21 - 30 of 646 Posts
i have these spots on my face which are white. my mom says its there because i got to my tanning point. the spots are only on my face not my legs or arms. what should i do or take to stop them from showing. -lauren♥

hi.. i have got a whitish patch on my face..on the side of my right eye and its like a ring worm.. can i use ketoconazole ointment for that.. how about fluconazole tablets.. thnx

Alright so we were planning on naming the baby Navy but it turns out my ex's (first daughters father) cousin just named his daughter Navy. I know it shouldn't seem like that big of a deal but DH is totally put out and doesn't want to have any connection to...

I just wanted to say hello! I've been so busy with getting ready for baby! I miss u all and will be back real soon! Smooches:)

Any chiropractors here use CCEDseminars.com for courses?

Est ce que la présence de varicocèle gauche peut être responsable d'une chaleur excessive permanente et bilatérale au niveau de pli de l'aine ?

Hi I'm new here. Around 4 weeks ago I started to get white patches near my eye on my cheek and the GP said it was pityriasis alba/tinea versicolor. Now, that's gone slightly better but I've started to get this rash near my mouth on the bottom half of my c...

my 10 yr old daughter has very dry, thin and pale skin on the face

this is for my daughter, she is 3years 8months old, there are some white patches in her upper eyelid and beneath in eyes but it is not etching, and found only near the eyes area. we consulted a doctor, he told to do stool test, but it was normal. also he g...

i have a change in skin color located beside my nose.. my skin color around the nose is brown but now it has changed to a very light shade of brown. it was oily but now its dry. i would love to take a picture and post it to show you but i dont know how to....

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