
Pregnancy Information Center

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A Baby's Story: 3D Ultrasounds of Every Week

Week 27: Pregnancy Week By Week 3D Ultrasound Images

Week 27: Pregnancy Week By Week 3D Ultrasound Images

Your baby weighs roughly 2 pounds (880 grams) and measures from head to toe about 14.5 inches (38 cm). Though it's the last week of your second trimester, it will still be a while before your baby's lungs, liver and immune system have fully matured. At this point, brain development will concentrate on the forebrain which deals with visual and auditory information. Your baby’s hearing should be mature enough to recognize your voice as well as your partner’s. The retina in his eye is starting to develop its layers and his skin is wrinkled from floating in the liquid in your uterus. 


Published October 11, 2010. The clinical images and information presented in this application represent normal fetal growth during a typical pregnancy. The images and information are to be used for educational purposes only and not for diagnostic purposes. Please consult a licensed physician regarding any specific questions pertaining to your pregnancy.