
Pregnancy Information Center

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A Baby's Story: 3D Ultrasounds of Every Week

Week 24: Pregnancy Week By Week 3D Ultrasound Images

Week 24: Pregnancy Week By Week 3D Ultrasound Images

Your baby should be around 1.25 to 1.5 pounds (around 600 grams) and about a foot long (32 cm). His lungs are developing to produce surfactant, a substance that keeps the air sacs in the lungs from collapsing. He is starting to fill out in the face and body and looking more and more like how he will look at birth. Most of the development at this point is in the growth of muscle, bone mass, and developing organs. If your baby were to be born now, he would be able to survive beyond birth with very special care in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The major concern would be ensuring his lungs are developed enough to sustain breathing.

Published October 11, 2010. The clinical images and information presented in this application represent normal fetal growth during a typical pregnancy. The images and information are to be used for educational purposes only and not for diagnostic purposes. Please consult a licensed physician regarding any specific questions pertaining to your pregnancy.