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help in dealing with side effects of bactrim

bactrim, extreme rash, and what treatment.  should we go to hospital

This discussion is related to Bactrim DS  Rash .
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I was curious to know.. I have been taking bactrim now for over 13 days and I recently starting getting red patches of tiny bumps on the back of my lower left leg, on top of my right foot and on the side of my right foot. They are not itchy but nonetheless I am curious if this is a side effect and should I be concerned?
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Do you still have the rash? What other symptoms are present? Aside from severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash, serious side effects of Bactrim include: fever, sore throat, and headache; pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding; cough, feeling short of breath; diarrhea that is watery or bloody; feeling restless or irritable, confusion, hallucinations, seizure; slow heart rate, weak pulse, severe tingling, numbness, muscle pain or weakness; and urinating less than usual. It would be best to call your doctor at once and inform him of this side effect. He will provide you with an alternative antibiotic. You can read more about this through this link: http://www.drugs.com/bactrim.html

Take care and keep us posted.
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