41 - 50 of 65 Posts
My daughter has a severe diaper rashno matter what I do it doesn't get better I am really starting to get worried and scared because I've tried everything I switched diapers and it got worse so I went back to Huggies the previous brand wAs parents choice I...

I'm a first time mom-to-be and I would LOVE to know what everyone's favorite brands are when it comes to a few baby items. Diapers Wipes Diaper rash creme Bath wash/shampoo Lotion Powder If there is anything I forgot, please feel free to add it...

I have been afflicted with this problem for over half a year now and it's driving me absolutely crazy. I am a 26 year old male. I've been to the doctor twice now, and he could not definitively diagnose. The problem started in the perineum/lower testicles....

my 19 month old daughter ( due for the 18 month shot, but otherwise utd), who is not in daycare has developed a weird rash. started in the diaper area but didn't quite look like your typical diaper rash, then spread up her body and cover her front and back...

I have been experiencing anal itching for about 5-6 months now. The itching is right around the outer sphincter and radiates out about 2 inches. I am also experiencing a clear liquid that smells quite similar to that of a yeast infection. My wife has now...

I am not sure where this should be posted but I will try here... I have anal itch. It doesn't hurt when I go to the bathroom, and I don't have any other symptoms besides itching. It has been going on for a few weeks now. I am a 20 yr old male and I work...

About a month ago an itchy rash started to resurface on my buttocks near the base of the spine. To be more specific, right at the top of my buttocks fold, in the center of the two. It is very itchy and is irritated easily. Over the course of the past m...

This might be TMI but I have really bad hemroids... that are starting to bleed, does anyone have a good cure or help for these. I went and got some prep H. Does not seems to relieve the pain very much. Sorry , I did not know who else to ask! I would apprec...

Mommies....I have a question. Sarah has a diaper rash that she has had for a couple of days now....its not too bad...but seems to be lingering around and wont go away. Ever since we brought her home, I have had her in pampers swaddlers, which I think are ...

I am a 22 year old man who has had a dry/itchy/painful anus for a couple of months now i am not gay and nothing enters my butt ever.. i went to a couple different docotors and they all said it was nutin. the skin around the anus seems like it gets really d...

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