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579258 tn?1250649343

Allergic to Exercise?

Do you sometimes feel you are allergic to exercise?  Does the mere name "exercise" make you cringe?  Well .. time to get real!  

Exercise is a necessary component of a healthy lifestyle and there are many varieties of "movement" that are fun and entertaining!  

Let's all try to name our favorites, expand our horizons and help each other.  Perhaps we can take your suggestions and make some youtube videos for the community .. what do you think?

Added a little cartoon to the post .. in case you can't read the words .. "The handle of your recliner does not qualify as an exercise machine."  ;)
13 Responses
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I know exactly what you are talking about. Once I am in the groove of exercising you  can't stop me, but, boy if I get sick or get out of the routine it takes me FOREVER to get back into it. That is where I am at now I just won't get myself back into the groove. I live in Ohio so I know what you mean about the weather. I have tons of workout tapes I just need to start, that is the hardest part. Any suggestions? Has anyone tried the buddy system?
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703362 tn?1427766328
Ah!  I just have to take my allergy shots!  Thanks Twehner!  I needed that!  ; )  
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269786 tn?1243793707
I love to work out. Used to be the first thing I did when I got home from work. And to tell you the truth, about 50% is stress relief, and 50% is for health. Some days 100% stress relief. Feels good to jog off the stress.

But lately, I don't know. Was sick several years back and it threw my routine off. I have struggled ever since. Weather here in Chicago isn't the most cooperative either. I love being outside.

Trying to get back in the groove. Miss having nice arms. My clothes are tight in the arms! Hate that!
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Thank you all for your ideas and comments. With spring in the air I do feel the want not need to get up and get outside and do some walking or yard work. My back starts to bother me when I do this but I will take a Motrin and just do it. I love this time of year and being outside. With your help I hope I can achieve my goals. I have said this before and failed but hopefully this time is the charm.
Thanks again
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649848 tn?1534633700
I don't really have an allergy to exercise, and once I get started I actually enjoy it.  My problem is having the time to do it.  

I get up at 3:30 am to get ready for work, so can't work out in the morning.  I do get off work at 2:30 pm, but by the time I've walked the dogs and done chores, laundry ,etc around the house, it's time to get to bed so I can get up and start all over again.  

Beginning in April, hubby will be doing the dog walking again, so that will give me about 45 min/day to get a good work out.  In the meantime, I do still wear my pedometer every day and log anywhere between 3 and 11 miles/day.

Also I agree with twehner5 - I prefer to think of it as something other than the e-word.  
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657315 tn?1319491387
I have good news for those of you with exercise allergies!  THERE IS A CURE!

Here's what you have to do:  expose yourself to steady doses of the stuff AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE, PREFERABLY BY A DIFFERENT NAME (brisk walk, step aerobics, strength training, yoga, pilates, aerobox, some movement you like, walk the dog a LOT, etc.).  Do this often enough and long enough and the allergy is cured.  Yes, I said CURED!

I discovered this.  And, I'm still in remission, the ugly allergy has not come back into its active stage.  It's been almost 3 years.  

Oh, and one more thing.  With me, there's always ONE MORE THING!  Plan a schedule and then don't even think about it - JUST DO IT!

I pack my gym bag over the weekend with all my clean clothes and socks and water bottles (yep, I even grab those for the week!).  Then, I don't even ask myself if I FEEL like going.  I just drive there after my morning route.  Have I EVER regretted going?  NO WAY!  I feel GREAT and it affects my FOOD choices the rest of the day.

Come on, EVERYONE!  Take your allergy shots (daily doses of the E-word) and put on your gym shoes...  You'll be glad you did!
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703362 tn?1427766328
I love exercise and feel great when I do it.  I do tend to run a bit short on time, so that plays a big factor.  I am determined to make it more of a priority and get myself going!  
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479581 tn?1317757488
HI and welcome.....I thought I was the only one with an allergy to excercise!  Even though it sometimes makes me cringe and sometimes gives me hives.....I'm going to stock up on benadryl and start as soon as the air cast comes off my foot    :)

In fact.....I'll be so happy to be up and around......I may even stop cringing  LOL!!!
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579258 tn?1250649343
Welcome to MedHelp and the WL&D Community!  Absolutely LOVE your screenname!

As for your participation in the challenge – the activity takes place right here in the community and I’ve added you to the list of participants.  Here is a Health Page we created to hopefully provide you with some additional information.  http://www.medhelp.org/health_pages/Weight-Loss/Dream-Believe-Achieve-Challenge-Information/show/543?cid=129  ; If you have any questions, please just post your question in the community and the members here are more than willing to help.  

See you’ve already met wonko – she is one of our long-time community members and is a wonderful testament to what the challenge is all about.  Dream – Believe – Achieve … she does this on a daily basis and is consistent in her vision of success!  There are many members you will get to know who will share their support, knowledge, tips, encouragement and motivation!  Us “turtles” welcome you and we all stick together!

Congratulations on posting and acknowledging your “allergy” to exercise.  As you describe your array of equipment and videos, I was shaking my head in agreement as I own many as well, some that still need brought out of hibernation.  

I Believe there are several keys that help us “unlock” our willingness to exercise – and I hope you’ll allow me to share a few of those with you.

1.  Changing Our Perspective – This happens as we begin to examine the reasons “to do” the exercise and let go of our unwillingness to move.  

2.  Benefits vs Cost - Personally, I like to focus on the benefits and the positive aspects of exercise .. but one must be aware that in electing to “not” exercise, we are CHOOSING the perils of not exercising.  Those would be the Opposite of the list below.  

-Exercise improves mood.
-Exercise combats chronic diseases (heart disease and osteoporosis, helps us manage high blood pressure and offers cholesterol benefits.  It also helps us prevent type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and certain types of cancer.
-Exercise helps manage weight.
-Exercise strengthens heart and lungs.
-Exercise promotes better sleep.
-Exercise can be “fun”.

Makes it a little different vantage point if we realize that we may be electing heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, etc.  It doesn’t just “happen” to us, we allow it to happen by not exercising.

3. Treating Yourself Kindly – Making the time to exercise allows us to treat ourselves in a kind and caring manner.  Aren’t you worth 20-30 minutes of time a day?  This is taking care of YOU and making YOU a priority!  YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

One of my very favorite quotes – one that got me to thinking and taking action – is this …

“Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?” Nelson Mandela

YOU CAN DO THIS!!! It is our dream no one has a right to prevent us from reaching it, LEASE OF ALL US!

Eliminate the language that allows for excuse

- Not if, but when,

- Not try, but will

- Not hope, but belief

then it will not be a dream, it will be a reality.....live into it!

Very best wishes – looking forward to getting to know you!
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Thank you for the info. Yes I have set up my weight and exercise trackers and I will post my results.
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428506 tn?1296557399
I cringe at the word, but do it anyway and have even found fun things to do.

For me, the hardest part is to not "psych" myself out.  If I think too much about how my workout will feel, I start to lose motivation.  But if I just get into it, it's really not that bad and I often feel better for having done it.

I've been trying really hard to workout twice a day, but often only get in an AM workout.  I hope when it gets nice enough to be outside more, I can use outdoor walking as a PM workout.
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428506 tn?1296557399
All you need to join is jump in, like you already have!

On Sundays, Got_To_Do_It starts two posts:  One for weigh-in results, and one for results chat.  You can weigh anytime you want, we just report on Sunday.

Have you set up a weight tracker and an exercise tracker on your profile?  That will allow you post your results and have record of them on your profile.  You can pick if you want everyone, just friends, or just you to see them.  

If you are not used to exercise, start small and build up.  It does more harm than good to over-do it early on and hurt yourself.  It is also easier to stick with chances when they are realistic.  That goes for eating and exericse.  Even walking on a treadmill for 5-10 minutes and stretching is a great start.

You should browse the Health Pages (there is a link up and to the right on the screen) and the old posts to get a feel for the forum.  The Community Leader, Ranae, affectionately refers to us as "Turtles:"  We are not racing, we are working to gradually and healthfully change our lifestyles.  Slow and steady wins the race.


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Hello, I do have an allergy to exercise, but, I am trying to get over it. I have just joined and I am hoping you can give me some guidance on how to join the 2009 challenge. I went to the Forum, but, it has not been active in a couple of weeks so I do not know where to go to join and get all the info on the weigh ins and etc. I am 47 years old and weigh 336lbs. I have a room full of workout videos, steps, ramps, stabilility ball, workout machine. treadmill etc. and I cannot get motivated to start working out. I have been overweight most of my life. When I do get started something stops me and I will not get back into it. Once I get on a schedule I do really like the outcome of the workout, the adrenaline that keeps me going for the rest of the day and then I do actually look forward to working out everyday. How do I get back to that? Any suggestions would be great and also how do I join the challenge. I want 2009 to be the year of the new healthy and fit me.
Thank you,
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