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I smell unpleasant, what should I do?

Hello, I'm very serious... When I was 13 years old, a problem with body odor began. I washed 2-3 times, the smell was terrible. The surrounding people, sensing the smell, covered their nose... it was terribly embarrassing. Then after 5-6 months, everything somehow returned to normal. The smell is gone, but not completely, that is, when I went to the toilet at large, then the smell appeared... but she left after I take a bath... so up to this point I was spinning as best I could, as it turned out, everything was fine. But, in 2021, in the summer I was sick with coronavirus, I was very ill, but somehow I was cured. Then in August I received the vaccine, and after the vaccine, the first symptoms of a sharp smell began to appear. Over time, the smell will begin to deteriorate. And until now, the smell haunts me. Taking a shower doesn 't help . I turned to the doctors, they found that the "thyroid-stimulating hormone" was elevated. I took pills, the hormone level returned to normal, but the smell is still there. I passed the tests again, they showed that vitamin D was lowered.Now I eat foods that contain vitamin D, but it does not help. I don't even think it's because of that. Here about hormones, there is a question. But if the level has normalized, then it's not because of this, because I don't know what to do, I'm 21, and I can't communicate with people normally right now... I lost such a cool position in the campaign . I couldn't get into the master's program, although there were chances, I didn't take advantage of them. Life turned into before and after.
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You have TMAU not PATM. Temau is an almost proven disease and there are treatments that control it and it is not eliminated. Subsistence allowance. Do not confuse PATM with TMAU.
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Well I have both. And their probably related somehow. At least in my case. Stop confusing people by thinking you have all the answers please.
True. I have the same.
I used to have TMAU but it turned into patm. Im guessing there is some sort of connection there.
And they continue in the same, I express my opinion just like you, I mean, my writing is confusing and yours are the "correct" ones? However; At first I would also swear that it had a bad smell, that was because that allergy thing did not go through my mind, I never imagined, however, when I reviewed after review, experiments and so on, I came to the conclusion that I never had a bad smell It was simply PATM who did not understand it and imagined that it had a bad smell. PATM is almost odorless.
I would say it seems like (patm) which stands for people allergic to me.. becoming of the symptoms they would display in my presence.
I wish people would stop saying I have pATM . This is not a real disease. It is like an allergic reaction that you cause other people to have caused by your body odor.
It seems words are changed on this forum. I can see that I am typing the correct words but when my comment post some of the words are wrong. This causes the post not to make sense.  
Ocvq 23 but you are telling other people what that have and what they don't have. Am not doing that. Just cuz something doesn't pertain to you or you think something doesn't pertain to you doesn't mean it's true for everyone. And yes I understand it might not be easy to talk about having a bad odor, it's hard for all of us, but we can't just sweep it under the rug just to make it more TV friendly.
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It's probably TMAU. I have Both PATM and TMAU and I found a way to control both of them through different methods. It's not permanent, since TMAU has no cure yet ( but there are possible ones now, and a couple more coming, depending on which TMAU you have) and don't let them fool you, they might have TMAU as an actual disease but they know almost nothing about it. Non of your local Doctors will know anything about it. And as far as PATM is concern, well they don't even know what that is. Supposably its impossible for one human to affect another like that and yet here we are. Anyway TMAU is a lot harder to control than PATM is, in my case any way. I have my suspicions of possible culprits, I've stated them here before, but everyone seems to get a high on trying to be right here. I suspect some of these people don't really have what I have, it might just be psychological for some of these people.

Anyway. For TMAU you have to follow the TMAU diet, it's very difficult, but not impossible. It's pretty much a starvation diet. It sucks but it does prove useful if you plan ahead. You have to basically ear a certain type of salads, with certain types of dressing. But it only works with low choline foods. Look up a list on the internet. It works but its tedious. When am dieting I usually eat ones a day, like intermittent fasting. You wanna put in the least amount of choline in your body. And it's not instant. It's takes choline about 1.5 - 2 days to start seeing reactions die down, so that's why you have to live your life around this diet, untill we find a cure. Also, there are conflicting list on the internet as to what foods have how much choline, so your going to have to experiment.

Here is what I eat when I want the best results.

Well for best results will probably be not eating, hard I know, but it can be done, I've done it, and if you want results fast this could be a painful, unpleasant option. ( Mind overatter)
Like if you have an important meeting, job interview, or like a date with a girl, you could go with this option. Fast 2-3 days before event. It's ok to drink water, also stuff like cool aid, but for best results I would stick to water. Oh also, you won't be completely free, since our bodies make tma even if we don't eat, and I also find that certain people got a better sense of smell than others. But I have gotten it down to damn near zero a couple times even on a diet, and to pretty much unpreceptable many times.

The diets consist of pretty much salads of low choline greens. I try to use kale most of the time. I add a little lettuce once in a while. Take it with non mayonnaise salad dressings, like italian,or any balsamic vinaigrette mix works. Your gonna get bored of this so I found that the WishBone brand of Thousand Island isn't so bad. But only that one, don't use Kraft thousand island. And stay away from ranch or the mustard ones. You can also make your own. Add a dash of extra virgin olive oil and whine vinegar and a little pink salt ( very little of each, it barely needs any at all). For best results try to keep this diet for as many days as you can. It's ok to add a couple slices of onions or cucumber once in a while, but only do it if your bored as these are high in choline. You have to experiment with these foods as am still perfecting it my self.

For best results use that. Now once in a while your body will need protein. I eat white rice ( not brown rice) steamed cooked. I add Siracha sause it seems to be ok. Or egg whites. You can buy them ar the store in cartons , or you can try to separate them from the eggs yourself, but that's risky though. A little salt and pepper and you have your self a meal for the day. Your gonna need cheat days so that's why you have to plan ahead. Also the reason I say try to eat once a day while your doing this diet is because all of these foods even thoug low on choline are not completely zero choline, so even on a diet you'll likely get some reactions immediately after a meal. That's why I only eat once, and usually when I get home, because whats the point of eating low choline foods all day if you'll still see reactions.

Anyway for the Patm I just stop masturbating and I see results after a few days, sorta like the diet. A couple set backs is non-fap lowers it but intense work like weight lifting increases it. Also stress increases it. So keep that in mind but it's worth it.

Also for PATM am working on something right now where zinc supplements seem to lower my PATM even after masturbating, but still working one this. Still not 100% sure because the world is my science lab and I can't exactly ask non volunteers for feedback, or even begin explaining to people all this patm stuff, they'll think am crazy. But work in progress.

Also I suspect that all this is either one of the types of TMAU ( either first or secondary) or like a sibo or bacterial overgrowth, or another promising possibility is TMAU ( and PATM why not say it) due to Porto-Sythemic shunts in the liver. Theres a paper on the internet where a few people got cured from diagnosed TMAU when treated for this other condition.

Sorry its so long, but if you read till here hope it helps, and feedback wouldn't hurt.

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This disease occurs due to the presence of a small ulcer, because pathogenic microflora gets there. The organ in which the ulcer is still unknown, you need to look for it. This is the advice of knowledgeable people. Maybe it's the small intestine, maybe the genitals, maybe the lymph node, or something else. The smell decreases with a plentiful diet strictly according to the schedule and a decrease in drinking when eating. You can drink it after 1-2 hours. The main thing is that the gases from the intestines leave unhindered.
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