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weird milk reaction

Hi all,
I am a 40+ adult that is lactose intolerant.  My mother suggested that I try the over-the-counter, once a day pill to help me cope with eating on the road and hidden dairy in foods.  I have done well with it until yesterday.  I have never pushed the limits of this pill because I know the regular "lactose chewable" pills will not save my digestive reaction if I blatantly pig-out on dairy, but it does help for traces of dairy.  

Anyway, I risked it and ate about 1/2 a yoplait yogurt, expecting at worse, a painful rush to bathroom within the half-hour.  Instead, I got a weird burning sensation in my chest.  My throat starting itching terribly.  My breathing was "darth vader" like.  Now, it wasn't so bad that I thought I was about to die but it was bad enough that I felt like there was weight on my chest and something squeezing off my throat.

I have googled, unsuccessfully for a couple of hours, and haven't found this reaction.  I have an appointment with an allergy doc, but it isn't for 3 weeks.  Has anyone heard of this before?

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Is it possible to be allergic to milk and not get stomach irritation?

I get itchy throat and sinus like reactions from milk.
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563773 tn?1374246539

You are having milk allergy.If you consume dairy product in any form,it will cause allergies and sometimes life threatening anaphylaxis.

Symptoms of allergy includes rashes,hives,intense itching,difficulty in breathing and swallowing etc.

Pls do not consume any form of dairy product. In addition to the avoidance of allergen in your diet, you can take some OTC antihistaminics like benadryl or Claritin. They can relieve the symptoms.

If your symptoms do not improve then pls consult an allergy specialist.You may need steroids or immunotherapy.

Also wear an allergy bracelet in future describing your milk allergy and carry an epipen along with you so that life threatening anaphylaxis can be avoided.

Please do keep me posted about the developments.

Kind Rgds.

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