Pregnancy Information Center

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A Baby's Story: 3D Ultrasounds of Every Week

Week 33: Pregnancy Week By Week 3D Ultrasound Images

Week 33: Pregnancy Week By Week 3D Ultrasound Images

With 2 months to go until his big debut, your baby's lungs are almost completely developed. He continues to add fat to his body which will keep him warm and provide protection. The color of his eyes is changing from pink to red because of the the fat deposits and his pupils can constrict, dilate and detect light entering his eyes.

The ever-developing neural structure within the brain allow your baby to not only listen, feel and partially see, but is allowing for REM sleep cycles, which your baby will experience often as he sleeps through the majority of the day.

Published October 11, 2010. The clinical images and information presented in this application represent normal fetal growth during a typical pregnancy. The images and information are to be used for educational purposes only and not for diagnostic purposes. Please consult a licensed physician regarding any specific questions pertaining to your pregnancy.