419964 tn?1333301906


So good news i bought a whole case of water and some hunger satisfaction packets, ive been drinking water YAY!!! never really drink water woohoo!!! I also ordered a denise austion workout video waiting for it to come in the mail. Bought a yoga set came with a mat a yoga dvd and a stretch band and a ball soo im really excited to begin this thing

SOOO very excited YAY! im happy i actually made the next step to begin this weight loss journey to a healthier happier me woohooo!!!!!
7 Responses
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771269 tn?1235287201
Congrats on the decision to lose the weight. I started last month and just found this site the other day. And I love this site.
Water... Some days I love the stuff and other days I want nothing to do with it. I have noticed that I drink more when I add crushed ice. I also like the no name crystal lite that I get from Walmart. The grape is the best. I also started juicing. It's amazing how carrot  mixed with apple and orange is so yummy and as the post earlier said that you get alot of water in your fruits. Also, I found this funny stuff called hot tea! I have never been a tea drinker but, I have turned into one and I tell you, it's not only good, it's relaxing for me. Pomagranite is the best... Good luck to you!

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419964 tn?1333301906
Thank you all soo very much i have tried out the yoga set just for a few minutes i bought it at walmart its the danskin now it does not move or slide around soo thats great. it was a great buy for 20 bucks :) i have not yet got the dvd yet soo will let you know how that works out :) once i get it and try it. the hunger satisfaction is suppose to not make you hungry which to me does not work what soo ever and it doesnt taste all that good either soo id rather stick to plain water. the funny thing is i drink more water out of the bottles then the tap no idea why tho lol :) THANK YOU ALL AGAIN SOO MUCH IT MEANS ALOT TO HAVE YOUR SUPPORT
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196469 tn?1365387975
Water is hard for me too...........

I am my own worst enemy!  I know the right things to do and I am MISERABLE about my weight and how I have let myself go!!!!!  I like to workout and I LOVE to eat.......
I know the right path and I sometimes choose not to follow it and beat myself up about it.  Me, myself and I got me to this point and me,myself and I will get myself out of this.
Glad I found this forum!  Thanks for letting me vent!

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362249 tn?1441315018
Yeah congrats you sound all pumped up GL!!  I'm not a water drinker either i get 0 calorie flavors packs from wal mart to throw in them and let me tell when im thirsty i down stuff lol!! Definetly let us know how the yoga goes i have one yoga dvd and it supposed to be for your booty but i tried it and my abs were BURNING the next day my booty felt nothing LOL!! I hate my yoga mat lol i got the one thats for my WII Fit but it slips and slides everywhere so its just to the side!!
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541150 tn?1306033843
Hi Gorgeous,

When I decided I wanted to lose weight long ago, I started by drinking a lot of water. I didn’t like water either; but you’ll notice that the more you drink, the thirstier you’ll get. It will get to a point where you’ll feel the need to drink water all the time. It’ll be second nature.

Let me know how it goes with the video. I might buy it. I have never exercised like that. I either go to the gym or run on the streets. But a video can be stimulating, fun and more exciting than the gym, and you have the comfort of being in the house. :)

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657315 tn?1319491387
I am happy for you!  Half the battle is making up your mind that YOU ARE GOING TO DO IT!  

I was NOT a water drinker, either.  If I can do it, so can you.

Keep us posted on how you're doing, but you're off to a good start.  Thanks for letting us know!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Congratulations!!!  Have you tried the yoga set yet?  

I don't know what "hunger satisfaction packets" are - can you enlighten me?  You know you can drink unsweetened tea, or water with crystal light in; some fruits have a lot of water (apples, pears, etc) and that also counts as "getting enough fluid".  Remember that eating whole fruit is better than drinking juice because along with the water it contains, you also get the added benefit of the fiber which will help fill you up.  

It's wonderful that you are going to start on your way to being healthier and happier.  Good luck and don't forget to keep us posted on how you are doing.  
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