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649848 tn?1534633700

Enough is Enough

Well, I stepped on the scale this morning and much to my dismay ---- I've gained back 4 of the pounds I'd lost.  This is totally unacceptable!!!  I went from 149 down to 143, now I'm back up to 147 --- how horrible is THAT??

I've noticed on the past couple of posts I've done, that most of us seem to be "in limbo" as far as exercise is concerned.  I, personally, have really slacked off due to some  medical issues -- mainly with my heart and back - and my work schedule which includes getting up at 3:30 am and usually being too tired when I get home in the afternoon.  

After looking at the scale this morning, I've come to the decision that I *MUST* get back to exercising regularly again.  I've always been a good one for telling people that "there are exercises for almost everyone, if we look for them".  Well, I guess I'd better get started looking -- actually I have to go no further than my dvd player because I have both yoga dvd AND Wii Fit, plus my doctor gave me some stretching exercises to do for my back, which I've put off because I know it will hurt!!  

As of this morning, I am committing to no less than 20 minutes/day of exercise.  To begin with, I may have to split it into 2 - 10 minute sessions -- I know it might be best to do it all at once, but if I can't, I can't!!  At least I will be moving!!  

Okay, so here's my thought --- I'm going to COMMIT to 5 minutes of stretching every morning, along with 5 minutes on the healthrider.  Then, I figure I should be able to get in a 10 minute walk on my lunch break and if I go at a good steady pace, that will be excellent or if the lunch break walk doesn't work out, when I get home, I can do another 10 minutes of stretching or get out the Wii Fit or something else for 10 minutes.  

My goal will be to add 5 minutes of exercise per week, until I reach an hour/day.  In addition, to these 10 minute segments "dedicated" to exercise, I will still have all the walking and physical work that I do during the day.  

I would like to challenge anyone and everyone to come along on this journey with me.  If we don't get started, we won't ever reach our goal and I don't know about the rest of you, but that's not acceptable for ME.  

So, who's up for it???  20 minutes/day ---- whether all at once or broken into segments; and adding 5 minutes per week ----- for those of you already working out on a regular basis, this won't sound like much, but you're still free to participate; for the ones of us, who have not been exercising regularly, we need to start out with baby steps and work into it.  

We'll keep track on a weekly basis.........but feel free to report on here any time you want to, if you need some support, things aren't going well, or if you want to "blow your own horn".  

Come on ---- let's go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

52 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
I think you will do fine cutting your routine by an hour and 1/2 per week.  You are really hitting it now and if you cut your time and find that you start gaining again, you can either cut back on the food, or up the exercise a bit.  

Do you have an iPod or MP3 player or something that you can put on head phones and listen to your favorite music while you walk on the treadmill?  I find that time goes a lot faster if I have music on -- or even a TV - just something to distract me from the boredom of the same movement -- like walking on a treadmill..........Or for me, even just taking a walk.  I don't have a park to walk in, I only have fields and a short piece of road, so it tends to get rather boring when I'm alone.  In January, my "winter neighbors" will be here and she likes to walk a lot, so we walk our dogs together after I get home from work, usually about 45 min to an hour/day -- I enjoy that because we discuss our day and it's a way to relieve tension of the work day AND get exercise.  

You are doing great.  I'm really happy to see your dedication and determination.  

I've sort of slacked off the exercise a bit this week -- yes, I've done my Biggest Loser yoga dvd a couple of times, and I've had a very "physical" work week, but I've recently learned that a leaky heart valve has gotten worse.  I go for an echocardiogram this morning -- once that's over and I find out everything's okay (I hope), the stress/fear should ease up and I think it will be easier to settle into a better routine.  

You keep going -- I'm getting a lot of my motivation from you.  Thanks..........

Helpful - 0
621085 tn?1614300231
Well I'm doing my other strength DVD tonight and the skipping Friday and walking Saturday and Sunday. I'll have someone to help watch the kids while I walk. As for the other day on the treadmill, I hated it! I'm so glad it's not broke don't get me wrong, I know I'm going to need it and I was glad to get my exercise out of the way and not have to wait till my hubby came home BUT it was awful. It was the longest 90 minutes of my life. I am so thankful to live 7/10 of a mile from the Metro Parks and I'm going to walk in the park till my fingers get frostbite.

I think after I reach my goal I'm going to change my exercise regimen. Right now I'm doing 5.5 hrs. per week and that's only to try and speed up my weight loss a little. I think after I reach my goal I'm going to cut it by an hour and a half.

2 - 60 minute walks per week and 2 days of 30 minutes on the elliptical followed by 30 minutes of strength training. This will be 4 days instead of 5. I know this might still seem like a lot to some but I have a big appetite and I really want to be as fit as possible and stay that way. I also don't think it's to much considering how much I've been doing. What do you guys think?
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649848 tn?1534633700
I'm happy to hear that your treadmill is not broken.  An outlet is much easier repaired.  And yes, that treadmill will come in handy during the winter.  I hope you got in a good walk today!!

I did the Biggest Loser Yoga for Weight Loss both Mon and yesterday.  It's really something.  Monday after I did it, I took a good hot bath with epsom salts to help by pass some of the muscle pain.  Yesterday, after I worked out, I decided I didn't need to do that --- well, I'm paying for getting lazy.......I was SO sore when I climbed out of bed this morning!!  I decided to pass on the workout this afternoon because I did a LOT of walking today and I've decided to let my muscles rest for a day or I'm afraid I will "burn out".  The scale doesn't show any pounds lost, but I noticed this morning that my pants slid on easier than normal -- wondering if it could make that difference so soon?? But then, I've been doing yoga anyway, so maybe just stepping up the pace would make the difference.  

I totally agree with you about the eating versus exercise.  They have to go hand in hand in order to get very far.  Although it's possible to lose weight with just diet, adding the exercise will increase the weight loss AND it will keep you from losing muscle mass instead of fat.  

Keep up the good work.............
Helpful - 0
621085 tn?1614300231
Well I thought my treadmill was broken but I did some investigating and found out it was the outlet. I'm very happy about this. I found out last night my husband had to work this morning and I would not be able to go to the park. I now can walk downstairs while the kids are in for their nap. This will also help with the Winter coming.

hardBODmiranda - I watch what I eat every day. I'm on a low calorie diet and get plenty of lean meat, complex carbs, fiber, veggies and good fats. I've been eating like this for 6 months but as we all know that's only half of it. I know I would not have made 50 pounds worth of progress without my exercise. It has really helped with my emotional eating and stress. I think a lot of people on here watch what they eat but the missing piece of the puzzle is that they are not exercising properly. That's what this thread is about.
Helpful - 0
649848 tn?1534633700
I have thought about a stability ball, but just never did it.  Over the weekend, I bought the dvd "Biggest Loser Yoga for Weight Loss"........it suggested on another thread here last week.  Anyway - I did it for the first time yesterday after work and you want to talk about a work out!! My muscles were really burning when I got done.  The only thing that saved with it is that I've been doing yoga for a couple years now, so at least I'm familiar with the poses.I only got behind a couple of times, which I thought was pretty (for me).....

I'll keep the stability ball in mind though..........something different so I don't get bored. Thanks
Helpful - 0
621085 tn?1614300231
Well it's another gorgeous day outside but I did my 30 min. stability ball DVD because my son is sick and I needed to stay home. Tomorrow my husband is off work so I will walk / jog then while he keeps an eye on the kids.

Barb135, I think you might like the stability ball. have you ever tried one before? They are good for balance and using lots of muscles you didn't even know you had. There are also good for stretching too.

Princessa745, how was the gym?
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