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Losing a lot of weight

I am 14 years old and I weigh 246 pounds and I just want to get rid of it I want to be able to fit in a bikini any thoughts how to do that faster
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Sweet heart. weight loss is nothing that happens overnight. And even if you find a way to do it quickly, you will not be healthy and you will quickly gain it back. I am speaking from experience. The only real way of losing weight is
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I have recently lost a lot of weight and I have struggled with my weight for a long time but there is no quick fix, you need to follow a plan of healthy eating and exercise and I know that is not what you want to hear but losing weight is a life choice and you will need to think about what you eat for the rest of your life as your body has got to be with you for the rest of your life. If you lose weight too quickly  you will only put it back on twice as quick or you will damage your body in the process. Get advice and support from a professional. You can do it and I know it feels like a life time but t really isn't and you have your whole future ahead of you. Try and think of the big picture. Good luck. Xx
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1485372 tn?1359545131
the best advice that has worked for me is avoid fast food, large portions and sugar and limit your bread to dark rye.  If you do this it will drop your weight
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16954707 tn?1452618859
In case you're hoping to get thinner super quick, you ought to additionally be prepared to buckle down and make a couple of huge penances. While you don't have to go hungry or do an accident diet, you should make a few concessions. Quick weight reduction is typically not a smart thought, but rather it should be possible securely by taking after a couple of good propensity.
- Set goals in writing
- Start your diet by doing a one-day liquid fast.
- Don't eat out
- Cut all carbohydrates from your diet
- Read labels to make sure you are not eating hidden sugar
- Eliminate all fruits except berries
- Eat heaps of greens. Most vegetables are satisfactory, aside from boring ones, however green verdant veggies are particularly high in fiber and will keep you fulfilled without giving an excess of calories.
- Eat only lean proteins
- Stop drinking alcohol
- Most important, exercise for no less than a hour consistently. Pick extraordinary exercises, for example, trekking, running, hopping rope or outside biking. You ought to likewise do an extra 15 to 20 minutes of resistance preparing, either utilizing your own body weight (push-ups, squats) or utilizing dumbbells or machines.
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Water /half a gallon a day... #youcandoit#motivationalpics
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