21 - 30 of 184 Posts
What can I do for my pressure headache? I have been prescribed Fioricet andit usually works, but sometimes it doesn't. What can I take as an alternative? I have been suffering now for 3 days and just cannot take it any more. Please help.

anyone wanna talk about detoxing thats what im doin now.. im done with hydrocodone

I never in a million years would have thought this would happen to me. I started taking Fiorinal about 15 years ago for a neck injury and also for cluster headaches. I was up to 9 pills a day and am now down to 6 a day (although I took 9 today). I want to ...

I have used fioricet w/codeine off and on for the last 5-6 years. This past year my use has gotten completely out of control. I started with regular fiorinal/fioricet 30+ years ago for headaches and used it when I found doctors who would precribe it. I ...

anyone in RI or southeastern massachusetts know a Dr. that will prescribe Fiorinal for migraines- It is the only thing that works for me- I used to be on 30 per month and always took as prescribed- used them sparingly. then all of a sudden my a hole dr say...

Hi All: I have been on and off of Vicoden and Fiorinal for the last few years. I decided last Friday when I could not get Vicoden that it was time to finally go CT off of both of these. I have felt extremely nauseous all the time - especially Sunday and ...

Hi. I have been taking fiorinal w codeine nearly every day now for the past year. Some days ill have one, some days Ill have up to 4. The past week I have been taking up to about 4 a day due to family stress. my husband and I both suffer from migraines and...

I am 50 now and have migraines off and on since I was 17. I was prescribed fiorinal and it worked! I had suffered almost a week and was so sick but within 15 min of taking it, it was gone. But now, the doctors do not like to give this to me. I have no hear...

I have moved to Costa Rica. I get tension migranes. I usually take Fiorinal and get relief. I have spoken with pharmacies and a doctor here. They are not familiar with this medication. My question is: Is there a medication that would also work on the cen...

I suffer from chronic pain & have for almost 18 years. I have been on & off of fiorinal for years. This round I've been on them since Dec/06 I saw my Dr. he gave me phenobarbital so I won't have seizures during the detox. I am concerned about what might ha...

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