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my dear monster in law!!!!!/open forum

hey my lovely darlings.....i got a dumb a$$ explaintion as to why my fiance & i haven't conceived......his mother said that i'm not horny enough.....hummmm now when i first heard it i was trully pissed but now as i'm telling you it really is hilarious....lol feel free to laugh at my dumb A$$ mother in law....she's just in denial that her son could be the problem.... she went on as to say that women who are always are horny or (freaky for sex all the time) tend to get  haha ha pregnant ha ha ha...we have a chinese holiday tomorrow & i don't want to face her b/cuz i know myself & i would want to laugh at her....& that wouldn't be very nice..... i have heard alot of cr--p but this is defently the worst....It just goes to show how she really loves me....she has been making stupid comments about me alot in a joking way & i would always try to avoid being mean to her b/cuz he's a mama's boy, & i want to keep my respect for her....but slowly i'm getting to dislike her.... & i don't want to be that way....I know we had a monster -in-law thread already but i just wanted to share that joke with you...oh yeah my fiance is finally getting the b@lls to go to the dr....the time when i'm  trying not to  think about TTC, but if he wants to i'm not going to stop him....feel free to comment or use this as a open forum

love prince$$:)
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Hi there I am 47 years old and have ttried to keep in shape for my husband of 26 years....I have grown children over the age of 23...My MiL still feels the need to pass judgement on my attire.   I am out with my husband so I am gonna respect him but ima keep it sexyglam at the same time.

He has no problem with my attire...why must I hear oh don't you think its time to come down off them heels?  Or umm what you wearing a top----i had shorts on under neath of a mini dress...it was a summer frock---no buttocks were showing ..no boobies exposed...but yet this is her duty...I don't get it..and little catty digs are thrown my way often ..only in a passive aggressive manner, so to the untrained eye it appears that we are getting along....oh she's crafty...the black version of Everyone Loves Raymond's mom....smh
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Is it just me or were you laughing a little too much or too forced in your post? Is it possible what your MIL said could have hit a raw nerve!?

Maybe you're NOT as 'horny' as you think...maybe your bf/fiance is not the problem at all...I have to ask: why are you so quick to rule yourself out as the one who does not have fertility issues? Have you been fertility tested? Have you ever conceived before and therefore know that you definately can? I mean, just because you ovulate doesn't mean you can successfully conceive or maintain a pregnancy (god forbid).

Anyway, I just wonder because sometimes you don't really sound very loving or supportive or respectful of your fiance if he does in fact have the fertility problems. I wouldn't find what your MIL said as amusing as you did if I were truely concerned and loved my boyfriend/fiance/husband (whatever he is considered in Trinidad) and for our journey towards TTC.

I'm not trying to have a go at you, please don't take it that way, I am just trying to give you a little bit of advice about the way you sometimes come across when you are posting.

By the way, how are your wedding plans coming along?
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guys i understand the point. why call someone MIL if you're not married to her son yet.?!!!..it's just a shorter way for us to speak...unlike saying my fiance's mother we just say my MIL...or my fiance's brother's girlfriend i just say SIL....i mean to simplfy things that's how we speak ..get it...i hope you do!!!...i understand you're questions just that's how we say it.....:) but it's cool.... still love you girls...:)

Mum: i get you're point as well but i'm not blaming him...it's just easier for him to go first & if he's not the problem then i would do what is necessary...he also is agreeing to go like i said in the ending of the thread......& as for the wedding plans its going great, almost everything's in place it's just to get started...i can't wait i'm nervous already & it's as far as July...i'm a brides maid for my cousins own Oct 28th so after hers i'm going to fully put my all into mine....thanks for the advice tho....

love yah....:)
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I was married once before and my mother in law was great. She was so sweet and always there for me when I needed her, but not so much that she ever got in my way. That marriage ended up in divorce, b/c my ex was an a$$. I am happily married now and my mother in law drives me up the wall. She gets her feelings hurt too much and is always around. We just had our first baby and she drives me crazy about our DD. I know she wants to be a part of her life, but sometimes its too much. My DH coaches football and we have a game every Saturday. We have to get there like two hours early and somehow she always shows up. I just want to say sometimes I would just like some alone time with my child before the game, b/c when she gets there she takes her and doesn't even let me hold her or anything the entire game. I would just like to have a moment with my child for like 5 minutes, but I don't even get that. She criticizes(sp) me about everything. My DH is an angel to her. He could never do anything wrong. If I were to say something about him and how he was doing something wrong, she turns it around and makes it my fault and practically says I am doing wrong. When I was pregnant...you know sometimes you just can't eat...you get an upset stomach, bloated, have gas, and all that ****. Well, we had just ate (chick-fil-a)on our way over to her house and she called and said I cooked dinner for you two. When we got there I couldn't eat anything or I was going to explode. My stomach was hard as a rock, not only from being pregnant, but from being so stuffed of food. So I just told her no thanks and that I had an upset stomach. She told my DH later that she was upset with me for not eating. Oh give me a break. She was pregnant once before she should understand. She was really mad at me for not eating anything that she cooked and my DH argued with me about it and told me I was selfish. Boy was I ticked off at him for taking her side and for her getting her feelings hurt over the little things. Ahhhhh. you got me started up. I will quit now before I end up taking up the whole page! Good luck to ya!
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It was terrible. She even pushed me down on my daughters bed and was screaming at me and wouldn't let me up. She was a fairly big lady at the time. My husband kicked her and his sister out of the house and told them never to come back. That was 8 years ago. It does get better. At least it did for me. She still has her moments but what used to set her off was when it was concerning my kids. She is finally stepping back Thank God.
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I get along with mine most of the time. I have to I don't have a choice. She lives in my driveway. You have to pass her house to get to mine. Walking distance!!! she's not to bad about walking up anymore. She know's it bothers me. She told me one time I needed to clean the corners of my floor in the kitchen. AAAaahhhh, now that ticked me off! I told her if she didn't like it she could clean it. mop and bucket in are in the closet.Of course I've been married almost 12 years now. they get used to ya after a while.
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108334 tn?1253644395
I'm sorry, I'm so naive. : (
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that's great....but they always want you to be their slave lol...you really told her that???...lol how did she take it...????

i get along with her just she makes stupid statments trying to make me look bad...but she's not as bad as Raymonds mom(everybody loves raymond)...lol

ps how did situation with your daughter go??? i didn't get to follow up on you with that...
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I love my mother-in-law to death but don't get me wrong. We have had our differences. My husband and I are going on about 13 years of knowing each other but it always hasn't been a sweet ride with her. She used to hate me. my husband's sister at one time, wished me dead. My own father-in-law asked me when I was going to leave his son because he did not want me around. It came down to a cultural thing. My heritage is Irish and Scot but we live in the United States. His family is from El Salvador and they have plenty of money. My husband had an arranged marriage and when he finished college, their family's plan was to return back to their country. I came into the picture and ruined their happy plans. I overheardmy mother-in-law on the phone breaking the BAD news to the other girl in El Salvador. They had a belief that white Americans are lazy and that the women ran around on the husbands and left them. I had to prove to the that I was a good woman and wife and it took this long to do it. My mother-in-law told me after my 2nd and 3rd baby to have sex as soon as possible right after the baby was born because my husband will find another woman. My husband is not like that. It turned out good finally with his family.
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lol! I just your post island princess I can't believe she would say something like that! it can be so hard trying to conceieve and that obviusly does not help! =/  me and my bf have been together for almost 2 yrs and his mom loved me to death but this makes me wonder she might change when we get married yikes!!!! she made a comment once that bothered me silly though! I have a ferret and treat him like my own child! has his toys and I say well I have no kids I should spoil my pets! he's got toys and all...she walked into our "new" home and saw all the pets things and she said "hon don't you think you're overdoing it a bit too much with tihs pets?" >=(  silly I know but it bothered me! grrrrrr I have no kids and this are my babies! and even when I do they'll still be my babies!!!!!!
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108334 tn?1253644395
wow! I can't imagine going through all that!
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oh damn that really wasn't nice of her...i bet you when you get married & finally get pg she'll love you with all her might....They(my inlaws) did the same to the other sister in laws, & after they got pg they keep asking about them....& what the hell with me right...lol...so that's why they're pressuring us so much.....:)
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i'm sorry i don't understand other peoples culter...:(((
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Ouch! at least your mother in law says what she thinks! (Have to look at it in the positive way) I get agitated with my mother in law by what she doesn't say and does. Like planning my husband's 30th b-day without involving me in it, or baking him a cake and diving it over from another state.  Or telling us that she is going to buy us a gift but we have to pay for half of it...etc.
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lol....lol....lol....omg ilove that one that just made my day reverse physcology huh...lol
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omg that wasn't nice...how could plan his bday with out you...!!:) what do your DH say about it???
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typo error....i meant to say (see right through her)
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108334 tn?1253644395
Well I hope it continues to improve for you!
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My husband knows how manipulative his mother is and he sees what she's doing.  So he was kinda sweet and said that I shouldn't worry about it and that I was "off the hook" so we went shopping for his gift and we bought a keg at a bar the night before and invited our friends. At least he's not a "mamma's boy" and he avoids her most of the time.  But she can drive us crazy with her manipulative ways...and the thing is that we notice so ti really doesn't work.
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Thank you! I hope it continues. I have a newborn. She is 5 weeks now. We will see when she gets older how my mother-in-law reacts.
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Yes, I did! That was just rude! It might be his mom,  but she's no better than me.I'd tell anybody that. Even if it was  dirty, you tell that person. It might hurt their feelings. ya know? It didn't mine, some people it might. Stand up for yourself, she'll do better. Good luck!
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whois dis: well actually i saw FIL stareing at my boobs some time...he's always making some joke towards me which is sometimes freaky

lucy: oooh yeah stand up for my rights huh...girl i'm afraid that the way i might do it my fiance would hate me..... i try to stand for myself in a nice way......one of the SIL told me that a dog was coming at her & one of his sisters put the dog on her to bite her...& she(SIL) was 6 mths pg at that time. man it's a crazy family
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If your engaged, and in Trinidad, your already considered husband and wife, why do you still call him your fiance? and whats the point of a ceremony then? i dont get it.
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93654 tn?1247499334
Good question.
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