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21 - 30 of 30662 Posts
hi , i got married before a mounth and i have no experience in this subject so i dont know where i am ? im in the right way or not ? doctor the thing is when i have a sexiual realashionship i have a lot of pain that we cant continue , that happens to me ...

Are cough drops safe to take?

for the past two times i have had sex, i couldn't get wet on my own and my partner had to use lubricant. Do you think it have to deal with any STD's or STI's? or do you think it's something esle? please respond back as soon as possible . . .thank you !

I have much trouble when it comes to having an orgasm...It gets too much to keep going, and I stop. That's it. I am wondering if -my inability to orgasm- is cause of my angst? Does this happen to anyone you know? There is no feeling of shame when I do it...

Hi Doctor, I have a few questions for you if you don't mind. I am in my mid 20s and I am having problems with getting a hard erection. When I start having sex with my girlfriend, I start out with a hard erection but during sex my erection becomes sof...

I recently had sex with my boyfriend for the first time. I'm 26 and I waited 8 months into the relationship before I had sex as previously I wanted to save myself for marriage or at least till I was in love. I was so disappointed it was painful and I fel...

I've had sex three times..and all times were quite painfull, when does the pain stop.. better yet when can i actually start enjoying it?

So yesterday I had lost my virginity to my boyfriend and it reallly freaking hurt and of course I bled. Apparently I also hurt him too kinda because I was really tight. And we stopped after a couple of minutes. I bled for a couple an hours and it stopped...

I read alot about runs of 3 PVCs in a row. DOes this mean the the Ventricles contract 3 times in a row before the Atrium does? So like: A-V, A-V, A-V-V-V-PAUSE, A-V? Or is it 3 PVCs/Pauses in a row like: A-V-V-Pause, A-V-V-Pause, A-V-V-PAUSE, A-...

While sexual intrcourse with my wife, sperm is coming within few minutes from my pennis. Please suggest what to do to overcome this problem.

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