I am just a patient with no Patients left, I see you and pay you its your job to find out whats wrong with me, it's not my Job. So he said to Make YOU (me) Feel better He is sending me to have another test done I'm not sure what it is exactly but its called a Nuc med. Some type of test, they make you drink or put something in a IV and put you on a Table where they can see beyond your Bones, like inside of them. I am really confused, I'm unsure if this is cause of the vit D or the legg Perthis..
Ok my symptoms....

Pain on left side of body, Starting from My pelvis in back to my hips down my left side to my Foot. The pain is unable to be described, Sometimes it dull other times is so unbaring I use my wheel chair or my walker. The Pain is like a Constant pain, it's like I have been cut, the burning a sharp pain feeling. Other times I feel like my Hip is on Fire, My calfs lock up sometimes like as if I was prego, other times I feel like im having braxton hicks , some times I feel as If I just curling up in a ball and laying down to cry will stop my body from hurting. I have tried ALL the at home remedys, Massages, actupunture, the rub the foot in the right place, teas, the chinesse ways, the japaness ways, my grandmothers ways, everythig and the only test that has come back is My vit D which came back at 19. I am always tired, People tell me its the kids but I am an at home mom for 6 years now. I used to keep the house clean as possible and now just standing doing dishes hurts, my 6yr old helps with laundry cause doing house work is a chore and it takes me twice as long, it hurts to bend, crouch, walk, stand, I become weak and tingly if I sit to long or lay down to long. My sleeping pattern is way outta whack, I sit up at night I've taken over the counter sleep aids, I've tried Mozart, waterfalls, spiritual music,out side sounds, wind, sea noises, classical, jazz, blues, I have tried everything and I'm still sitting up at 5am trying to get comfortable trying to go to sleep even a short nap. then during the day I am so tired and so irritated in so much pain that it hurts to even think, I can't concentrate, I forget things.. OMG someone please Help me I am to young to Feel this Damn OLD!!!  A song sang by garth brooks, its true!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any information on why I feel this way would be so much appreciated.. Email me ***@**** Thanks so Much
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I am coming into this years after the first post. I have vitamin D deficiency as well. I was miserable with aches, weakness, and tiredness. I suspect it is because I am very overweight. Overweight people sometimes are deficient because vitamin D is fat soluble and too much body fat can keep it from being released. I would get on the regimen to get your level up to normal, regardless of the reason you are deficient. It will be easier to research if you feel halfway decent.
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I am coming into this years after the first post. I have vitamin D deficiency as well. I was miserable with aches, weakness, and tiredness. I suspect it is because I am very overweight. Overweight people sometimes are deficient because vitamin D is fat soluble and too much body fat can keep it from being released. I would get on the regimen to get your level up to normal, regardless of the reason you are deficient. It will be easier to research if you feel halfway decent.
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A related discussion, Tired and frustarated was started.
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Wow, reading these posts was like a slap in tge face to me, I've experienced problems fir the past couple of years now. I'm not one to up and go to the doctors but when things started to affect my life, I decided to go get checked. My symptoms have increasingly gotten worse and worse and I've have had blood work pulled like five times in the past five months or so. Nothing major ever comes up and I've been diagnosed with depression, fibromyalgia and other small stuff that I feel like is only a quick fix solution to a deeper problem tge docs are not willing to look for. New symptoms seem to pop up every couple weeks and I NEVER feel good anymore. Finally this past lab test they found that I have vitamin d3 deficiency.  So hopefully taking the supplements can get me on my way to feeling better but it seems from reading all these posts tgat perhaps I should still keep looking into this to determine what the underlying cause.....
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I was just diagnosed with vitamin d defeciancy and since then I have had severe pain and dizziness. I can just be standing and all of a sudden everything goes dark and I feel like I'm going to pass out. Everything I read about this it seems like no one else has these issues. I would like to hear from other ppl that have te same symptoms.Yes my doctor put me on daily vitamin d and didn't run any other tests. Doctors never listen to the patient and believe what they are saying. Which in my opinion is wrong because we are the only ones that know our bodies and when something feels wrong.
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Vitamin deficiency of any kind can be a symptom of a malabsorbtion disease like Celiac disease which is an auto immune disease where the body attacks the cilia in the small intestine when you eat gluten causing malabsorbtion.
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Hi, I am asian aged 25 female has got epilepsy since 10 years. For past week i've had a temperature in evenings and night and feel dizzy wen I get up. And a really really bad cough. More or less bedbound. Went doctors monday said quite low b.p. Blood results came today said vitamind d should at least be 30 but i've got 4. Waiting for prescription to be delivered. Getting pain under right side of belly feels sore, might be due to cough. And jaws have been hurting aswell. Thanks to all those who read or responded.
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Hi :) I would HIGHLY suggest pursuing Lyme disease treatment.... You will at this point continue to test negative because Lyme doesn't live in the blood except for the first few days after being bit.... Watch UNDER OUR SKIN , it's a documentary about Lyme and the horrid controversary.... It can be watched on Netflix ITunes Hulu ect..... I promise it will be worth your time <3 Finally I am healing  because I'm treating the Root of all my symptoms...
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A related discussion, Vitiam D being low cause pain? was started.
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A related discussion, vitamin  Dlevel should be 80 was started.
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A related discussion, Chronic Breast Pain was started.
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Hello to all of you,
I have a very bad Vitamin D problem but my doctor said that it would be ok. I have a bone spur in my chest and my fingers I read that a lack of vitamin D can cause bone spur. But they said no that were not true, but I know that it can.
I am taking Vitamin D. I was tested and all the vitamin D was almost gone. Sometime the doctors don't want to go through the time to real help.
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