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BX tomorrow, need info please

getting the bx in the morning. my first one and had a few questions. what should i ask for as far as meds for before procedure and post pain? i have read some have asked for something to calm them down, think i may need that! i have heard there is some shoulder pain after, should i ask for pain med? what kind is liver friendly? how long to fully recover? the hospital where i'm having it done said something about staying after the procedure for 5 hrs! i hope they did not mean i have to lay on one side for all that time? there is no way i can lay on side that long. how long do you normally stay after?  should i feel ok to go to my daughters soccer game saturday? how about work monday, can i lift one copier (about 100 lb) with a helper to deliver it?  sorry for all the questions but i'm a little nervous.......ok alot nervous. thanks
24 Responses
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everything went well. i made another thread , hope you guys saw it. thanks for asking
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Just thinking about you, and wondering how it went??? Hope you're feeling ok...
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186606 tn?1263510190
ditto mouse, are you home and how do you feel/
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254544 tn?1310775732
How did the biopsy go?

Genotype 1a, Stage 3, Grade 3
Finished 48 wks of tx on 4/13/07
Had SVR PCR done on 9/20/07
waiting, waiting, waiting to hear about SVR
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237222 tn?1202508641
I was so frightened and feeling miserable in my bx that I could not stop my tears for 3 hours.  BUT the procedure was quick, litterally a minute and half.  A little painful with the needles for anestesia and then a pressure-like pain in the liver, that stayed for one hour during which I was afraid to breath deeply or cough.  My shoulder was the most painful and so I asked for painkillers and in one hour, everything was less tender.  In less than 1.5hours,  pains and pressures completly went..I feel MUCH better, but they kept me in the same possition, checking blood pressure and the wound.  After this, I was allowed to get a most confortable position, and still stayed for 2.50 hours.  By then I felt completly recovered (as pain was concerned).
I didn't stay in bed (as my mum wanted) after that or the next day.  I was just careful not to lift any heavy things for a few days after.

I suppose, you'll be back by the time you read this, so I hope everything went just fine.

The best of luck with your results!!

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85135 tn?1227289772
I was givin Lorazapn(sp) after raising a stink. No pain during or after. It was CT guided.
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you must be getting really serious.
let the games begin!
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Copy, don't worry, really.  It's quick, painless then it's over 'cept for the lying around part afterwards. They told me I could bring a movie and sure enough there was a DVD player there.  I brought a great old classic mystery instead.  They also offered my first experience with Reiki healing.  It's a Japanese art helping to promote relaxation and healing.  Cynical as I am, I must say it may have helped because I needed no pain meds that day or the next. Lots of hospitals are offering it now.  If it's available, take 'em up on it.  Sure surprised me.   I drove there alone and drove home alone.  Just my experience but I think you'll be fine and don't worry one moment about your little girls soccer game Saturday.  Just take it a little bit easy, that's all.  
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From my first experience with that liver biopsy, in the future, I will ask before a biopsy is ever scheduled if that dr. plans to give me pain meds, and if so, what meds. I will never go in like I did before just assuming my pain will be addressed. My husband is a retired paramedic and respiratory therapist, and also a very determined advocate. He would absolutely insist they gave me conscious sedation, or they wouldn't be allowed to touch me. It's too bad I didn't know him when I had the first biopsy. At that time, I was married to a man who wouldn't do anything to make sure I was taken care of medically. I was my own advocate and I was in so much pain, I couldn't even raise my voice loud enough to get a nurse to pay attention to me when I asked for something......
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"Just in case bring your own pain meds"

I have to say as an allied medical professional that this is not a good idea. Your treatment providers need to know if you're on any medication or if you might take something that could be a problem. If you are having pain that is not addressed by the doctor, have someone get the patient advocate on the phone.
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My partner received Demerol and Versed. She had no pain. She lay on her side a couple of hours, then a couple in bed, then they let her sit up for a while. She was told not to lift anything heavy (a few pounds) or exert herself for several days. No follow-up pain or discomfort.
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Just in case bring your own pain meds, i had 2 done the first one gave me meds before and after the last one was a new doc and he wouldnt give me anything afterward unless it was pure codiene not tylenol with codiene so i didnt get anything the nurses were upset becouse i did have the pain in my shoulder right afterward for a while both times, and i had to lay on my side for 3 hours tell them to give you pillows you can put between your legs it will help..i also had a little tenderness in my liver for a couple of days..no lifting copiers right off the bat.
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Well, it's nice to read that so many people had easy biopsies. I did not. I had a radiologist do a CT scan guided biopsy, for him to locate my liver. The only med I was given was a very, very small dose of Versed. The pre-op nurses all told me that "normally" at that hospital they gave you Versed plus Morphine before the procedure. I don't know why this dr. didn't give me anything for pain, as it was extremely painful for me. It felt like the needle had punctured my lungs. I am not trying to scare you, but I would definitely insist on pain meds. When I have another biopsy I WILL have conscious sedation.

I did have to lay on my right side for several hours after the procedure until they were sure there was no risk of bleeding. I also would NOT recommend lifting anything heavy for several days, if not a week afterwards. The best thing is for you to ask your dr. questions like this. I am pretty sure they will give you instructions before you are released telling you the do's and don'ts post-op.

Good luck and I am sure my experience was an isolated one. This biopsy was done in 2000 and I believe that particular hospital has gotten a LOT better with pain management since then, as I had surgery last May and had NO pain whatsoever. Of course, it was a different dr., but the same hospital and this experience was so easy. I just breezed through it. Best of luck to you, but I would recommend you insist on pain meds, if they don't give them to you.
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thanks everyone, great posts and puts me at ease. my hep doc is doing the procedure himself at the hospital with ultrasound. not sure if it is real time US or "x marks the spot" type. i will remind him to get a sample over 2 cm .  my doc has a path meeting every month with 4 other hep docs & a pathologist and they review slides and fight it out on what stages they are.
jm, i know that i just had the scan back in aug that put me at close to stage 2 and even had another fibrosure about a month ago and that had me F0 just like the one i had a year ago.  i need to get this BX one time just to see for sure where i'm at. i hope it does not correlate well with the scan and is closer to my fibrosure :-)
thanks and i will post tomorrow on how it went.
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I've had three or four biopsies since 1969 and always went with minimal sedation. There was only discomfort the first time when the biopsy was performed by an inexperienced resident. After that, they were performed by experienced hepatolgists, guided only by their experience (no ultrasound) and almost no discomfort. I'm a minimalist when it comes to pain med (except when it's a cystosophy :) ) and would not request anything other than what is usually given. Except for not being able to lift weights the same day, it's usually a pretty benign and hassle free procedure. Not sure why you're getting one based on your Fibroscan but good luck and do let us know how things play out.

-- Jim
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1. NO student doctors. Only gristled, experienced liverheads should have his/her hands on your sampling needle.

2. PREMEDS. Get something good, preferably an IV with demerol or something with a 1960's kick to it. (you'll need a driver to take you home or they'll use that as an excuse to short shrift you here).

3. Ultrasound guided needle insertion. Apparently some hospitals still do it Helen Keller style. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but given a choice you want the best technique possible (helps to prevent complications like hitting an artery and all the fun that would ensue if that happened).

4. Make sure your doc gets a sample of sufficient size. I can't recall offhand how big it should be, but something like 1cm x 4cm?? Check on that and make sure they get a good lil' snippet. Otherwise the confidence level of the grading will be less. If you're going through the trouble of getting this procedure performed, you want the results to be as accurate as possible.

5. Consider having the slides evaluated by more than one clinician (again for accuracy and confidence's sake).

That is all. Adhere to these principles and you should be AOK, dude. And I wouldn't be lifting any 100lb copiers for some time. You'll basically be getting the equivalent of a sword wound right in your gut. Does it sound like a good idea to go U-Hauling anything after getting a sword wound? Of course not, relax and take it easy until your liver and its capillaries have a chance to do some mending.
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267347 tn?1189964825
My biopsy went fine.  All that worrying for nothing.  I was sedated, the procedure took about 20 minutes, then back to the recovery room where it became boring.  I brought a good book to read as I spent 4 hours there.  I didn't have to lay on my side, actually I sat up.  I went to work the next day, a tiny discomfort for two days, after that I felt nothing.  Good luck to you.  I know how scary it can be.
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my Biopsy was a cinch, my appt was for 8:30-9am (February 2007)
i got to the hospital a little early, they prepped me and took me downstairs.

a nurse wheeled me into the biopsy room, put something numbing (i think) on the right side of my stomach....they then did a quick ultra sound just to better determine where my liver was located
...a doctor then walked into the room, he explained to me what he was going to do....
.he picked his spot perfectly and painlessly and that quick it was all over..
.before he left the room he showed me a vile that contained a piece of what looked like a small red sliver of thread....The doctor told me this was my liver sample....
i was wheeled into the hallway and eventually back to a single person same day exit hospital room supplied for patients  just for  their Biopsy's.
i layed there chatting with my waiting wife/driver.with no pain at all....about a half later a nurse came
into the room and said "oh yea i forgot tell you, you need to lay on your right side where the needle went in..this will help the clotting and you will get out of here quicker..

I think they also monitor your blood pressure, i think it drops a little during the biopsy but rises back
fairly quickly once the procedure is completed

anyway...........about an hour later i said when can i get the hell out of here.....she said usually itd be 1pm
but we'll start to get you out of here by 12:30,  ...geez we were back in the car and on our way home
by 1pm.....i was back to work the next day and havnt had a problem since...except of course for the
results of the Biopsy  (stage 2, grade 2)....
Dont worry copyman, you will do fine, good luck and keep me posted on how you make out..
good luck
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229003 tn?1193701924
LOL Bless your heart!
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276730 tn?1327962946
I had the bx about 10 weeks ago...they also used the ultrasound to guide them. THey advised me if they administered a drug for me...I would need someone to drive me home. I had no one to drive me home but me. SO....I didnt take it. Besides they didnt recommend it...they said I wouldnt feel a thing and I didnt. This is my 2nd bx in 20years and the first time I didnt feel anything either no drugs were give either.

Im a good patient I guess-but in reality it was really nothing. ( at least for me)
I go thru more when Aunt FLo comes to town every month like a clock!!!!!!!! lol

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229003 tn?1193701924
my gosh I cannot believe they didn't give you anything - how long ago did you have the bx? - That could be considered barbaric IMO
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229003 tn?1193701924
it's normal to be nervous for the first biopsy - I can tell you my expereince - It was easy breezy, no problems whatsoever - I arrived at the Hospital at 9:00 they brought me into day surgery - they took all the vitals and gave me a shot in the leg - I think it was demerol and something else mixed together, kind of like a twilight drug - I loved the effect LOL  Then half hour later they took me to the X-ray dept where they use the ultrasound machine to guide the pathologist that is doing the bx - They use a long needle looking kind of thing - don't be alarmed if you hear a loud click 2 or 3 times that is the bx needle gathering the samples...

I felt absolutely NO pain, no pain from the needle, as a matter of fact I was laughing with the lab tech while they were doing it LOL , no shoulder pain after, nothing - Yes, I had to stay there for 4 hours, and lay on my side - But then they let me go home, next day I was back at 100% - It's no biggie you'll be fine, I promise...

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276730 tn?1327962946
i wasnt given anything. The procedure itself took literally 1 minute. AFterwards I felt shoulder pain and had throbbing in the liver which was tolerable. Its no more than pulling a tooth..actually for me pulling a tooth would be worse.

I wish you all the luck.
You will be  pleasantly surprised.

I wouldnt lift anything for a couple of days.
However the following day after bx you can do wahtever you want-----you might feel a little sore thats about it.

I stayed on my side 5 hours too! Again good luck---
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