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start over again...

I have been on diets for so long and can't stick to it. Full time mom of two and just can't stick to healthy eating or not eating late. I am over 300 lbs. I have asthma so it prevents normal exercises to a point. I need to do this for my kids. I just don't know why I give up after a few weeks. Any suggestions are welcomed.
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I think that your kids food make you want give up, so I suggest you'll put their food and your food in different places
Look it's never easy to stick those diet, but if you eat a lot you still can do sport and it's gonna be okay.
Try to go workout after your kids going to bed(something like 8pm if they are young) or let them be by them self for an hour and go running or walking
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Maybe someone to help motivate you to keep going would help. I'm just starting to start my diet/exercise again. If you want I'd love someone to help motivate me while I'm motivating them. We can give each other advice, tips and ideas. Let me know beautiful  :-)
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649848 tn?1534633700
Very few people can stick to program of shakes and/or meal replacements for any length of time..

What is it about eating healthy that you can't stick to?  It sounds like you might be trying to cut your foods/calories too drastically, which is most likely why you can't stick with it.

A diet, is simply what you eat - it can be healthy or unhealthy... choose to make it healthy.

Do you drink sodas and eat junk food?  If so, the first thing you have to do is start giving those up.  Most people find it very difficult to do this all at once.  If you drink a lot of soda try replacing one soda/day with a glass of water, until eventually, you don't drink soda.  Same goes for junk food.  Replace one serving of junk food with one serving of fresh fruit or raw veggie such as carrots, celery, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

Move into exercise the same way - take a 10 minute walk, 2-3 times/day until you can eventually take a 30 minute walk all at once, then maybe an hour walk.  Your asthma may be connected to your weight, so if you can slowly get your weight down, your asthma may slowly relieve as well.  

Try those things to start, then we can move on from there...
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check out OPTIFAST , a medically supervisedprogram with weekly group meetings for accountabilty help , and also lab tests
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