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579258 tn?1250649343

Dream Believe Achieve Challenge 2009

Bring On The New Year! It's Going To Be A Fantastic 2009 for All of us thanks to the
Year Long Weight loss Challenge at MedHelp! Fun, Friendship, Learning and Support are hallmarks of our weight loss community so let's rally together to make the year ahead a memorable one!

Let me remind you that losing weight is no walk in the park; yes there will be difficult times but you are not going to be alone in this venture.  It's going to be a team effort where you will find courage and hope even when are ready to give up. This community will be here to uphold you and we’ll share laughter and tears along the way.  

Realizing your dreams is always a magical moment and a wonderful fulfillment when you reach first one goal and then another.  We want you to be a part of our community success, so join us and let's fight and win the battles together.

At MedHelp we realize the importance of team work and that's why we’ll be hosting a variety of events throughout the year .. and these are some of the things you can look forward to in the new year.

Motivational Mondays
Success Stories
Sunday Weigh-ins
Live Chats
Special Events
Health Pages
And More!

We've prepared some Challenge Information located at http://www.medhelp.org/health_pages/Weight-Loss/Dream-Believe-Achieve-Challenge-Information/show/543?cid=129 that will hopefully answer most of the questions you have.  It will also provide you with some instructions regarding communication, live chats, trackers, weight loss & nutrition myths, etc.  If you have any additional questions, please start a post in the community and we'll be glad to provide you with further information.

We want to hear from you and keep you engaged .. whether you’re succeeding or
failing .. as this community can help you overcome the obstacles and lose weight in a
healthy and successful manner.  It is not done overnight; it takes time.  So .. shout out either way .. with success and with struggles .. and together we’ll do this together!

This year we will see who wins the battle and I can promise, there will be no half measures!

Sign up below .. and let us welcome you!
88 Responses
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579258 tn?1250649343
First, please let me extend my deepest apologies for not responding to our most recent new members before now.  There have been some overwhelming personal issues that have hampered my best intentions.

That said, let me extend to you the most heartfelt and warm welcome to the Weight Loss & Dieting Community!!!  The members here have caring spirits, much information to share and believe in slowly and steadily making the lifelong changes to bring about our weight loss goals and a healthy lifestyle.

twinkle36 - Believing in ourselves can be a difficult task at first, usually because we've tried many diets and failed and the self-talk we give ourselves is less than kind.  I would like to challenge you, and others, to a few simple steps, although they may feel funny at first.

1.  No longer refer to losing weight as a "diet".  "Diets", by their name alone, have a beginning and an end and the end is usually when we fall off and beat ourselves up.

2.  Think of losing weight as a lifestyle change and compare it to learning to ride a bike.  Just as you fall off a bike, you are encouraged to get back on and try again.  That is our overall belief.  There will be times you fail, we all do.  We are not perfect and these behaviors have been learned over a lifetime.  We must learn to forgive ourselves easily and quickly and vow to get back up and start again and never, ever quit.

3.  Each time you think of something negative you are saying to yourself, stop immediately and replace it with three positive things about yourself.  Say it out loud.

4.  Look in the mirror each day and tell yourself you are worthy, you are valuable, that you love you and that you can do this.  While your mind may not believe this at first, your mind accepts what you say to it, positive or negative.  After a while, it will feel more comfortable and you will feel better about yourself.

reau - You're IN!!!!  It's that easy!  Now just participate in the community, respond to posts, ask questions and let's do this together!

mrsruiz - Try keeping your Food Diary so you have some feedback of what you are eating and the calorie counts as it will help in the long run.  In addition, we you go out to eat, here are a few suggestions.

1.  When placing your order, ask your server for an extra box and divide your meal in half.  Save the other half for lunch the next day as restaurant portions are usually too large.

2.  If you can not trust yourself to not eat it that evening, then leave it at the restaurant and pour water on it so you are not tempted to keep eating.

Joeysfoxymama - Congratulations on the birth of Joey; he is a darling!  So now .. it's time to pick up where we left off before you got pregnant.  Yes, I can help you find your "healthy" weight.  PM me your height, weight, age, and activity level.  Have to know that information to get started.  This should also be available on the set-up page of your Food Diary.  Remember, it takes a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound, either by cutting back on food or increasing exercise.

chula1993 - WTG and what a GREAT ATTITUDE you have!  You have found the key and CAN DO THIS!!!  The support of your husband is Awesome and perhaps you should have him join us too!  There is another husband and wife couple on here .. Elaine1961 and Steve1954.  Keep up the great work with the bicycle and keep taking those meds .. they are important.  As you continue your journey, your days will brighten more and more and you simply won't believe all that wonders your journey has in store for you!  May I suggest .. start taking weekly pictures .. even if you do nothing more than date them and put them in a box ... there will come a time when you will cherish all of them.  And, if you're interested, we can help you make a picture video of just how far you've come.  Glad to have you here .. reach out and stay active .. it's important.

wolfee2010 - Of COURSE this is ALWAYS OPEN and YOU ARE WELCOME AND WANTED!  This is an ongoing support group and we never stop ... even some who have reached their goal weight still share their advice and experience with others who are traveling the path to a new lifestyle.  CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS on your upcoming wedding .. how exciting!!!  Can't wait to see you realize your dreams and post pictures.  We'll want to hear about your progress with the wedding and the changes you are making.

Schisandraa - WELCOME and NOW YOU HAVE SUPPORT!!!  The WL&D Community is certainly the place for that!  There is information to share so don't be bashful and ask questions, the members here have a wealth of knowledge and a wonderful sense of humor to share as well!  

May I suggest you begin removing the word "diet" from your vocabulary and replacing it with lifestyle change.  The word diet sets us up as there is a beginning and an end to a diet.  Either we stop it because we "fail" or we stop it and then "return" to a previous way of eating ... that got us in trouble in the first place.  Besides .. did you ever look at the first three letters of the word ... D-I-E T?

Regular sleep helps with losing weight so try to do that.  In addition, there are several of us who like a little wine now and then .. may I suggest you try 4 oz and use some diet 7-up or diet Sprite and make a spritzer?  Still get the taste but in a slightly different way .. OR .. have a small glass .. 6-8 oz .. once a week and count the calories.

THRILLED YOU ARE ALL HERE!!!   Please be sure to implement all the tools available .. FOOD DIARY is key!  Then, the weight tracker, exercise tracker, mood tracker .. and take a look at all the others MedHelp has developed to help us.  

NOW .. LET'S GET ACTIVE AND HEALTHY TOGETHER!!!!!  Many (((Hugs))) and wishes for your continued success!  WE BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!
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961490 tn?1260623660
Hi.  I had been a successful dieter, but that's the problem- I've been doing nothing but diet for a long time.  I also have multiple food allergies which limit my diet to nothing but healthy whole foods, in a household of junk food junkies (NO support!).  Add a super-duper stressful household with extreme financial issues, sometimes making healthy foods difficult to afford- and sometimes I can't afford the food I need to be eating and must eat the cheap foods I'm allergic to.

Consequently, I'd been dieting, but each time I fell off my diet for the last few years, I'd gain back more weight than I'd lost.  I'm near my maximum weights- Post- partum weights 20 years ago.

Two days ago my Primary Care doctor said my blood pressure is borderline high, and if I can't get it down, he will have to medicate me.  I don't want that, and as my husband takes a lot of meds for a cardiac condition, I worry about affording it too.  

I know my enjoyment of wine has exacerbated the weight issues.  My lack of sleep.  And my starting on a diet and just plain giving up.  I have 54 lbs. to lose.  When I get on track I'll lose like you wouldn't believe.  I want to believe.  Brightest Blessings!  Schisandraa  
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920180 tn?1243524944
if this is still open. I am joining. I need to get my butt in gear again! I am 20, healthy and moderately active and I am currently at 160. My goal is to be 145 on my wedding day (24 months from today) this mean I have 15 pounds to go! I will be challenging myself to meet this goal from now on!
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I am just joining this here on the internet but my weight loss journey has already begun.  I have struggled with manic depression for about 10 years now and tried to deal with it on my own.  I finally realized that I cannot.  I started counseling, was put on depression medication, found out that I have type 2 diabetes and have been changing everything since the end of March.  I had begun at 343 at the end of March and last Thursday, I weighed in at 331.  My husband bought me a bicycle, which I feel like a kid again when I ride and I LUUUUUUUUVV it!!  I eat healthier now, which I had already started, but my husband rides with me and we try to ride at least 4 miles three times a week.  I also have the walking at home DVD's which I just found again so I going to start using them.  For any who have suffered from depression and not sought help for it yet, I don't usually advocated medication, I don't like the idea of a dependency and was very resistant against it, but if you have not been able to pull yourself out of it, please see a doctor.  After 10 years of not being happy, teetering on divorce, separating myself from my family, I am finally feeling in control of myself and back to being ME again, which I love even without the weight loss aspect.

It is a long, difficult journey, but believe me, it is WELL WORTH it!  If you have negative feelings that keep creeping in, try to see if they have a recurring theme to them and change them.  Think positively.  That is the key to changing our lives.  Look at the blessings that we have in our lives.  The Lord provides ways for each of us to make it through life, and with communities such as this and family and friendship, we can unite together to accomplish whatever goals we set in mind.  

As a side note, NONE of my clothes fit me now, but I am going to alter them to make them smaller and when I went to Cato's yesterday, I found that I have lost 8 pants sizes!  I was grinning like a cheshire cat and so excited I was bouncing around to see that I could buy clothes from a regular store again!  It was a very exhilarating feeling!!  And, my hubby was just as excited!!

Keep up all of your great work, and log and OWN your accomplishments!! You are entitled to and deserve each and every one of them!!  Best wishes everyone!!

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886304 tn?1256091904
I am Jennifer and I am a mommy to a beautiful baby boy Joey, of whom I want to be around for a long time for. Right now I weight 259 and I dont like it. I have lost quite a bit of inches, but not alot of pounds. My baby was born three months ago and I actually lost 25 pounds but have gained 5 back. I am here for support and for friends! Does anyone know where to find what healthy weight I should actually be?
Good to be here!
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I have lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks.  I am in on this battle with you all!  I generally eat pretty health the fast food was what always caught me up.  So my hubby and I now only go out to eat once a week on saturdays after church.  I have not changed my eating habits other than that. Also I would really suggest getting the walk away the pounds dvd it is awsome it is really low impact, they have differant programs so it can be a fast strong work out or a low good work out still.  My mom has fibro and she would be able to do this work out.  Any way just a few tips for everyone!
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