183202 tn?1219853659

Head vibrations/electrical sensations through brain and body (esp. spine), leg and body numbness..HELP!

Hey all. Perhaps I should introduce myself.

My name is Crystal, and since October 31st around 3 am, I have been in a constant struggle with problems ranging from clenching chest pains, heart palps, increased heartrate, head jitters/electrical vibrations/sensations through head and spine (like a painful electrical current that radiates up and down my spine), I have had my limbs go tingly, and even one time my right leg went numb and it kind of cocked up a little and went limp, so I was unable to move it...

I went to the ER numerous times, where they did a CT with contrast of the chest, thyroid tests, electrolyte blood test, etc.

I have also gone to Psychiatrists, Neurologists, Cardiologists, etc. The only real physical thing they could come up with was my Mitral Valve Prolapse, but said it was too minor to be causing any problems.

The doctors issued EEGS, another echo (I had one 2 years ago), EKGs and haltar monitors, ya name it. I have had bloodwork for my B-12 levels, thyroid tests I can't even count anymore, Lyme Titer, ANA Titer, etc...

They concluded possibly anxiety and panic attacks, but these problems are too PHYSICALLY severe to possibly be. Many doctors are still scratching their heads at me and don't know WHAT's GOING ON!!
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A related discussion, Electrical Brain Sensations was started.
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A related discussion, head vibration sensation was started.
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This may sound like an uconventional approach, but it's one thy has me intrigued.   I too have had the electrical/buzzing/needles in my brain and spine.   However, mine started after I took steps to de-flouridate my pineal gland which is the main target in the body of the flouride which is maliciously put in our water.  Have you been drinking only bottled water, taking magnesium, increased tamarin in your diet, switched to a non-flouride toothpaste?  All these things can lead to the de-flouridization of the pineal gland in your brain which regulates melatonin, seratonin, and dmt release in your brain.  What does the pineal gland have to do with electrical surges in my brain/spine?  The pineal gland has been revered as the "third eye" by religions for over 10000 years.  It is supposedly our transceiver to connect with the higher source, or universal energy.   I feel that these surges occur most often when our minds are most open, therefore increasing our transceivers reception, which sounds and feels a lot like electrical interference in our mind and spine.  Even if you haven't been taking steps to flouridate your pineal gland, many believe the impending dimensional shift which is set to occur around 2012, has already started to open our third eyes in preparation for the shift.  Do a little reading and you may be able to connect the dots.  Either way, I have started to look at these occurrences as positive things and started to try to learn from them.  They feel less like anxiety every time!
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This may sound like an uconventional approach, but it's one thy has me intrigued.   I too have had the electrical/buzzing/needles in my brain and spine.   However, mine started after I took steps to de-flouridate my pineal gland which is the main target in the body of the flouride which is maliciously put in our water.  Have you been drinking only bottled water, taking magnesium, increased tamarin in your diet, switched to a non-flouride toothpaste?  All these things can lead to the de-flouridization of the pineal gland in your brain which regulates melatonin, seratonin, and dmt release in your brain.  What does the pineal gland have to do with electrical surges in my brain/spine?  The pineal gland has been revered as the "third eye" by religions for over 10000 years.  It is supposedly our transceiver to connect with the higher source, or universal energy.   I feel that these surges occur most often when our minds are most open, therefore increasing our transceivers reception, which sounds and feels a lot like electrical interference in our mind and spine.  Even if you haven't been taking steps to flouridate your pineal gland, many believe the impending dimensional shift which is set to occur around 2012, has already started to open our third eyes in preparation for the shift.  Do a little reading and you may be able to connect the dots.  Either way, I have started to look at these occurrences as positive things and started to try to learn from them.  They feel less like anxiety every time!
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1043984 tn?1253275797
Hello all. I suffered a neck injury about 2 years ago after falling down the stairs. I never went to the doctor, but had neck pain for about a month following the accident. I researched neck exercises for neck injuries and began self treatment. Within a week my neck was better.

Last month I started getting headaches which were localized on the left side of my brain. The pain was centralized to one specific location on the left side and felt like someone was stabbing me with an icepick. I NEVER get headaches so I was starting to get worried after it lasted for more than two days. After the third day the stabbing pain disappeared but I started having a vibration feeling in my head (left side). I felt like I was semi drunk or in a dream. I wasn't in pain, but it was very distracting. I couldn't do anything but concentrate of the strange sensation in my head. I was convinced that I had a tumor. I made an appointment with my doctor.

I stumbled upon this thread and was dismayed that the doctors had no clue what was going on with you guys. I remember a few of you mentioning that they had old neck injuries and believed that this sensation was caused by a pinched nerve. I immediately began my neck exercises. By the end of the day the vibration sensation began to subside. After 4 days, it completely went away. I cancelled my doctors appt.

I am hopeful that this may help some of you. If it doesn't, I'm truly sorry. I can't  imagine living with that sensation for the rest of my life. I felt as if I was going insane.

The resistance exercises worked best for me. Good Luck.

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I too, have experienced the electrical pulse sensations in my head; most recently this past weekend I had five episodes that lasted anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes each.  I've had these sensations in the past as well beginning in 2001 but haven't had them for the past two years... then they zapped me again this weekend.

Sometimes I describe them as the feeling that you get when you hit your funny bone, but the feeling is not on your elbow, it's in your head.  However, I like the massager to the temple description better.

When I have these episodes, I have to close my eyes, hold my head and apply pressure with my hand to the left side of my head and temple and apply pressure to my right foot. The feeling always occurs by my left temple behind my left eye.  At the same time, I experience a tightness in my throat and my right leg and foot gets a tingling, electrical sensation.  While all this is happening I also get vertigo.  My heart also begins to race, but I think it's because I'm nervous and not because I'm having an anxiety attack.  When it passes, all the feelings release all at the same time and I feel fine again except very tired.

I was diagnosed in 2005 with MS.  I think that these "symptoms" may be MS related because it's obviously affecting the nerves in my eye and leg/foot.  However, my neurologist says that what I've described is not typical of MS symtoms (except for the vertigo).

I am currently not on any medication what-so-ever, so what I'm experiencing cannot be because of a reaction or withdrawal to any meds.  I am desperate for an answer because I too feel like I'm losing my mind.  If this isn't MS-related, then what is it??
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I have not read all your posts, but scanned some of them briefly. Without going through my extremely long history, I am going to try to explain what I've learned as brief as I can. I don't know if this will help you at all, but I'll post it anyway. I have had debilitating symptoms for around 14 years now, and finally think I know what is wrong. I went to the allergist, cardiologists, endocrinologists, Ob-Gyn, cardiac electrophysiologist, psychologist, neurologist, an orthopedist... I've had a tilt table test, worn holter monitors, blood tests, ekgs, thyroid tests (I do have hypothyroidism, but it isn't causing these problems), breathing tests, event monitors, bloodwork, etc... Anyway, my symptoms have been chronic headaches/pressure in my head, sometimes throbbing, palpitations, shortness of breath, vibrations/sounds in my ears and brain, my brain sometimes feels like it is "fried", my chest often hurts from my heart pounding so hard (but I have low blood pressure), I am exhausted most of the time, temporary tinnitus,sometimes my vision is like I am looking underwater, etc.. I've been diagnosed/misdiagnosed several times with things such as P.O.T.S. (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), autonomic disorder, asthma, allergies, general anxiety disorder, etc... I have taken many different medications that haven't helped me at all. The SSRIs and SSNRIs caused me to go through nightmarish withdrawal and made me feel far worse than I ever did. I had what I refer to as "brain zaps" while on and going off of Effexor and some of the others. I also tried Paxil, Celexa, and Zoloft. My doctor gave me Xanax also. None of them ever helped my symptoms though. Although dysautonomia seems like a diagnosis that fits in some ways, I never totally fit the diagnosis.  Anyway, I took my daughter to a doctor for prolotherapy injections for her hip and back last year and came across a book in his office that described my symptoms exactly. It talked about a syndrome called Barre-Lieou which sometimes occurs after a whiplash type injury. I then went to a chiropractor who ordered x-rays that showed issues in my neck. I had some prolotherapy treatments done that helped with the palpitations and shortness of breath slightly, but I still continued to have symptoms. I went to another chiropractor who ordered an MRI of my neck which showed bone spur complexes, herniations, spinal stenosis, and cord compression. Apparently there are nerves that control autonomic functions (heartrate and breathing) that run through the neck. Anyway, I went to a neurologist earlier this year and was told that all of my symptoms can be directly contributed to the blockage of cerebrospinal fluid in my neck. I have since seen a neurosurgeon, and I'm planning on having artificial disc replacement of two of my discs. I said all this because I can't help but wonder if your symptoms are not due to anxiety issues, but possibly due to spinal disc herniations. That would explain the numbness and tingling in your leg, the feeling going up and down your spinal cord, your vision issues, and palpitations. Have you had an MRI done on your neck? I would at least ask your neurologist to consider checking your neck including blood flow to your brain. Hopefully somehow this helps.
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937070 tn?1244921939
i been having the same symptons as all of you do, i been on 1mg xanax and 50mg zoloft every day for the pas 3 years,  your body does not ned medication. i stoped all my medicine  cold turkey and lived in hell for 20 days and after i was perfectly fine without brain shivers and numbnees.
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144586 tn?1284666164
I've got my suspicians.

I believe you might have an osmolality problem, among other problems.

I would love to take credit for this hunch, and win the nobel prize, but it was some one else. I had had some serious problems with intermitant partial paralysis after returning from Vietnam (yes, I'm a dinosaur),  and "electrical"  shocks. When you said "my limb became tingly and then limp" that rang a bell. When I had those symptoms they sent me directly to psych - don't pass go, don't collect two hundred dollars.

After a referral to a psychiatrist, all ready to hand me a PTSD (I ran out of the office), I found an unusual physician.

He had a theory about osmolality. Imagine a membrane with liquids on each side. When there are certain solutions on either side molecules migrate from left to right or right to left.

Now imagine two membranes with a nerve in between.

When the osmolality is altered, both membranes pinch on the nerve in between.

There are other things that cause the osmolality to alter and the nerve(s)  to be pinched, especially stress.

We did some experimenting, and found that slightly altered blood sugar levels affected pressure on the nerve, and the subsequent "psychiatric" symptoms.

Metformin relieved the "psychiatric" symptoms.

Now you have other problems, and I would start with a full panel endochrine screen and a 3T MRI (not a 2T or a 1 T).

But I would suggest you get yourself a blood sugar meter and check your sugar levels very carefully.

As to whether or not metformin would relieve some of your symptoms,  remember this is an unapproved use, but the drug has few contraindications.
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I just got home from work after probably my 30th brain vibration/shaking incident. Sitting at my computer, reading about the history of the Kentucky Derby horses, and I had that wave of brain shaking/vibrating. It only lasts for a few seconds, 10 seconds tops, but it's very scary and disorienting.
I was diagnosed with panic disorder when I was about 22 and have suffered anxiety, phobias and panic attacks for most of my life. I figured that these brain vibrations were related to my typical 'wiring' and it wasn't very serious. But then my cousin had mentioned mini-strokes. There is a more medical term, but I forget. Anyway, I just ignored it, or tried.
So sitting home now, reading these posts to my husband, who has Lyme disease, he thought a lot of your symptoms are very similar to his symptoms. Anxiety, heart palpitations, stabbing pains throughout the body, confusion, night sweats, vision problems, teeth pain, muscle twitching, odd indigestion, the feeling of edema in hands and feet.
He was tested five times over several years for LYME and it always came back NEGATIVE. Finally, he saw a specialist two years ago and the very sensitive test for Lyme finally found it was POSITIVE. (Igenix company, maybe?) He was in the late stage of Lyme. It's horrible watching him go through the symptoms, but he is on antibiotics now and he must do so every few months. It comes and goes, but at least we know what it is.
Maybe some of you need to get tested. ? It might help you. Even if you test negative, push for a more sensitive test.
I might have Lyme, too.And eventually, I'll get tested. I hope this helps someone.
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What is your status? Have you been diagnosed yet?

I have had very similar symptoms for the past 6 months (random).  My symtoms include...

Vibrating / buzz in my head (massager up to head is a great description); chest pains; tingling around my lips & nose; dizziness; and anxiety.

I have seen a psychiatrist & a family physician.  As of two months I have been off of my prescribed medication (Zoloft & Cymbalta).  When I have an attack I will take a small dose of Lorazapam.

I too am going insane and would like to reach out to all who are experiencing the same insanity.
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I should clarify -- My use of xanax, above, is in VERY small doses, usually one-eighth of a milligram. Sometimes a quarter milligram. On rare occasions I have taken, maximum, three-quarters of a milligram -- that's one time, not per day or per anything. Like aspirin when you get a headache, it's on an as-needed basis. I also apply occasional CBT and acceptable exercise. They all help. Some.
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I have experienced over the past few years almost all the sensations and maladies described above, and, have taken almost all the tests mentioned. The department of neurology chair at a major university hospital said there is no medical answer for any of the sensations. Calls them, therefore, idiopathic. Yet, I know what they are and what causes them. They are various forms of what is now called anxiety. I know this because a xanax relieves them -- not without fail, but almost without fail. Anxiety, however, is not the best word because there are so many, so different. Sufferers are better off using a different word under which they all lie -- dysautonomia. It doesn't help much because the word is simply a catchall. But it catches more than anxiety does. Still, the prognosis is gloomy. The condition is akin to wanting to be 6 feet tall and finding you're only  5 foot seven.
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Well I did a search online for vibrations/electrical shocks in my head and body.  And I found this website.  I just started meeting with doctors recently.  I am 31 years old and recently I have been getting more sick by each day.  The vibrations started about 3 months ago and they are driving me insane.  So far no one has given me a diagnosis.  Right now my symtoms are tingeling, numbness in my hands, feet and head.  My body feels weak all the time.  Vomiting on ocassions, dizziness, feeling like I am going to fall (this could be from all the vibrations), blue feet, purple feet, mood swings, headaches, stomache issues, severe back pain (especially in my spine).  They did an MRI on my neck stating maybe I had some genetics disorder, then they say maybe MS.... I just do not think anyone understands, and I to feel nuts.  I go back to the neuro on the 6th and the only way I can describe the vibrations is putting a electirc massager up to my head on and off and it is driving me insane.  Let me also state that I had an eating disorder from the time I was 14 t0 24, and ever since then I have been good with my eating.  I was on anti depressants before, but they never caused any issues other than making me eat.  I stopped taking them because I got better and for a couple of years I thought things were fine, until now.  Seriously does anyone have an answer.  I am at the point where I just don't want to deal with any of this anymore.  What the HECK do doctors seriously know, I think they think I am nuts, and I am not nuts.  This vibration **** is making me nuts, and being tierd but other than that, I am pretty sane.  Any help is appreciated and I will let you know what the wacko doctor says.  Thanks  
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Hi Crystal
I have had these electrical shocks and buzz vibrationsin my head for 25 years and they are a nightmare. I have never taken any ssrs or antidepressants or any other form of drugs. My father suffered from the same things as well and he has never taken any drugs or antidepressants or ssrs. My nuerologist gives me gabapentin which dont seem to be working as i have now been taking them for 2 years and have increased the dose to 900mg a day during this 2 year period.people think i am crazy as they dont understand what it is such as the dentist i have just been to for the first filling of a tooth in 25 years and the drill has brought the shocks on ...she didnt know what to make of it but we had to stop the drill ... so bit of a nightmare ! I would be very interested to speak to anyone who is experiencing these head shocks / vibrations but who has never taken any ssrs or antidepressants.
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183202 tn?1219853659

YES, it indeed WAS the anti-depressants!! I did not have the symptoms prior to that, and it happened AGAIN once I tried another anti-depressant, Lexapro. I took it one time, and 6 hours later, I had another head electrical sensation/numbness, etc. that I had not had for MONTHS until then.

Anti-depressants are NOT a treatment for everybody. For some, it can change their life around. For me (and others) it was a complete nightmare. I have an overly sensitive ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) and my Central Nervous System is also a little off-wack so it just sent them into overdrive. Plus, I have sufficient levels of Serotonin in my body (I was not suffering from depression, just panic attacks) so all it did was create an overload of Serotonin and cause chaos to my ANS.

You should check out a website which helped me to better understand WHY Anti-depressants didn't work for me. The link is here:


I have found that link to be a miracle for me, as it explained every symptom, why SSRI's and anti-depressants don't always work and sometimes cause more harm than good for people with Panic Disorder/Panic Attacks, etc.

I am now taking Lorazepam 2 MG 3X daily (6 MG total) and I never felt better in my entire life! Once stable for awhile, I will wean myself off the medication.

The only problems I have now are post-trama based on some experiences with my Ex, as I am overly sensitive to everything/cry easily/get depressed easily at times since he mentally and verbally abused me. But that's another story...

Releasetrama: Thank you for your consideration, and your story. Yet I am now pretty much home-clear with my head electrical sensations and panic attacks. As stated to lullabyguild, my problems are more EMOTIONAL now, but it's not because of my panic attacks, but post-trama from my abuse with my EX. I may be OVER HIM, but what he put me through mentally tramatized me to the point I just BROKE, emotionally, psychologically, you name it. I was and am still at times a wreck. I cry easily to the littlest things sometimes, and when I get stressed/depressed all I do is cry, and I can't get myself out of it. I hate it....I know I need help at those times, but I can't control it at times, so I just keep on crying until I can't cry anymore, or the problem somehow gets resolved.

If you know of anyone who could help me with this, that would be great! Thanks for all of your help. But the Panic attacks and head sensations are gone for good!!! :D

TO BOTH AND ALL: This was posted last year BTW, you both should make note of this for next time. :) Message me instead of posting/bumping an old post if I still have this problem.
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508800 tn?1216690229
Hi Crystal,
I have been through this very same process and trust me... the medical profession hasn't a clue.  I understand completely what this feels like!  This began for me back in 1999.  I use the term process because that is exactly what it is.  
The vibrations in my head started bringing up and clearing emotional garbage I have been stuffing away forever.  Stuff I wasn't even consciously aware of. (severe anxiety, depression and a whole lot of other stuff as well)  I too felt I was going insane!!!  Quite the opposite, you are becoming a clearer vessel...your life will change miraculously as a result of this!  You just haven't met up with the right people yet! (for the right information)  
Today, I am so different than I used to be! (as a result of this process) I am actually helping people overcome all sorts of emotional, mental and physical issues. (far better than any medication or  therapist can)  I have become an Energy Worker.(healer)
It wouldn't surprise me if you or anyone else that is experiencing this is capable of following this same path. (provided one is not drugging up to numb out) Too bad so few professionals understand this!
I wish I would have found your plea sooner but today was the day I came across it!  I hope you find this helpful and that you are still checking for responses.  Would love to correspond with you!  Please feel free to email me...***@****
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Dont think its antdepressants. Been on Paxil and Zoloft, and Prozac, Wellbutrin. No shocks. I beleive fro research that the mood stabilizers do it. In my case Depakote (valproic acid). Although i was on minimal dose I had shocks and doc finally did blood test to test levels (not warranted unless on 1400mg a day (I was on 750mg) and I had overdosed on it. Just following docs orders. Always demand weeking blood test if on a mood satbilizer (not Anti Depress) I suffer form Severe Anxiety and Bipolar
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i suffer from this as well. i have been diagnosed wuth Fibromyalgia, but wha the doctors tend to do when they diagnose you is to stop looking for the co-existing conditions. i am in a new episode and somedays you just want to jump. it is not fair to us that the medical society runs once they give us an "answer". keep pushing them.

Chiari seems to be the most likely of all of our issues. i will keep hunting.

luck to all and good health.


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please ask your doctor about the investigation of Multiple Sclerosis might be your chest symptoms are different from your numbness. Also go for Cholesterol level, and ECG  
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Hello, I read most of what you wrote, and the replies. I am suffering from Paxil, Neurontin, and Seraqual. I stopped taking those meds in Sept of 2005. I had been taking them for 4 almost 5 years. I kept gaining weight, They kept blaming my thyriod it wasn't that. It was the meds of course. I kep suffering from cronic muscle fatigue. I weighed in at 400 lbs by the time I got off the meds and could barely walk. Today I am at 211. I thought with the weight loss I would feel better my health would improve, but it hasn't. Now I am trying to figure out what's going on with my legs and hands. They keep going numb. I keep getting cold chills, and I keep getting told those are the remaining side effects from Paxil. I don't believe it since it's been 2 years off the meds. I suggest you go get a 2nd and 3rd opinion seek out a Dr until you find the right one, That's what I am in the process of doing.
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Yes, this is no disease.
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I have had these "electrical" sensations for almost 3 years.  They started when I became very ill with what the doctors said was a bacterial infection (I think they were just guessing). I was sick for a month with nausea, diarrhea and 0 energy.  I had been taking Zoloft for several years at this point and it was while I was sick that the electrical sensations started.  I was still taking the medication and continued to take it for almost another year.  I don't know how gradual I stopped taking it because I changed jobs and was taking it off and on till I eventually quit.  The electrical sensations have continued since, about a year and a half, but have recently become worse.  They have gone from occasional to almost constant.  Sometimes they are mild and other times they are strong and "loud" (they have caused me to wake up in the middle of the night).  I have recently gone to the doctor because they are getting worse and they are clueless.  They did do a MRI looking for MS but it was clear as best as I know (I never got the results untill I called and the nurse read them to me though she did not know what most of it meant).  It had never occured to me that taking Zoloft could be the cause of this problem.  At the time I started taking Zoloft it was a life saver but now that I am no long taking it I am fine and have no desire to start again.  Does anyone know what can be done about these sensations?  They can be quite agrivating and disruptive.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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269786 tn?1243793707
Dragon - it's interesting when I was cruising symptoms I saw this. I had electrical shock feelings in my legs very badly a while back. It didn't hurt so much, but it travelled down my legs and felt cold. Very annoying. Still have them a little. I had jerking motions in my legs. I also had tingling feet, numb feelings and EXTREME lightheadedness. But nothing in my chest. I thought something was hitting up against a nerve, possibly a tumor. My problem ended up being ovarian-related. I never could figure out the reason for these symptoms. Possibly the cysts I had were clinging to other organs and causing problems (?). That's all the doctors could think of.  All the research I did pointed to either a tumor or a diabetic neuropathy (but I'm not diabetic), and we finally discovered two benign ovarian cysts. I too had the B12 and thyroid tests. I had an MRI brain, EMG, etc. Eventually CT Scan pelvis confirmed. I still had problems after my surgery. I started seeing an Acupuncturist. Have you tried any alternative therapy? I have to say the Acupuncturist has helped. I still have some problems though. Don't give up.
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