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Polyps and surgery

I am 29 and have asthma. I had surgery six weeks ago for the removal of my polyps. I was told they are already growing back. I have taken every medication possible (steroids, antibot's and sprays). Is there anything else I can possibly try? I am so upset about this. I have lost two jobs and have no hope of ever feeling better. Nothing seems to work. I have chronic sinus infections constantly and horrible headaches that never go away. Please help!

This discussion is related to Research on Cause of nasal polyps.
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There has been evidence that application of capsaicin after polypectomy prevents recurrence of nasal polyps.

It appears that you have been battling this problem for a while.
The headaches and sinusitis are a consequence of the polyps and would resolve once the polyps have been treated.

Do you mean to say that you have been using local applications of steroids to minimize chances of polyp recurrence after the polyp removal?

It is quite possible that the atmosphere in the area you live in , if moist and wet, can predispose to regrowth of polyps and aggravate the asthma.

Steam inhalation can help with the sinusitis and provide relief.

Were you also evaluated for deviated nasal septum? And has histopathology of the polyps been done?

Do keep us posted on your doubts and progress.
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How are you? If the underlying infection or allergy is not treated, polyps will often recur. The main goals in treating a sinus infection or sinusitis involve reducing the swelling or inflammation in the nasal passages and sinuses, eliminating the infection, promoting drainage from the sinuses, and maintaining open sinuses.Increasing daily fluid intake, inhaling steam, and taking expectorants and pain relievers open and hydrate the sinuses may promote drainage. A continuing sinus infection may need further investigation. A culture obtained during a routine office visit or during endoscopic surgery may reveal anaerobes a type of bacteria or fungi, which require treatment.

I hope this helps. Take care and keep us posted.
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