1880475 tn?1579232941

Exposure to sun has killed off my PATM and morg fibers gone

Morgellons fibers gone and PATM reactions gone. I can't believe it. Expose head and privates to sun, 2 times per day for about 15 min. Make sure sun hits hair roots where Morgellons fibers are born and let sun incinerate whatever this is, and it does.12 years since I realized this. Hair must be short so sun can hit roots. Roots are where morg fibers that cause reactions to others are born and then fly through air. Looks like lint, its not. Use lint roller to see them by rolling over hair. Now my lint roller clear. Still can't believe it.
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Did you have moving hair? How long did this take to fully make the morgs go away?
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Exposure to the sun only gives you Vitamin D, which has anti-inflammatory properties, so you're only reporting what people before experienced when trying out vitamin D for the time first time, although it's only temporary.
Morgellon fibers only exist in your head and has nothing to do with patm.
Patm has been scientifically proven in the past by scientists that it has something to do with our gut lining, but they don’t know what is causing the inflammation. Professors wanted to continue the research but there’s no money as no one is interested in funding an unknown disease that only affects a fraction of the human population.
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Can you link the study which backs up your claim?
I see you're new to this. Vitamin D was reported back by some members as temporarily stopping their patm. It's not a surprise because Vitamin D is known as crucial for maintaining the integrity of the gut barrier. It helps maintain the tight junctions between the cells in the gut lining. As for the research on PATM, that was done over a decade ago by Dr. Gaspari, if I remember the name correctly. You'll have to search back through the old forum backup to about 15 yrs ago.
As a side note, Morgellons is just delusional parasitosis and nothing to do with patm, so we can give that a rest.
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