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649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In - May 25, 2014

Good morning, everyone... I apologize for not posting a weigh in thread last Sunday... I was away for a couple of days.  

I hope everyone is doing well.  For those in the U.S. I hope you're enjoying your Memorial Weekend.  

So - back on track, here... I've been doing relatively well, as far as food/exercise is going.  Even having been away from home, eating in restaurants and not exercising, I stayed relatively stable, though I do have to claim a 0.4 lb gain over the past 2 weeks. I've gotten back to walking again... yesterday, I did right at a mile, this morning, I did about a 1.5 miles.  I know that's not very much, but since my walking partner left in April for the summer, I haven't walked much at all, so I have to ease back in.  I hope to lengthen the distance to, at least, 3 miles/day, but not sure how that's going to work out, as I have limited amount of sidewalks in my area to walk on and it's too dangerous to walk on the busy roads, plus it's very hot here, so whatever I do outside, has to be done in the early morning while it's still cool.  Maybe I can do a couple miles on the sidewalks, and some more on my treadmill.  We'll see how it goes.

As far as food - I've been writing down everything I eat... I find that I pay more attention if I pick up my pen and write what I've eaten than if I log it in an app.  I guess I'm just old fashioned.  Anyway, I see that I'm eating too much carbs, like bread, pasta, etc.  I do eat brown rice, which is whole grain, so that's a good thing!!  

I also have a problem with cooking proper portions.  For instance, rice or pasta... I always end up cooking more than a single portion, so I end up eating more, because my husband, often doesn't eat the same things I do (he likes his hamburger and fries, whereas I try to get my veggies and whole grains).  I've also been trying to veggies that I normally don't like.  For instance, I've recently learned to eat beets, which I've always felt tasted like dirt; once I learned how to cook them, myself, I find them to be quite tasty.  I have a recipe for a marinade that really makes them stand out.  I'm also working on sweet potatoes, which are much better for us than white potatoes.  I've discovered that there are quite a variety of sweet potatoes/yams available and they each have distinct taste/texture.  I'm also experimenting with different spices/herbs. They're very good for us and they do give foods a distinct flavor.

So - that's me and my diet woes... how about everyone else?  Were you able to meet your goal for the week?  If so, congratulations and keep up the good work.  If not, how can we help you?  Do you need motivation, cooking or exercise tips?  

Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week.

Remember, we win by losing... weight.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Thank you very much... yes, we did have an enjoyable trip, though it was very short (3 days).  Mini vacations are, often, more fun than long drawn out ones.  

Congratulations on your loss... that's awesome.  Isn't it nice to be able to get outside and do things, play with the kids, etc?  Unfortunately, my kids are both grown and I don't get to see grandkids that often.  I do get my "dirt therapy", though from working in the yard.

Nicky... congratulations to you, as well.  4 pounds is awesome.  Sounds like you focused on the right things.  

Best of luck to you both for the coming week... I'm hoping to get back into the groove and see some results, as well, this week.  We'll find out on Sunday.
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I kept from weighing myself the previous week and just focused of what I'm eating, portions, exercise, and rest. With all that said I'm down four pounds.
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Barb hope you had a most enjoyable trip!

I hope everyone has had a good couple of weeks as well.

I can say that I have lost 1.5. Weather has broke so we have been in the back yard playing soccer with the kids and I'm rebuilding the flower beds in the front of my house.

Good luck next week.
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