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I keep getting sick and I don't know why

I was tested for allergies 10 years ago, and the tests showed allergies to dust mites. I controlled it through environment. The symptoms I was having at the time (sneezing uncontrollably for hours in the mornings) went away, so I figured I outgrew them. Around the same time I had stomach problems and was diagnosed with acid reflux. I took meds for several years and then went off when the symptoms went away.

Last December, I started having shortness of breath, dizziness, vertigo, and an increase in migraines and headaches. I went to the doctor, and they said I had asthma. A pulmonologist put me on Advair and Prilosec. I went to an ENT for the dizziness, and they found nothing. I had an MRI that was negative. I saw a neurologist for the dizziness and headaches, and they found nothing.  

Since March, I have been getting sick with cold/flu symptoms (fever, aches, congestion, cough, stuffy nose, sore throat, nausea) almost every month. I had a chest x-ray, and it showed nothing. I took antibiotics,, but they did not help. I am seeing an allergist in a few weeks. I started taking Zyrtec a few weeks ago.

I take multivitamins daily, and flax oil supplements. I have tried green tea, grape seed extract, zinc and echinacea. I do mild exercise regularly and eat fairly well.

My doctor’s office said it's because my asthma and allergies are not controlled properly. I switched from Advair to Asmanex a few months ago because the Advair wasn't working (I was still getting frequent coughs), and I am also uncomfortable taking Advair due to the precautions. My doctor's office suggested Singulair, but I am also uncomfortable with that because I have a history of depression and a family history of suicide, which it can cause.

I read that asthma medications can weaken your immune system, and some of the side effects listed include upper respiratory infection and cough. I'm wondering if the meds I'm on are actually making me sick.
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I am getting pretty frequent infections since I started using Symbicort, with sore throat headache, dizzyness, nausea, etc. But I haven't had any cold like symptoms. Sounds like it could also be related to your allergies. I did see a big improvement when I started taking Singulair with those symptoms. I would say its a good possibility it is the medications.
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I do not smoke. I do have pets. I have hypoalergenic bedding.

My doctor took me off of Advair because it wasn't working. I was getting the same frequent colds then as I am now.

Is it just coincidence that these colds started when I started taking the asthma meds? It wasn't happening before then.
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do you smoke? Do you have any animals? Is you stress level increased? All of these can influence you everyday life. If you have an allergy to dust mites you might want to try hypoallergenic bedding. Also, Sigulair and Advair are great preventative asthma medications. If you are having difficulties you might want to reconsider taking them. the meds you are on are prob, likely not making you sick. To get adverse effects it takes a long period of time. Asthma is a serious chronic disorder and you have to remember it can be dangerous. Take to your doc about your med issues, maybe they can give you some suggestions! Good luck
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242588 tn?1224271700
It appears that you have a most complex illness.  What you describe suggests that, aside from asthma, your overall problem is not one of lower respiratory tract respiratory disease.  That, however does not rule out the possibility that you could have upper respiratory disease, infection or inflammation, despite the ENT having found "nothing" and this could explain the headaches, migraines and dizziness.

You state:  Since March, I have been getting sick with cold/flu symptoms (fever, aches, congestion, cough, stuffy nose, sore throat, nausea) almost every month.  I had a chest x-ray, and it showed nothing.

This and the other symptoms you describe suggest that yours is a multi-system disease.  This would raise the question of either a chronic, indolent infection such as Lyme disease or an auto-immune disease, a category that encompasses a wide range of diseases, many of which are characterized by widespread inflammation of large and/or small blood vessels, called vasculitis, along with inflammation of connective tissues.  This last category of diseases is in the realm of rheumatology.

I suggest that you seek consultation with an academic rheumatologist, at the nearest university medical center, such as the division of rheumatology at the University of Colorado Health Science Center or National Jewish Health, both in Denver, Colorado.
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