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Adipex and how to stop using w/out gaining weight back

I've been taking adipex for about 5 months now-is this bad? I want to stop but i think i will gain all my weight back and I really can't do that. Please help.
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I usually do not take adipex on the weekend to just feel in control, and I do watch what I am eating and exercise regularly I feel like i'm not sure how much the drug is actually making me feel like I have more energy or could it be just psychological now because I've been on it. If I don't take it during the week one or two days I am very very tired and it effects my overall work, when I take the drug, I have energy and I don't feel tired.
My doctor is a little different, I'm not sure if he knew what he was prescribing me because I knew about the drug and wanted it.

Thank you for your comments, I think tapering iff is the best solution and hopefully I won't gain the weight back. Do you know how long it'll take to be out of my system?
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649848 tn?1534633700
Adipex is addictive if taken for a while and you could have withdrawal; you should talk to your doctor about tapering off, instead of going cold turkey.  

It's hard to say whether or not you will gain back weight when you stop the adipex.  This is the bad thing about taking weight loss aids or going through ridiculous regimens to lose weight -- no one is going to stick with them forever; and once stopped, the weight is likely to come right back on.  

Taper off the adipex, and watch your portion control very closely, as well as getting some exercise.  
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O! And don't forget to always look at the serving size when counting calories. You'll be surprised, like animal crackers are 100 calories but I looked at the serving size and it was 5 cookies. Witch is les than what I want to eat.
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Depends how how much you eat and how much you exersisse. Being on it forever is NOT a sullition to keeping weight off. I suggest taking note off all you eat and how many calories for a few days. Then take look at how many calories you need to stay at that weight. Here's a link to a calculator


As long as you don't go over you can just cold turkey get off of it. Hopefully it's non adictive. Also don't be alarmed if you do gain some weight, like a pound, just don't over eat and you should be fine. Anwser mine?

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