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31 - 40 of 90124 Posts
My feet sting and burn so much. My Dr. has me on Lyrica 75 mg twice a day and my concentration is off, my memory is not working and my feet still sting. I also take metformin 500 mg twice a day and irbesartan 300 mg and to sleep I take an Ambien.

I have always, as far as I can remember, had high sugar level results when having my blood tested for annual check-ups. However nothing was ever done about recommendations or advice from the various doctors over the years. Recently after a yearly physica...

My A1C has been improving slightly through weight loss, diet and exercise. It is now at 6.6 At its highest it was 7 or just under. I am not taking medication at present. My daily readings are slightly high in the morning at approx. 130 (dawn effect!), ...

Hi, I was surfing for some info for my pregnant daughter, then I came across this dude's blog. and my daughter has been diagnosed with diabetes couple of mont...

My fiancé as just recently been diagnosed with type two diabetes in January. He was originally talking two 500 mg metformin and one long insulin shot a day. Now he is just talking two 1000 mg of metformin a day. He is worried because he does not feel the s...

I have been a diabetic since 1995, I have always taken Metformin as as of Monday my Doctor has told me that I have Chronic Kidney Disease and told to stop taking the Metformin. So how and what is my next course of action? I read on the web that I could co...

Hi I just got diagnosed type 2 diabetic this past weekend. i was started on glucophage immediately and given menus and diets to follow. even though i have these menus i am so afraid of eating now....i managed to get through the weekend pretty good and my n...

Are there any diabetics taking treatment? One of side effects is elevated blood sugar . Can someone help!

i have pcos

I was diagnosed with type II diabetes 3 months ago. I was started on byetta at the routine initial dose which was increased 2 months ago. I am only taking byetta, and no oral hypoglycemics (metformin, etc.)I have lost 29 lbs in that length of time, primari...

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