649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In - September 11, 2022

Good morning.  How is everyone doing today?  It looks like it's going to be a bright sunny day here, but I think we're supposed to get rain later in the day, which has been the pattern for several days now.  Although we need the rain, it's too bad they can't "divert" some of it and send it out west where it's dry and fires are raging!!  

Anyway, we're at 9/11, so let's not forget its significance.  

It's been somewhat hectic here this past week.  Maybe I shouldn't consider it hectic - just active!!   I've had some things to do in the yard and really had to get them done, even though it was too hot to work outside.  I also had a birthday present to get done and in the mail.  Although I I got the gift done, I had tons of trouble with the card.  Since it was for someone in the calligraphy guild, I needed to make the card and unfortunately, it didn't turn out well at all.   I was embarrassed to send it, but had no choice as time ran out after starting over several times.   At least the gift I made, turned out well.

Anyway, I've been trying to stay active (aka - not sitting at my desk working on projects all the time) and it's worked pretty well.  During the winter, it's a lot easier because I can work outside more.  I also found out yesterday that my neighbor, who summers in OR and winters here will be arriving in October.  Her husband has some health issues, so they'll have to return to OR after only a couple of months, but during that time,  I'll be walking every day which will definitely keep me more active.  

So, I'm still trying to watch the amounts I'm eating, which is working "some", but not enough.  My weight has bounced all over this past week.  That's partially due to an issue with one of my feet.  I had a lump on the top of my foot that I pressed to see if it was solid or cystic.  It was cystic and apparently, it broke because the lump is now, almost gone, but my whole foot is swollen.   I haven't decided whether I need to see a podiatrist or if it will be okay to let my pcp look at it when I see him next month.  

Anyway, in spite of my efforts, my weight is still sitting about where it was when we finished our cruise, last month, which was up a couple of pounds.  It just simply doesn't seem to want to budge right now, so I guess I'm not trying hard enough!!    I'll have to reset my efforts and give it another shot.  

So what about you?  I hope you've been able to meet/exceed whatever goals you made for the week.  

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~~
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134578 tn?1716963197
I'm still finishing things on my mother's house, today it was degreasing the driveway and vacuuming the dust out of the cold-air return vents. They were such a mess that I really regret that we hadn't hired a duct-cleaning service, but it's too late now -- we go "live" in a week (the listing goes active and people will be seeing the house). I still have to decide whether to paint a couple of the basement walls; once we took down the old shelving, the walls were revealed to look awful. But the photographers were supposed to have already taken pictures (can't get my real-estate agent to respond as to whether they have) and if the walls have been photoed in their awful state, there's less reason to paint them over after the fact.

With all the activity, my weight has come down a pound and a couple of tenths, putting me back into my desired (5-lb.) bracket -- at the top of the bracket but at least within it. If I just keep eating sanely I should be able to come down another pound or two next week, and then would be safely ensconced with room for a little variation up or down.

The big worry this past week was forest fires and smoke in the air. Portland is just getting past that now not because all the fires are out but because the winds are calming. We'll see if we make it through the rest of the dry season without major issues.

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Oops, forgot to say "Have a great week!"  

-- Annie

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