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579258 tn?1250649343


Hi Everyone .. and welcome to LIVE CHAT!   This is where we can talk about our weight loss, our exercise, ask questions, share knowledge and/or socialize and get to know each other a bit.

Just be sure to refresh your screen often so you can keep up with the community members!

How's your day today?  How's your weight loss going?  Any questions?
94 Responses
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Do anybody know something about e-z weight loss tea
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756140 tn?1294767094
Hey everyone! Is this still going on!?
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750172 tn?1256147076
Well, I know I came in late but, it was great reading everybody's post...i look forward to getting to know everyone and having your experience and support...bedtime...night everyone!!
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479581 tn?1317757488
It's past my bedtime too...take care all...it was great meeting all of you....have a great week

PK....take care of yourself and let us know how you're doing

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479581 tn?1317757488
jimmeh....I bet your whole family benefits from your new healthy lifestyle.  Pretty soon you'll all be excercising to the wii....there won't be any couch potatoes left in your family  LOL   :)
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541150 tn?1306033843
You know what they say...two cats, double trouble LOL.

Ok guys...I gotta get up early tomorrow. I will come back and keep posting. I love this community. You are all great and Ranae you are an angel. God bless you.

See you tomorrow folks :)
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196469 tn?1365387975
I'm gonna call it a night too............ nice to meet all of you.  Be good!

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479581 tn?1317757488
Ranae....had a great time chatting with you, see you next Tues.  Have a great week.

Angel (lazy again, sorry)  "baby barbells"....you'll have fabulous arms by the time he goes to preschool   :)
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579258 tn?1250649343
It has been great meeting and chatting with all of you and you are a welcome addition to the WL&D community!

I have to run now .. it's 10 pm and I have to get up very early.  Please feel free to keep chatting with each other and I'll check the thread in the morning.

Hope to see you making posts and participating in the community and we are truly glad you are here!  Thank you for allowing us to share in your journey and for joining us here tonight!

We'll be doing another Live Chat next Tuesday and try for each Tuesday after that .. please join us again!

Very best wishes .. (((Hugggsssss))) and nite ..
Helpful - 0
750172 tn?1256147076
Hehe, the fun part is when we try to incorporate the babies into the workout...my two year old does "push-ups" with us...my 9month old is great for some bicep curls...they love it!
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735670 tn?1233607167
It took a lot to get my family on the bandwagon with me but over the last month I've gotten Dad (the chef) to stop preparing the massive proportions the we were accustomed to. Its much easier to eat right when there is not an excess of food available, and my grandmother who lives down the street from us has benefited from the leftovers. I'm curious to see if anyone else in the family will lose some inches as well.
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579258 tn?1250649343
jimmeh - Perhaps you can explain this in detail sometime in a post and share with the group.  I would personally like to learn this training!!

I want to be a fly on the wall with dai3symae .. :D :D :D
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750172 tn?1256147076
I have the Winsor Pilates, it's not bad but, my tummy is just not up there at that level yet! Today we just incorporated things from our class and it worked out really well.
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479581 tn?1317757488
AND THE WINNER IS..........THE SUSSEX SPANIEL!!!!   Ranaesheart, your dog won!!!
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735670 tn?1233607167
Kinda hard to play the wii when there are 3 other couch potatoes that tend to hog the television. Lol. Comcast does have some fun exercises on demand when I get the chance to use the tv though
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196469 tn?1365387975
I have been trying to do atleast 30 min cardio per day,,,,,,,,,,,,,elliptical, stairmaster, etc.  I throw in a few days of weight training too.  It will be interesting to see what kind of program my traininer puts me on.

My hubby and I did Nutrisystem last year and it works as long as you stick to their food.  I wasn't a fan of most of the food and to think I had to eat it for the rest of my life, was NOT realistic (for me)
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579258 tn?1250649343
PrettyKitty .. Two cats .. one is a plenty for me .. lolll

jimmeh - You're definitely doing it the right way and for the right reasons.  Hope you will share with the community often.  I found that 1,400 calories and exercise were what triggered my loss as well.  Don't you feel much better???  That's WONDERFUL that YOUR DAD is helping!!  Talk about family support!!!

Yeah .. no coat today and all the snow just melted (except for one small spot) .. not looking forward to 6 - 12 inches of snow anticipated for Friday!

Angelinthemorning - I'll take SPRING any day .. even with tornados over this SNOW!!!  

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479581 tn?1317757488
jimmeh.....what about a wii?

Hi, Angelinthemorning.  I'd love to be a fly on the wall during your playgroup......sounds like you have a lot of fun   :)
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735670 tn?1233607167
My dad has me on a 3-2-1 combo deal, which has 2 minutes of cardio to elevate the heart rate, 3 minutes of strength and 1 minute of abs, which I supplement with a 20 minute ab routine and the occasional walk/jog (when the weather permits).
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479581 tn?1317757488
Heidi....I'm glad it's over and all are OK

jimmeh what kind of exercise are you doing?  I'm sure you feel great about the weight loss and healthier lifestyle.  You're smart to do it while you're young.

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579258 tn?1250649343
Angelinthemorning - Yes .. we are still "chatting" and so glad YOU are HERE!!!  

Glad to see you are mixing up your exercise and this playgroup activity sounds Wonderful!!!   How exciting!

I have a video that has 3 10-minute workouts that I love because each is a little different and by breaking it into 3 segments, it is easier for me to do and push myself through it.  I also have Slim in Six .. but am still working on it ... it is difficult and I keep going a little further each day.

Any you like???
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735670 tn?1233607167
Yea. It was very strange to go walking in the winter in a t-shirt with snow mounds surrounding me on all sides!
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750172 tn?1256147076
hey, i'm in ok.  about 30miles north of edmond. had quite a few touchdowns south of us.  what a crazy weather day and it's only feb.  It's going to be a long spring...
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735670 tn?1233607167
Thanks guys! After dealing with excessive weight my entire life I decided I needed to make a change for myself... Pretty much overnight I just decided to start being sensible about the things I put into my body and how I take care of it.

I started a food journal at my-calorie-counter.com and update it daily. I cut back to (on average) 1400 calories or so and swapped out all beverages for water; I also started a 50-70 minute interval training exercises daily (my dad used to train boxers so he helps me out) to help add some lean mass to my figure, and I guess that is pretty much it... Lol
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