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Can i get pregnant from a razor that mght have sperm on it?


I just got my first period in December on the 14th, and a week later i went to go take a shower RIGHT after my step brother, and get ready for swim practice and i needed to shave 'down there' but i accidentally used my step brothers razor instead of mine! EW i know! i didn't know until after when i looked at the side and it had a blue pencil line on it (That`s how me and my step brother know its his or mine) I thought it was mine!!!

Then in January i missed my period but i know i know irregular periods, but ive been getting all symptoms of my period like cramps bloating and other stuff but i only have gotten discharge everyday?
My stomach is getting huge and hard like a pregnant belle and ive been eating and eating and eating but still hungry!!
I have also gotten a change in attitude, my stomach has been hurting SOOO BAD!!
Ive been going to the bathroom alot and been getting nausea! So then i thought "Wheres no way im pregnant right?" But then i was like "What if he got sperm in it somehow and it got brushed into my vagina? or what if he ejaculated in his under-where and he shaved down there and it got into my vagina?" Sorry im just a what if kinda of person. I didn't have ANY other sort of sexual intercourse or stuff like that.

So Can i get pregnant from this?

PLEASE HELP!! Im really scared and cant focus during school or even go to sleep at night!!
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I am guessing you are in middle school since you just started your period.  It is VERY common to not have a regular cycle when you first begin.  Your body is going through intense changes and that could account for all your symptoms.  Your attitude will more than likely be a roller coaster for quite some time (Mine was not on an even keel until I turned 20).  Some females have what is known as a false pregnancy.  They truly have all the signs and symptoms of being pregnant, but they are not.  This can happen when a woman is trying to get pregnant and has been unsuccessful or so stressed because they don't want a baby.  My only concern is your abdominal pain.  I don't know what your tolerance is and what the pain feel like, and where it is in your stomach, but if it continues please talk to a physician.  Have you tried OTC medicine to help with your PMS?  Everyone is different, but I like pamprin.  Also try drinking 100%cranberry juice to help with the bloating (please stay away from OTC diuretics unless your DOCTOR tells you it’s ok).  Heat on your stomach and back can really help with cramps and does water, exercise and healthy eating.  Research PMS symptoms and see what else you can do and when to see a dr.  Pay attention to your body, only you know what it really feels.  

If you continue to worry about pregnancy, take a test (any will brand will do just fine) about 6 wks. after the razor incident.  FYI Take pregnancy tests when you first wake up in the morning, which is when your hormones are at their highest.

Hope you find your answer
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specialmom, thanks for your respond, but what if my dad used the razor to shave his hair down their? is it possible? it can be possible on a towel, so can it be possible on a razor too?
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That would not result in pregnancy.  It can not be possible on a towel either.  These are just not possible.  Not sure what grade you are in at school but hope they are teaching sex ed.  To get pregnant, you need to have intercourse.  A penis needs to be inside your vagina.  Surface areas that likely don't have sperm on them but even if they do will not result in getting pregnant if you touch them.  If you can't accept that as fact, I'd say you probably should start looking into anxiety that causes you to fear irrational things.  Because that can get to be debilitating in life.  good luck
thankyou, it helped me calm down. i'm a high school student btw. I just want to tell you that it is actually possible on a towel. because I watched some interviews and stories about a girl who got pregnant because she used a towel that a boy used which transferred some sperm into the towel. it's actually possible that's why i'm still having doubts. and once you read this reply, i'm sorry for bothering you. i'm really doubting because it really could be possible on a towel, so can it really be possible on a razor too?
@specialmom (my english isnt very good)but if i used a males razor that may have sperm on it to shave that area (vagina butthole and everything down there)is there any chance that i might get pregnant knowing the fact that im 16 im a virgin and i finished my period 2 days before shaving i would really appreciate your response
specialmom.ive been really stressed out about it that i even considered taking a medicine that my mom takes when her period is 1-2months late but then i stopped myself saying that i might have nothing and that im still normal old me and that taking that medicine might damage the way my period normally works like it might have serious and dangerous effects on my body .the whole using the razor thing happened 4-5 days ago what do you think is the best for me to do right now would really appreciate your quick response
mel017, this is not how someone gets pregnant.  There would not be sperm on a razor, first of all.  Why would there be?  That's sharp.  A man would use it for grooming and not anything related to ejaculation. Second, sperm on an object after the fact isn't going to get anyone pregnant.  You get pregnant by having a penis without a condom on it in your vagina.  That's really it.  Take care, no risk of pregnancy.
@specialmom thank you so much for the quick response i was so afraid to ask my mom or anyone else literally you don't know how much im relieved right now thanks .i was reading the comments before i wrote mine and i was thinking what if there was sperm on it and the soap got into my body wich would lead to pregnancy but if having sex without a condom is the only way to get pregnant then that just means that im worrying about nothing thank you so much for your quick response
@stella013 is everything okay now ? is your period back to normal?and about being pregnant do you still have doubts or is everything back to normal?would appreciate your response:)
@specialmom im sorry to bother you but i have another question in fact 2 .1:as soon as any girl gets her period doesn't that confirm thats shes not pregnant/2:lets say there was sperm on the razor (i feel like there wasn't any though)but lets say there was sperm and it got with the soap into my body when i was shaving and washing does the soap carry the sperms  into your body and gets you pregnant  ?
You CANNOT get pregnant from a razor, or any other object, no matter what. Pregnancy occurs when an unprotected (no condom) penis is inside a vagina.
Hi, mel and stella both --

Here's hoping everyone has convinced you that your worries are unfounded. If not, I'll add to what others have said. :)
1. Sperm would not be on a razor. Sperm doesn't just come out of a penis, the man has to get an erection, and then has to ejaculate.  If a man were to ejaculate in a bathroom, it would not be near a razor. He would be afraid to let a razor anywhere near his private parts if he were intending to ejaculate, or if he got a spontaneous erection, he would get his penis the heck away from that scary razor. And the mere sight of a razor would likely bring up thoughts of being cut on the sensitive areas or even castration, which would make an erection go away immediately and no sperm would be forthcoming.
2. More significant, sperm DIES when it is exposed to the air. Unless you picked up some semen within mere seconds of it being ejaculated (you would see it -- semen is not invisible) and jammed the liquid immediately into your vagina, protecting it from oxygen in the air all the way, there is no way living sperm would reach your vagina. And this is, again, IF some sperm had gotten on a razor (which won't happen; see #1 above).
3. Soap would kill sperm. If some mythical sperm (see #1 above) were to be on a razor and was not dead because it had been less than 2 seconds (see #2 above), it will not travel via soap into your vagina. Soap would be an immediately hostile place for sperm.

Now, I'm going to tell you about another poster we used to hear from every now and then. He (said he) was a guy, and would write in worried about having masturbated in the bathroom. He was certain his mother or sister would get pregnant by touching the door handle or sitting on the toilet seat. He never said he took his semen and put it on the door handle, and evidently the toilet seat did not have visible liquid on it either. He was the Magic Invisible Sperm Worrying Guy. We would always answer him reassuringly because invisible sperm is not sperm but a figment of one's imagination. (And what kind of position would a woman have to take to get her vagina into contact with a doorknob or the flat surface of a toilet seat, anyway?)

I mention this because sometimes it's easier to see the effects of anxiety about sexual matters by reading about someone else's anxieties. Fear of exposure to sperm can kind of be a lightning rod for unconscious worries about sexual things, and people can make up all kinds of interesting scenarios in which someone's dangerous or mighty sperm goes around invisibly and risks someone getting pregnant from it unawares. Think of that guy when you have a worry about sperm on a razor. If what he said sounds kind of comical, embrace the humor you see in it. It will help you keep from worrying so much about impossible sexual scenarios yourself. Yes, they ARE funny. No, they aren't true. Buy yourself one of those cool little pink razors that men would be too embarrassed to use, and reserve it for yourself only. And, DON'T WORRY.


hello so the other day i washed my hands in the bathroom then dried them off with a towel that my brother use just before me and then i fingered myself so i think there was pre ejaculate/sperm on the towel although my hands were completely dry when i masturbated so the question is will i get pregnant because of that? knowing that i was on my first day of ovulation.the towel was wet when i used it.
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hi Carlee TT, it's been 5 years since the razor incident, and did you really got pregnant or not? because the truth is I'm going through that too. last year October 26, 2019 I took a shower and used my dad's razor to shave my hair that surrounds the vagina. after doing that, I suddenly realized that, what if I could get pregnant for what I've done?! I searched and searched for answers some on them said it's possible, but some said it's not. I'm so confused, I don't know what to believe.

Then 2 months had passed, dec. 22, 2019 I woke up at 6am and my tummy starts to hurt, it's not growling of anything it just really hurts, so I panicked even more. btw, no one new it even my parents, I kept it a secret because i'm too scared to tell them, please understand me.

But before that second week of December 2019, I got my period (not the first one) and it stopped after a week which is my normal menstruation. But then I got my period again that month (dec 24) and it stopped at jan 2, 2020. and after it stopped that day, I got it back today jan 4, 2020 Saturday. I told my mom, then she said I must be having irregular menstruation and that it is normal for us girls to have that. she told me to search some causes of irregular menstruation so I could avoid having it (she didn't know about the razor incident and my worries that I could be pregnant). so that's what I did today and the first thing that came up that, that can be a cause of irregular menstruation is pregnancy. so I  panicked and start searching again if it's possible to get pregnant which led me to this page and saw that you, CarleeTT are going through a rough time 6 years ago.

please, i need your respond if you got pregnant or not PPLLLEEAASSSSEEE!!

and if anyone knows anything please help me, I'm panicking and about to cry knowing that i could be pregnant. please respond immediately, i would really appreciate any help, thankyou!
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No, this will not result in pregnancy.  Ever.  Razors are not a route to getting pregnant.  Why would any man's razor have sperm on it in the first place?  
specialmom, thanks for your respond, but what if my dad used the razor to shave his hair down their and somehow transferred sperm into the razor and into my vagina? is it possible? it can be possible on a towel, so can it be possible on a razor too? I apologize if i'm bothering you, I just really need help, thankyou!!
Just curious to know what exactly happened i mean as far as i know i don't think that's possible right? Please respond!!! I really want to know what happened
No, it's not possible. Not ever.
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hi Carlee TT, it's been 5 years since the razor incident, and did you really got pregnant or not? because the truth is I'm going through that too. last year October 26, 2019 I took a shower and used my dad's razor to shave my hair that surrounds the vagina. after doing that, I suddenly realized that, what if I could get pregnant for what I've done?! I searched and searched for answers some on them said it's possible, but some said it's not. I'm so confused, I don't know what to believe.

Then 2 months had passed, dec. 22, 2019 I woke up at 6am and my tummy starts to hurt, it's not growling of anything it just really hurts, so I panicked even more. btw, no one new it even my parents, I kept it a secret because i'm too scared to tell them, please understand me.

But before that second week of December 2019, I got my period (not the first one) and it stopped after a week which is my normal menstruation. But then I got my period again that month (dec 24) and it stopped at jan 2, 2020. and after it stopped that day, I got it back today jan 4, 2020 Saturday. I told my mom, then she said I must be having irregular menstruation and that it is normal for us girls to have that. she told me to search some causes of irregular menstruation so I could avoid having it (she didn't know about the razor incident and my worries that I could be pregnant). so that's what I did today and the first thing that came up that, that can be a cause of irregular menstruation is pregnancy. so I  panicked and start searching again if it's possible to get pregnant which led me to this page and saw that you, CarleeTT are going through a rough time 6 years ago.

please, i need your respond if you got pregnant or not PPLLLEEAASSSSEEE!!

and if anyone knows anything please help me, I'm panicking and about to cry knowing that i could be pregnant. please respond immediately, i would really appreciate any help, thankyou!
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Hi did you really get pregnat bc I have about the same situation ! Please answer back!
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7641974 tn?1395288241
Please get sex education also. You wont get pregnant if you don't have sex. You can be bloated from not having a period.
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7641974 tn?1395288241
No possibility at all
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Hi, i hope you don't mind me asking this question AGAIN. Im so sorry for being annoying. I have gotten a bump on my belly button, and i looked up what a 3 months of pregnancy stomach is going to look like and it looks like my stomach! Is this normal period stuff or is it PREGNANCY???
Again im soooo sorry for annoying you but im just scared and you are the only polite and  informative person on the internet thee days...

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Oh okay thank you
I asked other sites this question and some of them said i could get pregnant, if there was sperm on razor, and that confused me because you and other sites said no i couldn't. So whenever i feel VERY hungry i think "oh no what if im pregnant?" Then i remember you said i couldn't get pregnant and other sites said i could, so my question is why?

I'm SOOO sorry for annoying you with these questions , its just no one else has helped me like you before and i want as much information as i can to prove im not pregnant, and you are the only user that helps. So thank you and im truthful sorry. Any information that you say is VERY helpful.

Once i get my full on period in a few months ill stop worrying.
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I didn't mean to confuse you; I meant for the doctor and pregnancy test stuff for future references, not in this case.
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Thanks im still very scared about being pregnant, even though there is absolutely no way correct? I thank you for you answer, but i cant go to a doctor or get a pregnancy test, i have no time for it and cant go to the store by myself so if i do go a get a pregnancy test ( i don't understand why if i cant not be pregnant? ) then my parents will see and be very disappointed and stressed.

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No, I honestly do not see how -even if your scenrio were accurate- you could be impregnated.   There are clinics that can take you on as a patient without parental consent (Planned Parenthood) .  I only suggest this if you are or become sexually active before 18yrs of age.  Also in such instances pregnancy tests can be purchased at the Dollar Store and are just as effective.  
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Thank you so much!

I really hope you mind me asking this, but what if there was sperm on the razor somehow? I don't know how, or why, but what if there was? and what if some brushed into my vagina? I'm sorry, im the type of person that thinks of every single way this could happen, and freaks out about it.

Thanks for your answer, it helped me calm down a bit.
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Hi can you tell me that are u pregnant or every thing is ok? Because i have the same experience and i am scared...plz help!
This is an old post.  You can start your own and we'll talk to you about it!!!
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CarleeTT you are a brave young lady.  I am26 now and remember what it was like for me 13 yrs ago; I was one to suffer in silence.  Good for you on reaching out!

Your last entry reveals a lot more.  Stress between parents means stress on the children (whether or not the parents mean for it to be that way); stress can cause you to miss your period or have more PMS.  Keep a log of your periods.  It should consist of your symptoms, start date, what your period is like each day, stress levels, what you take for symptoms, exercise, and nutrition.  It sounds like a lot, but trust me it will come in handy. You can actually get all of this in an app through MedHelp; it is called My Cycles or something like it.  

Welcome to woman hood, it’s not always as bad as it seems!  Keep coming back with any questions.
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Thank you for your answer,
and my mother and step father are in a bad situation at the moment, their getting a divorce, and if i bring it up that i could of been pregnant they would have killed me! Plus the stress on top of the divorce.

And no i don't mind to tell you, I didn't know that irregular period were suppose to happen, so when i missed it in January i was sooo scared that i was pregnant that i thought of every way that i could be pregnant, and that was the only one so then i looked it up and it said, "Its normal to have periods all over the place." Then i stressed about the symptoms, Then i stressed about if the razor incident. Then i missed my period again in February and i stressed about that. My parents are in a rough time at the moment and if i talked to any one else i keep thinking the will say something like "Carlee`s PREGO EGGO!!!"


So thanks again for your answer, it really helped me alot!
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No you cannot.  There are a lot of misconceptions about getting pregnant, please, I urge you to educate yourself.  If you don't mind please tell me what led you to believe pregnancy was a possibility?  I know your symptoms are part of it, but that was a huge leap.  Is your mother or father approachable to talk with about this stuff?  I understand off they are not, but I worry about your getting older and not having someone who you can confide in.  Again I truly understand if you do not feel comfortable with anyone in your personal life, please do not ever be afraid to reach out with ANY questions here.
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Hi! Thanks for your answer,Yes i am in middle school, im just wondering if it really is possible that i am pregnant? I cant not go up to my parents and ask for a pregnancy test. Im really scared i could i be pregnant, even though i haven't had sex. I just really want to know if using a razor could get me pregnant some how, if it had sperm on it or something like that.

Thanks for your answer i appreciate it!!
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it is not possibly you are pregnant huni unless you have had sexual intercourse..
you are perfectly safe
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