11 - 20 of 82153 Posts
It's a girl!!!!!

i am addicted spasmo, for the last 4 years. i take 15-20 caps in a day, i have tried to leave them, but get sever stomacm spasms, it hurt get sudden spasms my body just pulls in. the other issues head aces , loose motion body pains, I can del with them ...

Im having contractions yay! 9-11 mins apart!!!

Ok. So since like 7th grade [I'm only in 9th now] I've felt scared for no reason. And since 7th grade I've struggled with my eating. I've gone on like annorexic cycles on and off . Now I get med a whole lot. I don't even know why. [I'm female] When my gran...

14weeks today and feeling great!!!

Last Friday dilation was at -3 & so the past 3 days or so I've been doing squats & firmly rubbing my stomach for 1 minute in between & I've dilated to . Plus my baby is not breech anymore. I'm gonna keep up the squats & belly rubbing. Plus sex of course to...

Craving junk food! I hate it! I want to eat heathly for my baby, but nothing sounds good unless its junk. ):

4days to go!!! Sooo excited!! :)

i have taken 4 pregnancy tests and they all came back positive. Could this mean i am pregnant?

I have just had a set of MRIs which were clear showing no lesions but I have had some problems for over 20 years that are now getting progressively worse. When researching these I found that I have displayed many of the symptoms listed under MS, under man...

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