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Topomax, Weightloss,SideEffects,Pros

Please share on how you have been effected by using Topamax.How long have you used it?Why?Have you had any side effects?And if so to what extreem.What other medications do you take along with Topomax.Has you family noticed any differences in you?

On that note let me introduce myself.My name is Davette.I have been on Topomax about 31/2months.I have migrains and seizures.I have been extremely effected by the side effects.Mostly memory and spelling.I have tingling in the fingers and toes.I also have little appetite and have lost 17lbs.Witch is great for me. I am over weight.I am tired more than normal,but i did sleep alot due to migrains.I do have more side effects and stuff,but I wont over load you all at once.I know this sounds like alot, but it has gotten better as time goes on. I have started to level off and become more normal.I dont feel the tingles as much and i have more of an appetite (darn)he he.I have less migrains down from 18 days a month to about 7 or 8 at the most.I am happy about that.Please feel free to ask any questions and talk about your self. we can help each other out.
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I'm on Topamax 150 and I lost 10lbs in the first 3 or so months and another 5 over the next year. Then I plateaued. I am about 15-20lbs overweight and I would like to cycle off and back on (tapering) as I get most of my migraine relief from Botox injections. Has anyone done that and if so for how many months did you stay off? To answer about other side effects, I didn't really have any except I had trouble finding words a little at first but not badly.
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I have been on Topamax for a little over 4 years. I started at 25mg and now take 200mg twice a day. I take it for cronic severe migraines. I do have the tingles in my fingers and my toes, and I lost 83 pounds in the first year. It counteracts all of the birth control I have taken and has messed me up for a while before. Before I started taking it I had a headache every day, I didn't realize how bad my head hurt until it stopped hurting. I won't stop taking it until they come up with something better. I never took it for weight loss. I ran out one time and it caused me to have a seizure. my life at work and home has been very different since I quite having headaches.
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I took topomax for trigeminal neuralgia for a couple years. The mind fog and spacey affect was awful. I have noticed a huge effect on the ability to focus and finish my work since I have weaned off of Topomax. My dentist just told me I have receding gum lines, probably Topomax. It also changed my urine output and gave a feeling like I had a bladder infection. I am still searching for relief of my daily pain. It is not easy.
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Second day of taking 25 mg X  2 for weight loss I'm stopping it.  It wigged me out...fatigue, dizziness and ended up crying for no reason at the end of the second day.  As far as hunger goes...wanted to eat anything in sight.
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I'm glad to know someone else is experience some facial problems with topomax I started out with the 50mg and now I'm up to 200mg per night and I have a discoloration around my mouth and dry mouth, and itching on my lips and numbness all the time, I have lost some weight, I can't seem to remember some things I used to remember, sometimes I wonder am I going crazy or what?, I have terrible headaches, I like the weight loss., I have a old husband he love young women so I need to keep the weight off. My lips stay numb, I vomiting a lot too. I been using vaseline, cocoa butter, lip balm on my lips but they still be peel and so dry skin peel off. Will someone please help me I 've tried everything, I've spent all kind of money.
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Hi there.  Very happy to have found this community and posts on Topamax.  Recently started on Topamax as both a seizure and migraine preventative.  Am up to 50mg twice per day but have not yet determined my therapeutic dose yet.  I knew about the glaucoma and kidney stone possibilities and have experienced some of the carbonated soda issues (oddly enough, the first swallow is flat, but subsequent ones are not, weird).  One thing that I think is a side effect that I didn't find anywhere but this community is the feeling of being foggy or slow sometimes.  I had just told my mom that sometimes I lose nouns.  It's like, I know what I mean and can describe it, but the word itself is just lost to me.  Know I know I'm not going senile at 40.  Thanks for all you share.  Very helpful.  ~Laura
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i have a ? i was on topamax when i was 14 when they first diagnosed me with bipolar and it made me lose all.kinds of weight now i am back on it and im 22 and it seems like im not hardly losing anything. does anyone have any advice?
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I just started topamax a week ago, how long does it take to notice weight loss or loss of appitite? I havent noticed it yet. Im on 100Mg a day
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I was put on this med to help my restless legs.  Is there anyone anyone out there that has had success with it for this?
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I was put on topamax last august and the weight loss was negligable but nice.  I really wasn't all that overweight to begin with.

Since March I have been experiencing premature fullness that I suspect may be a result from this medication.   If it affects nerves, I wonder if it is not affecting the nerve that sends impulses to my stomach telling it that I am full.

Literally, I can take a few bites and feel abnormally full.  Might be coincidence, but on the nights when I accidentally skip doses, the following day, I can almost eat normally-only to have symptoms return the next morning and subsequent weeks with a vengence.  

Anybody else have anything like this at all!?

My neurologist doesn't seem to think this drug is to blame.  
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I do not have insurance now myself.  you can now get topamax at walmart  in a generic. it is a low price
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Hi.  I suffered from MAV (migraine associated vertigo).  I had been taking topomax for 3 years and it was working great for me, maybe too great.  I was feeling great.  I was in great shape, eating whatever I wanted, working out on a regular basis.  It really changed my life.  I thought I was "better" so I went cold turkey.  I felt fine but started to notice my weight coming on really fast.  They my migraines came back and the vertigo.  Not immediate but after about 6 months.  After a year I have gained 30 pounds.  I have lost all my self esteem and deal with the migraines again.  I just started back on topomax again.  My doctor was right and I will never question him again.  I WILL take this for thr rest of my life.
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Ihave been taking topamax for 9 years. And I have. Not lost. No weight no. Matter how. Hard. I try & my Dr thinks am not trying and gives Mr hell about it at every visit so why am I not loosing weight on them?

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I have been finally diagnosed with migraines. nothing helped. i was tried on everything under the sun. then was perscribed Butorphnol Tatrate. the nose spray and what a difference. I have a medical condition called Neruofibramatosis. i have a mild case but have a lot of pain through out my body. Im currently taking Gabapentin for pain and for migraines but the side affects on that was or is slight depression and  25 pounds in less than 2 months. my dr now wants me to stop the Gabapentin and start me on Topamax.  although my migraines are under controll i do have a onset and for that i will use the Butorphnol Tatrate for instant reliefe. i can only hope the Topamax will help with my pain and migraines as well maybe shed the pounds Ganapentin gave me. ask your dr about the Butorphanol Tatrate for your migraines. there is side affects.

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please inbox me if u want too lose weight without drugs n side effects.we are talking 2-10lbs lost a week...without diet.....
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1686024 tn?1305435166
I've been on Topamax for mood disorder for about 6 years...200mg. For the first year I lost 70lbs.My doctor never told me about the weightloss side effect, although I am overweight.  Food tasted terrible and the only food I enjoyed was Romaine Lettuce with grated cheese and vinergarette dressing and plain whole wheat bread. I only drank water, which actually is healthy as it keeps the system cleaned out of toxins. My thoughts and words were terribly confused and couldn't concentrate to read or study and my memory was basicly gone. But my mood was level and that was the main purpose of taking the drug. This past year I've gained back about 20lbs and most foods taste normal although I still seem very sensitive to odours. The memory and confusion are better than they were and I still get the tingling in the feet at times. I feel Topamax is definitely doing the medical job with the mood stabalizing and I'll put up with the other side effects. I didn't realize it would help with headaches, but I rarely get a headache now, which is a bonus.
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I have 'seizure disorder' due to having had two brain tumors that were removed. These tumors left me with a tendency for migraines. I was on Keppra XR, but it did not control the chronic headaches, so my neurologist added Topamax. He has now decided to increase my dosage of Topamax in order to take me off of Keppra XR for the seizures. Topamax will now control both the migraines and the seizure disorder. I have noticed now though that with the increase in Topamax, I have terrible night sweats EVERY NIGHT. Does anyone else have this side effect? I did suffer the weight loss just like all of you, thinking it was due to something else; now I realize it was the Topamax. That has stablized, although with the increase in dosage, I do not know if it will start up again. (I now weigh 100lbs, 5' 4") I just need to know if the night sweats are another common side effect before I start looking to my doctor for other explanations. Thank you for your help.
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1512520 tn?1290258130
well i be been on it for a month now at 100mg, all side effects are gone including the sinus infection which was the worst for me. Not really losing any weight tho...which is weird cause its stopped all my cravings/snacking habits. I lost my appetite for the first 2 weeks. I now just eat my 3 meals a day, and when I m hungry between meals I dont crave anything in particular I just grab a fruit, the pre topamax me would of craved chips, ice cream, etc. Since its only been a month I m going to give it some more time. I ve lost about 5 pounds. I just expected about double that from reading other posts.  Im going to be upping my dose to 125 mgs this month and 150 next month. I m using it as mood stabilizer and to help lose weight from previous medication so my doctor really doesn't think I need to be on anything higher.
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348841 tn?1365551531
It took a long time, maybe 7 months for me to start getting relief from using topomax, and it helped me to go from 158 to 132, but it took time and I also exercised. I stopped taking it in August cuz me n hubby are trying to have a baby, but if I am not pregnant this month, we are gonna stop trying for a while til I get my weight under control. I was on 400mg and had to wean myself off of it before we could start trying. I decreased one pill every two weeks, then had to be off of it for a full month before we could start. I was unable to control my cravings and appetite during all this time and have gone from 135 to 162 in a very short period of time. I have started back exercising now. So topomax did help with weightloss  and eventually helped with pain by decreasing the amount of migranes I had per month. I may start taking it again if we are not pregnant this month, then wean myself off again when I reach my goal. This time I will do better with my appetite and cravings because I know what happened last time. Lots of luck to you and I hope this helped you in some way.
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1512520 tn?1290258130
I did ALOT of research before starting on Topamax and rarely did I read about the side effect that I am experiencing. It is mentioned on most medical sites as a common side effect but not one discussed in forums, it may help others experiencing it also - upper respiratory infection. I came down with a nasty "cold "on day 7 of taking Topamax ( I take 50mg twice a day), went to my psych on day 9 - he had told me that since I do not have a sore throat or fever it is the Topamax that is causing the symptoms of the cold (stuffy, runny nose and sneezing) and that it should go away. I am to take cold medication in the meantime to battle the symptoms if it persists I should go see the doctor to rule out an actual cold. If I do not have a cold and it still does not go away after 2 weeks he will lower my dose.

I also am writing a journal of my topamax journey:

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Just started the Tmax last week. I have been prescribed it for Migraine prevention and have had them pretty much my entire life or as far back as i can remember.
So far my concerns are the loosing my train of thought mid-way through my sentence. I mean it is so irritating! Plus is anyone experiencing numbness and tingling in their arms and face? Let me know I dont know if it is something I should be worried about or not.
The carbonated beverage thing has also been noticed but that doesnt bother me because it has made me stop drinking pepsi! lol
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1400010 tn?1280756336
Thanks so much for your response. I also take Relpax, about 3 times per week and they are SO SO SO expensive. They are like $26 per pill!! So I HATE taking them, I end up taking tons of ibuprofen, excedrin and other pills before resorting to Relpax because they are so costly - which is no good for your body! So, I'm very happy to be on Topamax. I haven't had any real migraines yet, though I have had headaches everyday up  for the past 10 days until three days ago - I had just recently tapered off Lexapro. Ever since Lexapro has been out of my system the headaches have been gone. But, I have had migraines since I was a teenager and they dramatically increased during my 20's and only gotten worse in my 30's.

Thanks so much for your advice about the Topamax, its good to know that i just need to be a little more patient, and I'll likely get past the rough patches and maybe loose some weigh if I give it time, although I know everyone's body responds differently.

Thanks again!
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1158737 tn?1262566716
The effect of the taste will take two weeks and it is only on carbonated beverages so you will not notice since you don't drink them.  The weight loss is gradual. You will skip meals / snacks and not be hungry - that will take about two weeks also.  It takes awhile to build up in your system first.  I have been on it since January for severe Migraines and my dose is 50mg twice a day which it is keeping it at bay.  I also take Relpax 40mg for a sudden onset of a migraine.  I used to use them like candy until I started on Topamax.  I would go through 3 pills a week but now about 3 pills a month if that.  

With the topamax it will cause you to forget simple words that you use daily but after you hit your level - you will learn to control it.  It doesnt effect me anymore.

Good luck in your migraine control.

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1400010 tn?1280756336
Been on Topamax for only three evenings. I also take Wellbutrin and have taken Wellbutrin since I quit smoking in 2006. Wellbutrin helped keep me from gaining weight during my battle with quitting smoking, which is amazing and made cigarettes taste horrible. The side effects were minimal but the shakiness was by far the most annoying and continues to be. I lost a significant amount of hair in late 2007 & early 2008 and continue to loose quite a bit because I had lost 50lbs being on a hardcore exercise & nutrition plan. I don't think it was Wellbutrin that cause weight loss. I have really thin hair already, I went to my dermatologist, endocarnalogist, gynacalogist, PCP, you name it - to address the issue and no luck. **I take biotin and evening primrose oil and that seems to help some with the hair loss** both are available over the counter at most grocery stores and all health stores/vitamin stores.

I am on 25mg Topamax for extreme migraines and will be on 50mg after 7 days, then after a month or two up to 75mg then eventually 100mg. I haven't noticed a difference in anything yet. I'm really tired now but I am still taking antibotics from having a sinus infection, so that may have something to do with it. Plus, I am a full-time college student, full-time employee and full-time mother - so I'm pretty much always exhausted. I noticed it has been a little more difficult to spell when taking notes over the past two days, or maybe its a coincidence.

I would like to benefit from the weight loss of Topamax as I have been recently started Lexapro a month ago (in addition to my Wellbutrin) and I've already gained weight. I'm going to talk to my Dr. about stopping the Lexapro and just staying on the Topamax once I get to a high enough dose. I haven't noticed any difference in smells or the taste of foods so far with Topamax like many have, but maybe its too early in the process. Plus, I do not drink any carbonated beverages (ever). It would be nice to loose about 20lbs, to get me in the "safe" category for my size, age, and frame.

How long did it take before people noticed a reduced appetite? I haven't noticed it yet, but its only been two days, and I'm only taking 25mg. I have been getting some stomach pains and cramps (but sometimes my stomach acts out for no apparent reason, I'm lactose intolerant, so my indigestion system is very touchy). Please advise. Thanks. Oh, and I promise to keep this post up to date to let you know if I have lost any weight or had any unwanted side effects
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